Wise GeekGame Walkthroughs → Camelot 2: The Holy Grail - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step

Camelot 2: The Holy Grail - Full Walkthrough with Tips and Puzzles

Camelot 2: Holy Grail. Guinevere, Queen of Camelot, has contracted a mysterious illness that can be cured by the power of the Holy Grail. Only this sacred artifact has long been lost in the vastness of Avalon, a mysterious kingdom full of secrets and mystical creatures. To find the Grail and bring it to Camelot as quickly as possible, King Arthur’s trusted magician embarks on a dangerous journey through uncharted lands. This article describes a complete and detailed walkthrough of the game with pictures. An overview of all the secrets, tips, tactics and features of game mechanics from start to finish is given.


  1. General Tips
  2. Chapter 1 Royal Request
  3. Chapter 2 Saving the Druids
  4. Chapter 3 Enchanted Wizards
  5. Chapter 4 Betrayal of the Shamans
  6. Chapter 5 The Wicked Witch’s Revenge
  7. Chapter 6 Jack in Green
  8. Collectible Potions
  9. Morph Objects

Camelot 2: General Tips

The mysterious illness of the Queen of Camelot could not be cured by any known means. Then the trusted magician of the king conducted a study and concluded that the power of the Holy Grail, a treasure lost in the kingdom of Avalon, could help the patient. To search for him, the hero of the game goes on a dangerous journey full of intrigues and traps. The queen’s life is at stake, so you need to find the Grail as soon as possible, and, most importantly, deliver it to the palace as soon as possible. Will the mage be able to complete the task? The success of this business depends on you.

Go through the locations of the game, collect the necessary items, look for the right ways to use them, communicate with the characters you meet and play mini-games. In case of difficulty, use the hint and check your location on the Map of the area. The game has several difficulty modes: choose any for a comfortable passage.

This guide does not mention every time you need to zoom in on a location. The screenshots show the part of the zoom where the action is available. This guide provides solutions for all mini-games (MG) and Hidden Object Puzzles (HO). Sometimes, in order to continue the story, you need to go to another place to watch a cutscene or listen to dialogue. Use the Map to quickly move between locations.

Camelot 2: Chapter 1 Royal Request

  1. Take the Crystal (A), the recipe piece (B), the flower tile under the bags (C), the cauldron (D), the ladle (E).
  2. Enter the tent (F).

  1. Take the ginger powder (G), then place the Crystal on the book (H).
  2. Play MG on the book. Repeat three sequences as follows.
  3. First sequence: 4-8-2.
  4. Second sequence: 1-5-7-3.
  5. Third sequence: 6-3-8-1-7.
  6. Look at the bag (K); take the recipe piece and knife (L).

  1. Use the knife to cut the rope on the sage bundle (M) and then take it (N).
  2. Look at the table (O).

  1. Complete the BUT using items as shown in (1-10).
  2. Take the coltsfoot flowers (A).

  1. Use the knife to cut the greens (B), then take the recipe piece (C).
  2. Take the cauldron in inventory and fill it with water (D).

  1. Click on the part of the recipe with the "+" sign (E).
  2. Assemble the recipe using the recipe parts in your inventory (F, G, H).
  3. Then click on the recipe to glue all of its parts together (J).

  1. Place the cauldron of water on the fire (A).
  2. Put the recipe near the fire (B) and then throw the first ingredient into the cauldron (C).

  1. Use the rest of the ingredients as directed in the recipe.
  2. Right ingredient sequence: ginger powder (D), sage bunch (E), mint stems (F).
  3. When the potion is ready, take it with the ladle (G).

  1. Go to the tent and give the ladle of potion to the witch (H).
  2. After the dialogue, you will receive the first rune - the rune of light.

  1. Go back to the meadow, zoom in on the tree roots. Click on the amulet to open it (J).
  2. Use the rune of light to illuminate the cave under the roots (K).
  3. Take the Crown symbol (L) and fresco fragment (M).

  1. Use the crown symbol to open the box (A).
  2. Then take the sword (B).

  1. Return to the meadow and use the sword to cut down the ivy (C).
  2. Place the flower symbol on the stone (D).
  3. Swipe the flower to the end as shown in (1-10).
  4. When you’re done, go to the cave (E).

Take the fresco tile (F) and return to the tent.

  1. Place the fresco pieces to assemble it (G, H).
  2. Take the key (J).
  3. Examine the table for a BUT (K).

Find all hidden objects, they are marked with white squares on (A) and (B).

  1. Feed the ferret with meat (C).
  2. Take STONE TILE (D).

  1. Use the key to open the box (E) and take the wooden eye (F).
  2. Use the stone tile to reveal the hidden location (G) and then take the Grail symbol (H).
  3. Enter the cave (J).

  1. Use the Grail symbol to open the cache (A) and then take the leaves (B).
  2. Place the newly picked leaves on the magical stone table (C).
  3. After adding the leaves, find all the symbols to activate the portal.

  1. Symbol positions are marked with white squares at (D).
  2. After activating the portal, go through it (E).

Camelot 2: Chapter 2 Saving the Druids

  1. Place the wooden eye on the idol (A), then return the idol’s horn (B), then place the triangle on the idol’s chest (C).
  2. Take the ax handle (D) and broom (E).

  1. Use the broom to sweep away the leaves (F) and then take the BROKEN FAN (G).
  2. Take the yellow tile (H) and the straw (I).

  1. Click on the broken fan to open it (J) and then use the straws to fix it (K).
  2. Move to the next location (L).

  1. Take the antler (M).
  2. Then zoom in on the mushrooms and click on them (N).
  3. Use the fan to disperse the disputes (O).
  4. After that, when the air is clear, take the ax (P).
  5. Go deeper into the meadow to play a BUT (Q).

Find all the hidden objects, their positions are marked with white squares on (A).

  1. Click on the ax to open it (B), then place the handle on it (C) and tie everything with a rope (D).
  2. Take the purple round tile (E).

  1. Use the ax to split the trunk (F), then click on the branches to scatter them (G).
  2. Take the GOLD RINGS (H) and the VINE (I).

  1. Click on the hexagon on the tree (J).
  2. Use the pink (K) and yellow (L) round tiles to start the mini-game.
  3. Complete the mini-game by moving the round tiles. The correct sequence to win is 3-4-1-6-5-2-3-6.
  4. Take the CROSS KEY (M).

  1. Use the vine to raise the archway (A).
  2. Enter the tree (B).

  1. Click on the curtains to open them (C).
  2. Click on the amulet to open it (D) and use the rune of light to illuminate the niche (E).
  3. Take the wooden round tile (F) and use the cross key (G) to open the box.
  4. Take the yellow ball (H) and the antler (I).

  1. Take the instruction on the hatch (J).
  2. Click on the herb cart to select the fruit (K), then take it (L).
  3. Return to the courtyard in front of the tree.

  1. Take the man figurine (M) and the red orb (N) on the stairs.
  2. Use the metal screw to fix the wooden bucket (O), then take it (P).

  1. Return to the thorn meadow and fill the bucket with rose flower glue (A).
  2. Place the fruit (B) and the human figurine (C) on the altar.
  3. After the chest in the altar opens, take the Gold Wire (D) and the Crystals (E).

