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Visual HTML editor

HTML editors have many features, but not all of them may be useful to you. We left only the most necessary of them. The table below shows the main functions of the visual editor that we use ourselves and that you will definitely need. We will tell you not only what is useful to you, but also why.

Main functions

Table of the main features of the service. The left column shows the icon, the middle one gives the name of the function, and the right one gives the description.

Main Functions
Paste from WordAllows you to insert a piece of text from the Word editor while maintaining its formatting. Actually turns the service into a word to html converter.
A sourceAllows you to view, copy and edit your text in HTML format. The final stage of your work, here we get the finished result.
Text formatting
Format...Highlight text title (h1 tag), subheadings (h2 tag), level 3 subheadings (h3 tag), and regular text (used by default) (P tag). The specified formatting has a strong impact on the promotion of the page in search engines. Therefore, other types of formatting available in this function are not recommended.
BoldHighlighting a piece of text in bold (strong tag). The most important phrases, sentences or entire paragraphs should be highlighted in bold. The strong tag is used by search engines when ranking a site, but its influence is not as great as that of headings.
numbered listCreation of numbered lists (tags ol, li). Such lists should be created primarily for the convenience of the reader, which will positively affect behavioral factors.
bulleted listCreation of bulleted lists (tags ul, li). Unlike numbered lists, here the order of the items does not matter.
QuoteWe mark a piece of text as a quote (blockquote tag). The blockquote tag should enclose text borrowed from other sources.
LinkInserting a hyperlink to another site or site page (a tag). Helps readers get more information when they click on a link. And search engines increase the ranking of the page to which the link leads.
ImageInsert an image. The picture must first be uploaded to the Internet and have an Address. In the dialog box, you must specify "Alt Text".
TableInsert a table. If the text contains structured data, then it is better to present them in the form of a table.
Special characterInsert characters that are not on the standard keyboard.
For example: ®, ©, ™, ¥, ½.
Secondary functions
CutCut selected text.
CopyCopies the selected text.
InsertInsert a piece of text broken into paragraphs. All other formatting is removed.
CancelUndoes the last action taken.
RepeatRedoes the last undone action.
ExpandExpands the HTML editor to full screen. Convenient when working with large text.

And it’s all? Why so few features?

The HTML code is very rich in functionality, and you can add almost anything to it. The question is, is this really necessary?

For example, things like forms (the form tag), a text field, a checkbox, a radio button (the input tag) and so on can be on the site if they adequately interact with the site’s "engine". That is, to perform the function intended for them: leave a comment, vote, etc. And this requires programming skills. Otherwise, this functionality will only mislead users and cause irritation when using your site.

If, in addition to the above, you want to decorate your text with such design elements as:

Visual HTML online editor (WYSIWYG)

Then such a text will turn your site into a Christmas tree that will delight only your family and friends. Many popular sites do not take full advantage of HTML’s rich formatting capabilities.

The possibilities available in our service will help you arrange your article in such a way as to inspire the trust of both its readers and search engines. If you really want to highlight a certain section of text with a different style, then it is better to do this using the style.css file.

WYSIWYG html editor

Our html editor has the WYSIWYG property, the word is an abbreviation of the English. W hat Y ou S ee I s W hat Y ou G et, literally translated "what you see is what you get." This property allows you to display the content of the material during editing as close as possible to what you get on your site when you insert the html code fragment received from the "source" (button ).

However, you should remember that your site has styles for the design of various text elements (headings, lists, paragraphs, images). Typically, these styles are stored in the style.css file. Without connecting this file, i.e. without placing the resulting html code on your site, you cannot be 100% sure of the reliability of the visible result. This statement is true for all visual code editors.

Word to html conversion

Our service can be used to convert text from a word file to html format. To do this, you need to copy the required fragment from word, and by pressing the "Paste from Word" button on our service, paste the copied fragment into the dialog box that appears.

Unlike other similar converters, our service cleans up word formatting, leaving only the most necessary:

That is, you practically do not have to clean up extra html code from your material. It is enough to format the text properly in the Word editor, convert it to html format using our service, and you will immediately get the finished result.

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