  1. Click on the deer horn to reveal an item (F).
  2. Use the other deer antler to fix the crown (G).
  3. Tie everything with gold wire (H) and insert the crystals (I) to complete the crown.

  1. Use BUCKET WITH GLUE (J). Click on it to repair the stairs (K).
  2. Put the crown on the idol (L).
  3. When the cache opens, take the wooden tile (M) and instructions (N).
  4. Go up the stairs (O).

  1. Take the white ball (P) and instruction piece (Q).
  2. Use the instruction (R) and repeat the character sequence as shown on it (S).
  3. Then take the WOODEN TILES (T).

  1. Click on the leaf to remove it (A), then click on the basket to pull it up (B).
  2. Take the knife (C) and then use it to take the wooden symbol (D).

  1. Go back inside the tree and zoom into the papers on the table (E).
  2. Place the missing instruction pieces (F), (G) and start the mini-game.
  3. To assemble the instructions, swap the following pieces with each other: 1-4, 3-6, 11-3, 4-7, 11-4, 4-8, 12-10.
  4. Then turn the following parts: 2 - three times, 7 - two times, 4 - once, 10 - two times, 9 - two times.

  1. Examine the hatch (H) and use the instruction (I).
  2. Use the golden badges (J), (K), (L) and the wooden rune (M) as instructed (I).
  3. Travel back to the thorn patch (N).

  1. Examine the stone slab (O), use the yellow (P), white (Q), and red (R) marbles in the holes.
  2. Take the golden chain (S) and red heart (S).
  3. Head forward into the meadow to play a NO (T).

Find all hidden objects, their positions are marked with white polygons (A), (B).

  1. Go back inside the tree and enter the hatch opened earlier (C).
  2. After falling into the cave, use the rune of light (D).
  3. Zoom into the root area (E).
  4. Remove the branches (F) and take the wooden fist (G).
  5. Use the wooden fist on the door (H).

  1. Take the golden rod sticking out of the ground (I).
  2. Zoom into the area with the wolf skull (J) and collect the wooden chute (K).
  3. Examine the rune area on the wall (L) and collect the crystal (M).
  4. Go to the cart with things in the corner of the cave to play a NO (N).

  1. Use the items from the inventory to the hidden objects according to the numbering 1-6.
  2. The positions of the hidden objects are marked with white polygons (A), (B).

  1. Enter the doorway opened earlier (C).
  2. Pick up pickaxe (D).
  3. Zoom in on the statue area (E) and collect the bone knife (F).
  4. Examine the crate area on the ground (G) and collect the cape (H).
  5. Remove the rock and pick up the HANDKERCHIEF (I).

  1. Zoom in on the chest on the pedestal (J) and collect the tree beans (K).
  2. Zoom into the area with the waterfall (L) and collect the wooden scoop (M).
  3. Click on the top chute (N) and take the triangle (O).
  4. Place the wooden chute on the empty platform (Q).
  5. Click on the middle chute (P) and the bottom chute (Q).

  1. Click on the piece of crystal in inventory with the "+" indicator (A).
  2. Use the GOLD RINGS on the crystal (B). Click on the crystal 2 times (1, 2).

  1. Return to the cave and zoom in on the area with the wolf skull (C).
  2. Use the bone knife to open the jaw of the skull (D).
  3. Take the eggshell half (E).
  4. Zoom in on the pendants (F). Use the available pendants (G, H) on the indicated areas (1,2).
  5. Take the second triangle (I).

  1. Exit the cave into the sanctuary and zoom into the crate area on the ground (J).
  2. Use the triangles (K, L) in the inventory into the openings of the chest (1, 2).
  3. Disassemble the trash in the chest (M).
  4. Take the maple leaf (N) and bunch of dry herbs (O).
  5. Zoom in on the waterfall area (P) and fill the eggshell half (Q) with water.

  1. Enter back into the cave and zoom into the roots area (R).
  2. Use the pickaxe (S) on the ground (T) to dig a small hole.
  3. Drop the tree beans (U) into the hole (V) and fill the beans (W) with eggshell water (X).

  1. Climb out of the cave along the stems of the bean tree (A).
  2. Take the DIRTY MAGIC MIRROR (B).
  3. Examine the area with the flower under the glass (C) and collect the curved knife (D).
  4. Examine the bush area (E).
  5. Take red berries (F) and nuts (G).

  1. Click on the nuts in inventory with the "+" indicator (H).
  2. Use the CURVED KNIFE (I) on the nuts.
  3. Click 3 times on the nuts to peel them.

  1. Click on the dirty magic mirror in inventory with the "+" indicator (J).
  2. Clean the dirty fairy mirror with the handkerchief (K).

  1. Go back inside the tree and zoom into the herb cart area (L).
  2. Use the three nuts (M) on the wringer to get the walnut butter (N).
  3. Use the lift (O) to reach the patterned area (P).
  4. Insert the red heart (Q) into the hole to open the cache.
  5. Take the blue flower (R) from the cache.
  6. Return to the platform on the tree.

  1. Examine the cage area (A) and collect the symbol (B).
  2. Examine the area with the cauldron (C) and collect the empty sack (D).
  3. Examine the area of ​​the basket on the rope (E).
  4. Use the maple leaf (F) on the basket. Take the star (G) and symbol (H).
  5. Return to the cave under the greenhouse.

  1. Zoom into the rune area on the wall (I) and insert the star (J) into the hole.
  2. Complete the MG by pressing the symbols in the given sequence 1-2-3-4-5-6, relative to the screenshot.
  3. Take the earth symbol and magic powder (K).
  4. Go to the cart with things in the corner of the cave to play a NO (L).

Find all hidden objects, their positions are marked with white polygons (M, N).

  1. Walk forward to the shrine.
  2. Examine the chest area on the pedestal (A).
  3. Use the magic mirror (B) on the chest.
  4. Find the symbols to complete the MG (C). The symbols are marked on the screenshot.
  5. Take the blue stone and yellow flower (D).
  6. Examine the treasure area and use the empty sack (E).
  7. Use the wooden scoop (F) on the treasure to drop it into the empty bag.
  8. Take the combination lock panel (G).

  1. Select the pendant in inventory with the "+" indicator (H).
  2. Use the blue stone (I) on the hole in the pendant.
  3. After opening the pendant, take the symbol (J).

  1. Return to the druid greenhouse and zoom into the garden tools area (K).
  2. Use the combination lock panel (L) on the main panel.
  3. Take the pruner (M).
  4. Examine the area with the flower under the glass (N).
  5. Use the three symbols (O, P, Q) on the marked holes and collect the purple flower (R).
  6. Go to the tangled vines to play MG (S).

  1. Use the yellow (T) and blue (U) flowers on the marked areas.
  2. To unravel the creepers, rearrange the flowers in the following order: 1-5, 2-6, 3-4, 2-3 (V).
  3. Return to the platform on the tree.

  1. Examine the table area (A) and use the wooden handle (B) on the box.
  2. Take the gold medallion (C).
  3. Zoom in on the cage area (D) and use the pruner (E) on the cage.

  1. Examine the area with the cauldron (F).
  2. Use the decoction recipe (G) and the magic powder (H) on the cauldron.
  3. Alternately use the bunch of dried herbs (I), nut butter (J), red berries (K), purple flower (L) on the cauldron.
  4. Click on the ladle (M) to get a restorative broth.

  1. Select the gold chain in inventory with the "+" indicator (N).
  2. Use the GOLD MEDALLION (O) on the chain.
  3. Go inside the tree.

  1. Examine the area with the gate and use the vial of magic elixir (P) on the heart of the tree.
  2. Use the fairies (Q) to fully heal the heart of the tree.
  3. Walk forward to the shrine and zoom into the area with the statue (R).
  4. Use the golden rod (S) and the golden medallion (T) on the indicated areas.
  5. Take the crystal and ornament (U).

  1. Walk forward to the greenhouse.
  2. Zoom in on the bush area (A) and use the ornament (B) on the hole in the pot.
  3. Take the red key (C).

  1. Zoom into the table area with gardening tools (D).
  2. Use the red key on the red diamond door lock (E).
  3. Take the green key and use it on the lock on the door with the green circle (F).
  4. Take the blue key and use it on the lock on the door with the blue square (G).
  5. Take the yellow key and use it on the yellow triangle door (H).
  6. Take the bandage and triquevert (I).

  1. Zoom in on the caged druid’s area (J) and use the living magic sliver (K) on the lightning bolt.
  2. Insert the triquevert into the lock (L) to open the cage grate.
  3. Use Revitalizing Brew (M) to save the druid’s life.

Camelot 2: Chapter 3 Enchanted Wizards

  1. Zoom in on the Portal Activation Stones (A).
  2. Use the crystal (B) on the marked area.

  1. Complete the BUT to activate the portal to the mage world (C, D).
  2. The positions of the hidden objects are marked with white polygons, respectively to the numbering 1-5.
  3. Enter the portal leading to the mage world (E).

  1. Examine the area with the golem’s remains (F).
  2. Click on the remains to clear them (G).
  3. Pick up the golem’s right arm (H), the golem’s heart piece (I), and the code (J).
  4. Zoom into the area with the wounded mage (K).
  5. Use the bandage (L) on the mage’s wound.
  6. Take the Leo zodiac symbol (M).

  1. Zoom into the cave area in the far wall (A) and use the rune of light (B).
  2. Insert the earth symbol (C) into the hole and take the key (D).
  3. Examine the area of ​​collapsed rocks (E).
  4. Assemble the bell pieces (1-5).
  5. Walk forward into the passage (F).

  1. Take the metal lever stuck in the ground (G).
  2. Examine the niche area on the left (H) and take the WOODEN RATCHET (I).
  3. Examine the area of ​​the stairs (J) and collect the horn (K).
  4. Examine the door lock area (L) and use the key (M) to open the lock.
  5. Enter the miners’ room (N).

  1. Use the items from the inventory to the hidden objects according to the numbering 1-6.
  2. Hidden object positions are marked with white polygons (O, P).

  1. Head back to the crystal deposit and zoom in on the area of ​​collapsed rocks.
  2. Use the metal lever to move the large stone (A).
  3. Insert the horn (B) into the lock hole of the bag and collect the blue goddess (C).
  4. Walk forward into the passage and zoom into the stairs area (D).
  5. Insert the green (E) and blue (F) goddesses into the marked holes.
  6. Walk forward to the library entrance (G).

  1. Use the bird cage cape (H) and take the rope (I).
  2. Examine the cabinet area (J).
  3. Use the bell (K) and the code (L) on the marked areas.
  4. Complete the MG by clicking on the bells in the correct order (1-4) and collect the square crystal (M).
  5. Examine the door lock area (N) and insert the square crystal into the lock hole (O).
  6. Walk forward to the backyard of the castle (P).

  1. Zoom into the snowdrift area (Q).
  2. Make three snowballs (R) and take the wooden block (S).
  3. Examine the table area under the canopy (T) and take the chisel (U).
  4. Place the wooden block (V) on the table and use the chisel (W).
  5. Take the wooden handle (X).

  1. Click on the WOODEN RATCHET with the "+" indicator (Y).
  2. Insert the handle into the wooden ratchet (Z).

  1. Examine the area of ​​the frozen fountain (A) and take the pipette (B).
  2. Use 3 snowballs to knock the nest off the tree (C).
  3. Try to keep the snowball in the center of the sight to fill the aiming scale (1, 2).
  4. Zoom in on the fallen nest (D) and remove the feathers (E).
  5. Take the owl and lamp valve (F).

  1. Go back to the library entrance and zoom in on the golem area (G).
  2. Listen to the golem’s monologue and give it the WOODEN RATCHET WITH HANDLE (H).
  3. Zoom into the control panel area (I).
  4. Move the chips so that they match the drawings to the remote control (1, 2).
  5. Walk forward to the Crystal Lab (J).

  1. Take the torch holder (K).
  2. Examine the table area (L) and collect the icebreaker (M).
  3. Remove the cork from the bottle and use the pipette to draw up the acids (N).
  4. Examine the hanger area (O).
  5. Move the raincoats in this order: 2-5, 3-2, 1-3, 4-1, 3-4.
  6. Take the cheese (P).
  7. Zoom in on the mouse hole area (Q) and use the cheese to lure the mouse out (R).
  8. Use the rune of light to illuminate the hole (S) and collect the star (T).

  1. Click on the torch piece in inventory with the "+" indicator (U).
  2. Click on the part of the torch to straighten the teeth (1-4).
  3. Use the holder on the torch piece to connect them together (V).

  1. Head back to the crystal deposit and zoom in on the cart area.
  2. Use the acid dropper on the chain (A) and collect the crystal and left arm (B).
  3. Walk forward on the hike and zoom into the niche area on the left (C).
  4. Insert the torch into the hole in the stone (D).
  5. Take the medallion and eyepiece (E).
  6. Go to the miners’ room to play a BUT (F).

Find all hidden objects. Their positions are marked with white polygons (G).

  1. Go to the castle backyard and zoom into the frozen fountain area (H).
  2. Use the icebreaker on the ice (I) and take the star (J).
  3. Zoom into the base of the statue (K) and collect the scroll (L).
  4. Use both stars according to the hole shapes (M, N).
  5. Take the top of the heart and the sapphire (O).

  1. Click on the mechanical heart in inventory with the "+" indicator (P).
  2. Insert the top piece into the mechanical heart (Q).

  1. Go back to the crystal lab and zoom in on the golem area (A).
  2. Take the piece of rope (B).
  3. Insert both arms (C1, C2) and mechanical heart (CH) into the golem.
  4. Use the shrink rune (D) on the golem and collect it (E).
  5. Examine the table area (F).
  6. Use eyepiece (G1), handle (G2) and crystal (G3).
  7. Click on the handle and take the owl stone (H).

  1. Click on the one-eyed owl in inventory with the "+" indicator (I).
  2. Insert the Owl Stone into the left eye of the One-Eyed Owl (J).
  3. Go back to the library entrance and zoom in on the closet area.
  4. Insert the owl into the opening of the box (K) and take the ruby ​​(L).

  1. Go back to the crystal lab and zoom in on the mouse hole area (M).
  2. Launch the golem into the hole (N).
  3. Guide the golem along the path to complete the MG (O1, O2).
  4. Walk forward to the crystal room (P).

  1. Examine the area of ​​mirrors (Q).
  2. Take the pincers (R).
  3. Examine the mosaic area (S) and take the box key (T).
  4. Examine the area with the shields (U) and collect the ax (V).
  5. Examine the area of ​​the door to the library (W).
  6. Use scroll (X1) and medallion (X2).

  1. Go inside the library and use the rune of light (A).
  2. Hold LMB and draw symbols (B1, B2, OT) passing control points (1-4, 5-13, 14-19).

  1. Examine the cabinet shelf area (C) and collect the framed mirror (D).
  2. Zoom into the fireplace area (E) and collect the painting fragment (F).
  3. Examine the castle area (G) and collect the piece of rope (H).

  1. Examine the lamp area (I) and insert the handle (J).
  2. Open the lamp and take the cabinet key (K).
  3. Click on the rope in inventory with the "+" indicator (L).
  4. Tie one piece of rope to the other (M).

  1. Go back to the crystal room and zoom into the window area (N).
  2. Tie the curtain to the hook with the rope (O).
  3. Take the shield rune (P) and notes (Q).
  4. Zoom in on the painting area (R) and paste the missing piece (S).
  5. Go to the room behind the painting to play a NO (T).

  1. Complete the BUT (A, B) using the items as shown in (1-10).
  2. Take the bird (C).

  1. Go back to the backyard and zoom into the frozen fountain area (D).
  2. Insert the bird into the hole in the plate (E) and collect the Aquarius zodiac sign (F).
  3. Examine the table area under the canopy (G) and insert the key into the lock of the box (H).
  4. Take the cabinet key and screwdriver (I).
  5. Walk back to the Crystal Lab.

  1. Examine the cabinet area (J).
  2. Insert both keys into the marked holes in the doors (K1, K2).
  3. Take the zodiac clue (L) and the crystal (M).
  4. Select the framed mirror in inventory with the "+" indicator (N).
  5. Use the screwdriver on the framed mirror (O).

  1. Walk forward into the crystal room and zoom into the area of ​​the zodiac signs (A).
  2. Insert the zodiac signs Aquarius (B1) and Leo (B2). Put down the zodiac code (OT).
  3. Click on the signs in the correct order (1-12).
  4. Go down the rocky path (C).

  1. Take the ladder (D).
  2. Examine the bridge area (E) and collect the crystal idol (F).
  3. Examine the area of ​​the experimental golem (G).
  4. Use the ax to cut through the sternum (H).
  5. Take arrows (I1) and gear (I2).
  6. Zoom into the mechanism area (J).
  7. Use the pliers to pull the part of the emblem out of the mechanism (K1).
  8. Take the shield rune (K2).

  1. Place the crystal idol on the pedestal and activate it (L).
  2. Go back to the crystal room and zoom in on the shield area.
  3. Insert both runes into the holes in the shield (M1, M2) and take the chain (N).
  4. Go down the rocky path and zoom into the mechanism area (O).
  5. Insert the gear into the mechanism (P1) and hang the chain on the gear (P2).

  1. Go back to the library and place the ladder on the large cabinet (Q).
  2. Zoom in on the emblem area (R) and insert the emblem piece into the hole (S).
  3. Take the BOOKHOLDER and AMETHYST (T).
  4. Examine the cabinet area (U).
  5. Place the book holder (V).
  6. Take the green paint and emerald (W).
  7. Examine the area with the caged castle (X).
  8. Insert the gems (Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4) and take the book of light (Z).

  1. Return to the room behind the painting to play a NO.
  2. Find all paired hidden objects. Their positions are marked and the pairs are numbered (1-12).

  1. Go down the rocky path.
  2. Examine the cart area (A) and collect the planks (B).
  3. Examine the wall area (C) and collect the bow (D).
  4. Examine the bridge area (E) and insert the planks (F).
  5. Click on the bow in inventory with the "+" indicator (G).
  6. Add arrows to the bow (H).
  7. Walk forward to the castle front (I).

  1. Shoot the bow and arrow at the snow canopy (J).
  2. Take the poker (K).
  3. Examine the cobblestone area (L).
  4. Shake the snow and take the blueberries (M).
  5. Examine the board area (N).
  6. Tear down the posters (O) and take the clue to the drawing (P).

  1. Examine the stone griffin area (Q) and collect the hoop (R).
  2. Examine the lifting mechanism area (S) and collect the hoop (T).
  3. Examine the door area of ​​the house (U).
  4. Use the ax to cut the planks (V) and go inside to play a BUT (W).

Find all hidden objects, their positions are marked with white polygons (1-12).

  1. Walk forward into the crystal hall and illuminate it with the rune of light (A).
  2. Click on the book of light in inventory with the "+" indicator (B).
  3. Use the GOLD SIGNET (C) on the book.
  4. Collect and use the scepter (D) on the golem.
  5. Hold LMB to draw runes.
  6. Draw runes (1-3) to disenchant the golem.

  1. Take both swords (E1, E2).
  2. Examine the throne area (F) and collect the hex key (G).
  3. Zoom in on the organ area (H).
  4. Wake up the owl (I).
  5. Take scarf and feathers (J1, J2).
  6. Select the pestle and mortar in inventory with the "+" indicator (K).
  7. Use the pestle to crush the blueberries (L).
  8. Return back to the library.

  1. Examine the fireplace area (M) and use the poker (N).
  2. Take DIRTY PEN (O).
  3. Select the dirty handle in inventory with the "+" indicator (P).
  4. Wipe off the dirt with the scarf (Q).
  5. Go back to the rocky passage and zoom in on the cart area.
  6. Place both rings (R1, R2) on the sphere and take the mirror (S).

  1. Place the crystal on the pedestal (A1) and hook the mirrors into place (A2, AZ).
  2. Adjust the mirrors (B) and take the thread (C).
  3. Click on the feathers in inventory with the "+" indicator (D) and fasten them with thread (E).

  1. Use the hexagon wrench to unscrew the handle (F).
  2. Insert both swords into the holes (G1, G2) and take the bird sign (H).
  3. Insert the handle into the panel (I) and take the white key (J).
  4. Insert the handle into the mechanism (K).
  5. Use the shrink rune on the magic ball (L1) and collect it (L2).
  6. Enter the castle.

  1. Zoom into the chest area and insert the bird sign (M).
  2. Take the female portrait (N1) and colorful beads (N2).
  3. Zoom in on the table area.
  4. Flip through the page of the book (O1) and place the magic ball on the stand (O2).
  5. Take the black key (P1) and the red eye (P2).
  6. Zoom in on the organ area.
  7. Insert the white and black keys (Q1, Q2) and place the notes on the stand (Q3).
  8. Take WHITE PAINT (R).
  9. Return to the rocky path and zoom in on the wall area.

  1. Use the drawing hint, white, green, blue paints and a brush (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5).
  2. Take the JUG and RED EYE (T).
  3. Walk forward to the front of the castle.
  4. Zoom into the stone griffin area and insert both red eyes (U1, U2).
  5. Collect the male portrait (V) and enter the house (W) to play a NO.

Find all hidden objects, their positions are marked with white polygons (1-12).

  1. Walk forward into the crystal hall and zoom into the throne area (A).
  2. Insert the wooden griffin on the side of the throne (B) and collect the pink crystal (C).
  3. Examine the family tree wall area to play MG (D).

  1. Insert the missing mage portraits into the family tree holes (E1, E2).
  2. Move the mage portraits to their matching slots to complete the MG.
  3. 21-1, 8-2, 10-3, 20-4, 18-5, 13-6, 16-7, 3-8, 2-10, 22-11, 4-12, 17-13, 7- 13, 6-16, 1-17, 19-18, 14-19, 11-20, 12-21, 5-22.

  1. Take the carafe of water (F).
  2. Enter the portal that will take you back to the path cave (G).

Camelot 2: Chapter 4 Betrayal of the Shamans

  1. Examine the area of ​​the portal activation stones (A).
  2. Place the carafe of water in the hole (B).

  1. Complete the BUT to activate the portal to the mage world (C, D).
  2. The positions of the hidden objects are marked with white polygons, respectively to the numbering 1-5.
  3. Enter the portal leading to the world of shamans (E).

  1. Take LONG STICK (F).
  2. Zoom in on the stone slab (G) and collect the green eye (H).
  3. Examine the area of ​​the thorny bush (I) and take the scarf with the LONG STICK (J).
  4. Go to the boat near the shore to play a NO (K).

  1. Complete the BUT (A, B) using the items in the location (1-12).
  2. Take the scraper (C).
  3. Walk forward to the waterfall.

  1. Examine the reed area (D).
  2. Cut the reed with the scissors (E) and take the black stone (F).
  3. Pick up the feathers (G).
  4. Zoom in on the waterfall area (H) and use the reed to fish out the crab (I).
  5. Take the marble stone (J).
  6. Zoom in on the stone lion head area (K).
  7. Insert the green eye into the head (L) and collect the blue crystal (M).
  8. Return back to the shore of the lake.

  1. Examine the stone slab area (N).
  2. Place both stones on the ground (O1, O2).
  3. Arrange stones in three pillars (1-10).
  4. Take MAGIC COLLAR (P).
  5. Examine the pillar area by the lake (Q).
  6. Take the WRIST (R) and HALF BEAR HEAD (S).
  7. Examine the stone dog area (T).
  8. Put the magic collar on the dog (U).
  9. Collect the fire symbol (V) and go forward to the cliff (W).

  1. Pick up the ladder (A).
  2. Use the Reduction Rune on the totem and collect it (B).
  3. Examine the area of ​​the wounded shaman (C) and wrap the scarf around the wound (D).
  4. Zoom in on the source area (E).
  5. Use the scraper on the clay (F1, F2) and the crystal (F3).
  6. Insert pink crystal (G).
  7. Return to the waterfall and zoom in on the totem area.
  8. Insert the small totem into the hole (H).
  9. Take the key (I1) and the cap with the wick (I2).

  1. Return to the boat by the lake to play a NO.
  2. Find all hidden objects (1-12).

  1. Walk forward to the cliff and zoom into the tree area (J).
  2. Take the water symbol (K).
  3. Use the ladder to the lookout tower (L1) and zoom into the chest area (L2).
  4. Insert the key into the lock (M).
  5. Fill the jug with gunpowder (N1) and take the torch (N2).
  6. Examine the area of ​​the wounded shaman (O) and insert the amulet into the lock of the bag (P).
  7. Take the wolf head (Q1) and the elixir (Q2). Give the shaman to drink the elixir (Q3).

  1. Select the bracelet in inventory with the "+" indicator (R) and use the rope (S).
  2. Look at the powder jug ​​with the "+" indicator (T) and insert the lid (U).
  3. Examine the cliff area (V) and collect the wooden stick (W).
  4. Use the rope with a hook (X1) and the bomb (X2).
  5. Light the bomb with the torch (Y).
  6. Repair the bridge with the shaman and go forward to the hillock (Z).

  1. Take sleeping pills (A).
  2. Examine the lava area (B) and collect the dirty tile (C).
  3. Zoom in on the shield area (D).
  4. Place the pieces of the shield into a solid image (1-6).
  5. Take the sphere (E).
  6. Zoom into the armory area (F) and move the weapon away (G1).
  7. Insert the fire and water symbols (G2, G3) into the slots and take the MOLDED ARM (H).

  1. Go back to the waterfall and zoom into the water bowl area (I).
  2. Wash the dirty tile (J) and go to the slab on the left (K).
  3. Insert both tiles (L1, L2).
  4. Swap all red tiles with blue ones to complete MG (N).
  5. Take the metal key piece (M).
  6. Return to the entrance to the fortress.

  1. Zoom in on the door area (N1) and insert the metal key piece (N2).
  2. Take the dreamcatcher part and the eagle head (O).
  3. Go back to the cliff.
  4. Click on the part of the dreamcatcher with the "+" indicator (P).
  5. Add beads and feathers (Q1, Q2).
  6. Examine the tree area and hang the dreamcatcher on the rope (R1).
  7. Take the BEAR HEAD HALF and the RIGHT BRACELET (R2).
  8. Walk forward to the hillock.

  1. Take blue flowers (S).
  2. Click on the half of the bear head with the "+" indicator (T1).
  3. Insert the other half of the head (T2).
  4. Examine the tree bark area (U).
  5. Remove bark (V). Put all the pieces of the staff together (1-6).
  6. Examine the castle area on the gate (W).
  7. Insert the heads of the wolf, bear and eagle into the holes (X, Y, Z) and go into the courtyard.

  1. Examine the garden area (A) and collect the small golden ball (B).
  2. Zoom in on the mannequin arm (C) and collect the tongs (D).
  3. Zoom in on the orb area (E) and insert the orb gem into the hole (F).
  4. Click on the panel symbols that match the symbol in the center (1-4).
  5. Take the lotus (G) and go to the mannequins to play HO (H).

Find all hidden objects by their name (I,1-12).

Find all hidden item pairs (J, 1-12).

  1. Go back to the lake shore and zoom in on the pillar area.
  2. Insert both blue crystals and the lotus into the holes (K, L, M). Take the staff (N).
  3. Walk forward to the fortress front and zoom into the armory area (O).
  4. Use the tongs on the chain (P).
  5. Zoom into the lava wall area (Q).
  6. Insert the emblem into the hole (R) and collect the seeds (S).
  7. Return to the hillock.
  8. Examine the cave entrance area and collect the large golden ball (T).
  9. Insert both golden staffs and the molded palm into the holes in the ground (U, V, W).
  10. Enter the cave.

  1. Use the freeze rune and the wooden stick on the whirlwinds (A1, A2).
  2. Examine the pedestal area (B) and take the glove (C).
  3. Examine the bed area (D).
  4. Take the bucket (E).
  5. Zoom in on the pond area (F) and fill the bucket with water (G1).
  6. Put the golden balls on the flower leaves (G2, G3).
  7. Take WOODEN RUNE and dagger (H).

  1. Return to the camp and zoom in on the canopy area (I).
  2. Take the bow and zoom into the crate (J1,J2).
  3. Put the dagger in the drawer (K).
  4. Move and deploy all weapons to the appropriate slots (1-6).
  6. Go back to the hillock and zoom in on the tree area.
  7. Insert both wood runes into the slots (M1, M2) and take the cave tile (N).
  8. Enter the cave.

  1. Zoom into the mosaic area (O) and insert the missing tile (P).
  2. Compose the picture by moving the tiles between them (1-9).
  3. Take the fresco and bracelet (Q).
  4. Insert the fresco into the hole in the wall (R) and zoom into the altar area (S).
  5. Take the hoe (T).
  6. Return to the camp.

  1. Examine the garden area (U).
  2. Use the gloves to pluck the weed (V1).
  3. Use the hoe on the ground (V2).
  4. Drop the seeds into the hole and fill the hole with water (W1, W2).
  5. Click on the white flowers with the "+" indicator (X) and attach the blue flowers to them (Y).

  1. Examine the area of ​​the statue and hang a wreath and bracelets on it (A1, A2, AZ).
  2. Take the hand key and a handful of crystals (B).
  3. Zoom in on the hand area.
  4. Use the HAND KEY (C) and take the ARROW WITH ROPE (D).
  5. Click on the bow with the "+" indicator and add the string and arrow to it (E1, E2).
  6. Zoom in on the flying rocks and use the bow and arrow (F).
  7. Return to the water cave and zoom in on the bed area.

  1. Insert the archer into the hole (G) and take the lever (H).
  2. Examine the altar area.
  3. Place the crystals in the bowl and insert the lever into the hole and turn (I1, I2, I3).
  4. Take the head and part of the key (J).
  5. Zoom in on the pedestal area.
  6. Place the head on the pedestal (K).

  1. Take the metal pipe (L).
  2. Use RUNE OF LIGHT (M).
  3. Examine the door area and take the rag (N).
  4. Zoom into the chest area and use the metal pipe (O).
  5. Use the rag on the mirror (P).
  6. Take the key piece and the dart (Q1, Q2).
  7. Use the mirror on the grate (R).

  1. Zoom in on the bowl area and move it away (S1).
  2. Rake the porridge with a spoon and take the star (S2, S3).
  3. Zoom in on the bed area.
  4. Take the lockpick and move the blanket (T1, T2).
  5. Take the sleeping pills (U1).
  6. Use the mirror on the mattress (U2).
  7. Take the RUNE DISC and STAR (U3).
  8. Examine the area of ​​the iron maiden and take the dart tube (V).
  9. Insert both stars into the holes (W1, W2) and click on the marked spike (X).
  10. Use the spoon on the wall (Y).
  11. Go to the skeleton in the corner to play a BUT (Z).

Complete the BUT (A, B) using the items from the inventory on the location (1-12).

  1. Click on the tube with the "+" indicator.
  2. Use the DART and SLEEPING DRUGS (C1, C2).
  3. Examine the area of ​​the hole in the wall and shoot the sleep dart (D).
  4. Examine the area of ​​the door and unlock the lock with the pick (E).

  1. Exit to the corridor and take the brush (F).
  2. Zoom in on the table area.
  3. Move the papers aside (G).
  4. Take the dragon figurine and paper (H).
  5. Examine the pantry area.
  6. Take COAL and HAMMER (I).
  7. Examine the area of ​​the sleeping guard and collect the man figurine (J).
  8. Return back to the prison cell.

  1. Examine the chest area and wet the brush (A).
  2. Return to the corridor.
  3. Examine the barrel area and take the dragon tooth (B).
  4. Wipe the floor with the brush (C).
  5. Lay the paper on the floor and trace it with the charcoal (D1, D2).
  6. Take the clue (E).
  7. Return to the prison cell and zoom in on the bed area.
  8. Hang the clue (F) and click on the symbols in the correct order (1-3).
  9. Take the cheetah figurine (G).
  10. Go to the skeleton in the corner to play a NO (H).

  1. Find all hidden objects, their positions are marked with white polygons (1-12).
  2. Go to the corridor.

  1. Examine the area of ​​the barrels and fill the goblet with acid (I).
  2. Zoom in on the panel area.
  3. Insert the man and dragon figures into the holes (J1, J2).
  4. To complete the MG, run part of the chain to the marked area (K1, K2).
  5. Pour the acid on the mechanism (L).
  6. Walk forward to the main hall.

  1. Click on the part of the key with the "+" indicator and attach the second part of the key (M).
  2. Examine the cabinet area and insert the key into the chest (N).
  3. Take the eagle figurine and the chisel (O1, O2).
  4. Examine the gate area.
  5. Hover and click LMB on the symbols (1-11).
  6. Take shield and sword (P).

  1. Take the BUCKET OF WATER (A).
  2. Return to the corridor and zoom in on the pantry area.
  3. Pour the water into the bowl and fill the mold (B).
  4. Take the letter M (C).
  5. Zoom in on the table area. Insert the sword and shield (D) and take the rag and key (E).
  6. Examine the guard’s area and use the key (F).
  7. Go to the main hall.

  1. Examine the throne area and collect the green dragon eye (G).
  2. Use hammer and chisel (H1, H2).
  3. Zoom in on the dragon’s head area.
  4. Insert the eye and tooth (I1, I2) and take the letter A (J).
  5. Zoom in on the area of ​​the letters.
  6. Insert the letters A and M into the holes (K1, K2).
  7. Take GRAIL SIGN and WHEEL (L).

  1. Examine the throne area and insert the grail sign (M).
  2. Take the dragon figurine (N).
  3. Put the figurines of the shark, dragon, eagle, cheetah in the appropriate places (O1, O2, O3, O4).
  4. Enter the portal, which will take you back to the cave of the path.

Camelot 2: Chapter 5 The Wicked Witch’s Revenge

  1. Examine the fresco (A) and use the rag to wipe it (B).
  2. Use the reduction rune (C) and pick up the metal lever (D).
  3. Zoom into the area of ​​the portal activation stones and remove the stones by clicking on them (E).
  4. Use the metal lever (F).

  1. Pick up Morgana’s glove (G) and place it on the bowl (H).
  2. Click on the correct symbols in the correct sequence 1-3 (I).
  3. Go through the portal (J).

  1. Examine the large road stone and pick up the spool of rope (K).
  2. Examine the hollow tree (L) and use the rune of light (M).
  3. Clear the leaves and take the SICKLE BLADE (N).
  4. Move on to the waterfall (O).

  1. Pick up the wooden handle (P) by zooming in on the frozen waterfall.
  2. Use Rune of Fire (Q).
  3. Examine the lava stream, pick up the bracket (R) and use the ICE RUNE (S).
  4. Examine the reeds and pick up the golden horn (T).

  1. Return to the meadow and use the golden horn on the bag in the hollow (A).
  2. Pick up the brace and the lion figurine (B).
  3. Select the sickle blade in inventory with the + indicator (C) and then use the wooden handle (D1) and 2 braces (D2, D3) on it.
  4. Click on the pine branch, then click on the wagon to play XO (E).

  1. Complete the BUT using items as shown in (1-12).
  2. Take the gold bracelet (F).

  1. Go to the waterfall and cut the reeds with the sickle (G).
  2. Click on the reeds in inventory with the "+" indicator (H).
  3. Click on the reed to clear it of excess leaves, leaving only the stem (I).
  4. Use the Coil of Rope (J) to make a reed bridge.
  5. Use the gold bracelet on the statue’s arm (K) and pick up the staff (L).
  6. Return to the meadow and use the bridge of reeds on the swamp (N).
  7. Pick up the staff piece (M) and use the staff on the lantern to raise it (O).
  8. Go through the swamp further to the runestone area.

  1. Examine the armored skeleton and pick up the rusty sword (A).
  2. Return to the waterfall and pull out the lantern with the sword (B).
  3. Use the 2 lanterns (D, E) in the arch on the left on the runestone pad.
  4. Pick up the handle of the magic staff (C).

  1. Use the RUNED DISC on the stag idol in the grove (G).
  2. Move the eye to the deer head (H).
  3. Move the man figurine into place (I), then place the dream catcher on the right (J).
  4. Take the eye in the triangle (K).
  5. Examine Morgana’s belongings on the runestone area and use the eye in the triangle on the book (L).
  6. Open the chest with the rusty sword (M).
  7. Pick up clue (N).
  8. Turn the page on the book to pick up the grail sign (O).

  1. Return to the waterfall and use the lion (P) and the grail sign (Q) on the cave near the waterfall.
  2. Pick up the orb (R) and place it on the statue’s hand (S).
  3. Pick up the heraldic lion (T) and use it on the skeleton armor (U).
  4. Pick up the WOODEN WHEEL (V).

Return to the grove and go through the XO, finding all the hidden objects circled in white polyhedrons.

  1. Return to the grove, zoom in on the rock in the middle of the road, then use the fire rune to clear the resin from the rock (A).
  2. Use the TRIANGULAR CRYSTAL (B) and HINT (C).
  3. Click on the animal symbols in the correct sequence (1-3).
  4. Pick up another piece of staff (C).
  5. Go to the waterfall to play MG by zooming in on the board (D).
  6. Place 2 wooden wheels (E, F), then draw a continuous line connecting the wheels of the same color as shown.
  7. Pick up the crystal tank (G).

  1. Click on the staff handle in inventory with the + indicator (H), then use the other parts of the staff (I, J) and the crystal tank (K).
  2. Place the magic staff (L) on the pedestal and apply all the runes to it (M).
  3. Use the CHARGED STAFF on Morgana (N).

Hold LMB and draw symbols (O2, O1, O3) passing control points (1-7, 8-14, 15-19).

Camelot 2: Chapter 6 Jack in Green

  1. Pick up the wooden gate (A).
  2. Examine the book stand and take the screwdriver (B).
  3. Examine the fence with the gate and pick up the heart half (C).
  4. Examine the part of the garden with the scarecrow and click on the corn and then pick it up (D).
  5. Examine the hole and pick up the metal fastener (E).

  1. Use the wooden gate on the hedge (G).
  2. Hang the metal mount (H) with bolts (I) on the post where the mount was pulled out.
  3. Use the screwdriver and screw the bolts to the column (J).

  1. Examine the well (K) and use the fire rune (L).
  2. Pick up the pig net (M).
  3. Put the corncobs in the hole (N).

  1. In the pit (O), use the net on the pigs (P).
  2. Pick up the piglets in the net and give them to the big pig (Q).
  3. Head further into the grove (R).

  1. Pick up thin boards (A).
  2. Use the rune of light to illuminate the tree cavity (B).
  3. Pick up the wooden tile (C).
  4. Pick up the leather cord on the waypoint (D).
  5. Go to the wayshrine to play a HO (E).

Find 12 matching pairs of objects in the scene (F, G).

  1. Use the flower in place in the basket (H).
  2. Look at the basket lid and pick up the queen figurine (I).
  3. Move further into the forest (J).

  1. Pick up the wooden wheel (A).
  2. Pick up the cravat in the bush (B).
  3. Pick up the PLIERS near the Jack statue (C).
  4. Go to MG (D) and use the wood tile (E).

  1. Play MG. The correct combination is 2-7-2-13-2-11-10-1-22-9-22.
  2. 20-15-24-16-30-23-30-6-27-8-29.
  3. Pick up magical purple powder (F).
  4. Go to the grove.

  1. Examine the tree with the basket (G) and use the pliers on the scythe (H).
  2. Use the wooden wheel on the well (I).
  3. Click on the well (J) and use the scythe blade on the rope (K).

  1. Examine the pit with the farmer, wait for the end of the monologue and throw the rope to him (A).
  2. Pick up the part of the slingshot (B).
  3. Give the farmer the thin planks (C) and use the leather cord (D).

  1. Click on the half heart in inventory with the "+" indicator (E).
  2. Use the second half of the heart on the first (F).
  3. Examine the bush (G) and use the rose heart (H).
  4. After opening the bush, go further (I).

  1. Pick up the TORN BUTTERFLY NET (J).
  2. Pick up the pebble near the cliff (K).
  3. Examine the castle gate and take the trap key (L).
  4. Use the QUEEN figurine (M).
  5. Examine the stone slab (N).

  1. Use the MAGIC PURPLE POWDER on the bowl (O).
  2. Use Rune of Fire (P).
  3. Click on the symbols in the correct sequence (1-5) shown in the picture.
  4. Pick up the griffin symbol (R).
  5. Go to the shop to play a BUT (S).

Find all the hidden objects, their positions are marked with white polygons.

  1. Go back to the farm and use the obtained pig key on the chest (A).
  2. Pick up the stone flower and slingshot rubber band (B).
  3. Examine the scarecrow and use the scythe blade on it (C).
  4. Pick up the clover brooch (D).

  1. Go to the clearing and click on the base of the slingshot in inventory with the "+" indicator (E).
  2. Use rubber band (F) and stone (G).
  3. Use the prepared slingshot on the crow (H).

  1. Examine the fallen sack and click on it (I).
  2. Pick up the gnome figurine (J).
  3. Go to the forest and use the key on the trap (K).
  4. Pick up the king figurine (L) and go to the castle ruins.
  5. Examine the castle gate (O) and use the king (M) and dwarf (N) figures.
  6. Move on to the castle (O).

  1. Pick up the stone flower (A).
  2. Examine the sarcophagus (B) and use the STONE FLOWERS (C), (D).
  3. Pick up the cane (E).
  4. Examine the layout of the lock and pick up the CRYPTEX CODE (F).
  5. Examine the pedestal and pick up the golden lily (G).

  1. Return to the forest, zoom in on the Jack statue and use the clover brooch (H) and cane (I).
  2. Drag the wreath on Jack’s head (J).
  3. Drag the stone to the center of Jack’s chest (K).
  4. Pick up the sword (L).

  1. Return to the grove and click on the torn butterfly net in your inventory with the + indicator (M).
  2. Use the string on the net (N).
  3. Use the butterfly net (O) on the tree cavity (P).
  4. Pick up the flower ornament (R).
  5. Go to the wayshrine to play a BUT (S).

Find all the hidden objects, their positions are marked with white polygons.

  1. Examine the fallen sack (A) and use the cryptex code (B).
  2. Click on the cryptex (C) and start spinning the dials to make the word "GLORY" (D).
  3. Pick up the CRYPTEX STICK (E).

  1. Go to the castle ruins, zoom in on the fallen tower (F) and use the Shrink Rune (G).
  2. Pick up stick (H).
  3. Use the sticks on the wooden drum (I), (J).
  4. Click on the drum to pull out the chest and then use the griffin key on the chest (K).
  5. Pick up the golden tulip and rune for the case (L).

  1. Go to the castle and use the lever in the sarcophagus (N).
  2. Click on the lever (O) and then go to the treasure room (M).

  1. Pick up the WOODEN DRAGON CLAW (P).
  2. Examine the pool and use the golden tulip and lily (Q), (R).
  3. Pick up mace (S).
  4. Examine the weapon wall and use the sword (T) and mace (U).
  5. Pick up the flower ornament (V).

  1. Use the wooden dragon paw on the dragon statue (B) and pick up the Jack figurine (A).
  2. Zoom into the painting and pick up the lion emblem (C).
  3. Return to the castle ruins and use the emblem (D).
  4. Pick up the mirror (E).
  5. Go to the store to play a BUT (F).

Find all the hidden objects, their positions are marked with white polygons.

  1. Go to the grate in the castle (G) and use the flower ornaments (H), (I).
  2. Pass the MG by moving the ball along the indicated path.

  1. Go further into Jack’s room and pick up the empty pot (J).
  2. Use the rune on the case on the table (K).
  3. Pick up torch and flower (L).
  4. Examine the fireplace and pick up the mirror (M).

  1. Return to the treasure room and fill the pot with water (A).
  2. Click on the torch in inventory with the "+" indicator (B) and light it with the fire rune (C).
  3. Place the lit torch on the holder (D).
  4. Go to the rack to play a BUT (E).

Complete the BUT using the items as shown (1-10), then take the snowflake (F).

  1. Use the maple leaf (G), snowflake (H), and flower (I) on the painting.
  2. Pick up chest and golden lion (J).
  3. Return to the castle and use the Jack figurine (K) with the chest (L) on the castle model.
  4. Pick up the harp (M).

  1. Examine the table and use the POT OF WATER (A).
  2. Use the ICE RUNE (B) and then pick up the ICE CRYSTAL (C).
  3. Return to the castle and use the mirrors (D, E) and the ice crystal (F) on the pedestal.
  4. Pick up the snake on the floor (G).

  1. Return to the grove and zoom in on the road board (H).
  2. Use the cravat (I) and then the snake (J).
  3. Pick up the golden disk (K); use it on the floor in the castle.
  4. Pick up the FLASK WITH PAINT (L).

  1. Use the harp (N) in the center of Jack’s room.
  2. Zoom in on Jack’s throne (M) and use a reduction rune on Jack (O).
  3. Use the cage on Jack (P), then pick up the cane (Q) and the cage with Jack (R).
  4. Use the WOODEN SUN on the throne (S) and then pick up the rope and brush (T).
  5. Examine the pattern on the floor and pick up the broom branches (U).

  1. Select the cane in inventory with the "+" indicator (V).
  2. Use the branches and rope on the cane (W).
  3. Examine the fireplace and use the broom (X).
  4. Use the golden lion (Y), then pick up the dragon tooth (Z).

Return to the treasure room and go through X. All hidden objects marked with polygons.

  1. Use the key on the chest in the pool (A).
  2. Pick up the fire bowl (B).
  3. Click on the fire bowl in inventory with the "+" indicator (C) and apply the fire rune (D).
  4. Place the bowl of fire on the dragon’s paw (E) and place the dragon’s tooth on the head (F).
  5. Pick up the PAINT POT (G).

  1. Click on the paint pot in inventory with the "+" indicator (H).
  2. Use the FLASK WITH PAINT and BRUSH (I).
  3. Click on the pot to place the paint (J).
  4. Go to Jack’s room and use the POT OF PAINT on the pattern on the floor (K).
  5. Place the CAGED JACK on the pattern on the floor (L) to begin the ritual of purification from evil magic.

Complete MG. Congratulations! You have successfully completed the walkthrough of Camelot 2: The Holy Grail Collector’s Edition.

Camelot 2: Collectible Potions

  1. Glade (A1).
  2. Tent (A2).
  3. Way Cave (AZ).
  4. Thorn meadow (A4).

  1. The foot of the tree (B1).
  2. Inside the tree (B2).
  3. Platform on a tree (VZ).
  4. Greenhouse (B4).

  1. Cave with roots (C1).
  2. Sanctuary (C2).
  3. Deposit of crystals (SZ).
  4. Crystal Path (C4).

  1. Library entrance (D1).
  2. Backyard (D2).
  3. Crystal Lab (D3).
  4. Crystal room (D4).

  1. Library (E1).
  2. Rocky path (E2).
  3. Facade passage (EZ).
  4. Crystal Hall (E4).

  1. Lakeside (F1).
  2. Waterfall (F2).
  3. Abyss (F3).
  4. Hillock (F4).

  1. Entrance to the fortress (G1).
  2. Rocky Yard (G2).
  3. Water cave (G3).
  4. Prison cell (G4).

  1. Corridor (H1).
  2. Main hall (H2).
  3. Ritual Meadow (NZ).
  4. Rune Stone Area (H4).

  1. Waterfall of Truth (I1).
  2. Farm (I2).
  3. Grove (I3).
  4. Forest (I4).

  1. Castle ruins (J1).
  2. Old temple (J2).
  3. Treasury (J3).
  4. Jack’s room (J4).

Camelot 2: Morph Objects

  1. Glade (A1).
  2. Tent (A2).
  3. Way Cave (AZ).
  4. Thorn meadow (A4).

  1. The foot of the tree (B1).
  2. Inside the tree (B2).
  3. Platform on a tree (VZ).
  4. Greenhouse (B4).

  1. Cave with roots (C1).
  2. Sanctuary (C2).
  3. Deposit of crystals (SZ).
  4. Crystal Path (C4).

  1. Library entrance (D1).
  2. Backyard (D2).
  3. Crystal Lab (D3).
  4. Crystal room (D4).

  1. Library (E1).
  2. Rocky path (E2).
  3. Facade passage (EZ).
  4. Crystal Hall (E4).

  1. Lakeside (F1).
  2. Waterfall (F2).
  3. Abyss (F3).
  4. Hillock (F4).

  1. Entrance to the fortress (G1).
  2. Rocky Yard (G2).
  3. Water cave (G3).
  4. Prison cell (G4).

  1. Corridor (H1).
  2. Main hall (H2).
  3. Ritual Meadow (NZ).
  4. Rune Stone Area (H4).

  1. Waterfall of Truth (I1).
  2. Farm (I2).
  3. Grove (I3).
  4. Forest (I4).

  1. Castle ruins (J1).
  2. Old temple (J2).
  3. Treasury (J3).
  4. Jack’s room (J4).

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