Wise GeekGame Walkthroughs → Farm Frenzy 5: Refreshed - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step

Farm Frenzy 5: Refreshed - Full Walkthrough with Tips and Puzzles

Farm Frenzy 5: Return. Become the owner of your own farm, breed animals, collect food and earn income from the sale of goods. You will have at your disposal several factories for the production of products that you can trade in the city. Be especially careful in the winter season so that your animals do not freeze. Hire helpers, cats and dogs, who will help you in the household. Beware of hooligan bears who will interfere with you. This article describes a complete and detailed walkthrough of the game with pictures. An overview of all the secrets, tips, tactics and features of game mechanics from start to finish is given.


  1. How to play?
  2. Walkthrough levels 1-10
  3. Walkthrough levels 11-20
  4. Walkthrough levels 21-30
  5. Walkthrough levels 31-40
  6. Walkthrough levels 41-50
  7. Walkthrough levels 51-60
  8. Walkthrough levels 61-70
  9. Walkthrough levels 71-80
  10. Walkthrough levels 81-90
  11. Completing bonus levels 91-100
  12. Bonus Levels 101-110 Walkthrough

Farm Frenzy 5 Throwback: How to play?

Grass growth. Clicking on the ground, water it so that grass grows - it is needed to feed the animals. Over time, the grass begins to wither. Water for irrigation is collected from a well. If the water runs out, click on the well to fill it up again.

Animal nutrition. Animals eat grass and produce food. Without grass, animals die.

Products in stock. Appearing products must be collected in a warehouse. Uncollected products eventually disappear from the field.

Product processing. By clicking on the building, send the products for processing. Recycling can be accelerated by clicking. If the red bar drops to 0, the building will be unavailable for a while.

Pumping buildings. Upgrade buildings to increase their productivity.

Transport. Transport allows you to carry products to the city. By selling products, you earn money and free up space in the warehouse.

Products bought only in the city. You can buy missing products. They will be delivered by air.

What do factories produce? The game has the following factories:

All produced products are needed in the absence of an animal or processing plant.

What animals are on the farm? In the game, you will meet animals that will produce products, help in the household, or, conversely, interfere with the work of the farm.

The impact of weather on farm activities. In sunny weather (sun icon), the grass withers faster. In windy weather (leaves and clouds icon), resources disappear faster. In rainy weather (cloud and rain icon), the grass grows by itself. In snowy weather (snowflake icon), animals can freeze. Click the mouse to unfreeze the animal.

Farm Frenzy 5 Return: Walkthrough levels 1-10

Level 1

  1. Buy 3 ducks.
  2. Collect 3 eggs.

Level 2

  1. Catch a bear and sell it.
  2. Buy duck.
  3. Collect 2 eggs.

Level 3

  1. Buy 1 duck.
  2. Build a bakery, bake a cake.
  3. Catch a bear.
  4. Sell ​​the bear and the tortilla.
  5. Buy 2 ducks.
  6. Collect the remaining eggs.

Level 4

  1. 3start the bakery.
  2. Catch 2 bears and sell them.
  3. Speed ​​up the bakery. Thus produce 2 cakes.
  4. Catch 3 bears and sell 2.
  5. Sell ​​all the tortillas and the bear.
  6. Produce the remaining scones using building boost.

Level 5

Up to the level, buy the "Bakery Level 2" upgrade.
  1. Upgrade the bakery to level 2.
  2. Buy 1 duck.

Level 6

  1. Buy 1 duck.
  2. Produce cakes in turn in different bakeries, speeding up construction.
  3. Sell ​​a pig and a slice of bacon.
  4. Buy 2 ducks.

Level 7

  1. Buy 2 ducks, build a kitchen.
  2. Sell ​​2 bears.
  3. Buy 2 ducks.
  4. Produce tortillas and bacon and eggs.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears.

Level 8

  1. Build a bakery.
  2. Order 1 bowl of cream.
  3. Sell ​​2 tortillas.
  4. Order 1 bowl of cream.
  5. Buy 1 duck.
  6. Sell ​​1 pie.
  7. Buy 2 ducks.

Level 9

Up to the level, buy the upgrade "Confectionery Level 2".
  1. Order 5 bowls of cream.
  2. Produce 5 cakes.
  3. Sell ​​a cow and 2 milk.
  4. Build a confectionery, produce 1 pie.
  5. Upgrade the confectionery, produce 4 more pies.
  6. Buy 7 ducks.

Level 10

Up to the level, buy the improvements "Warehouse level 2" and "Machine level 2".
  1. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2.
  2. Sell ​​2 bears.
  3. Sell ​​bear and pig.
  4. Order a bowl of cream.
  5. Upgrade your car to level 2.
  6. Sell ​​2 bears.
  7. Build a bakery.

Farm Frenzy 5 Return: Walkthrough levels 11-20

Level 11

  1. Build a bakery and produce 2 tortillas.
  2. Upgrade the bakery to level 2.
  3. Sell ​​cow and milk.
  4. Buy 2 ducks and 2 pigs.
  5. Build a kitchen and upgrade the bakery to level 2.

Level 12

Up to the level, buy the improvement "Bakery Level 3" and "Pastry Shop Level 2".
  1. Order 12 bowls of cream.
  2. Sell ​​6 pies.
  3. Buy 1 pig.
  4. Sell ​​3 pies.
  5. Build a kitchen.

Level 13

  1. When there is 1 milk, sell the cow and the bear.
  2. Build a separator.
  3. Buy 2 pigs.

Level 14

  1. Buy a cow.
  2. Sell ​​2 ducks and 1 milk.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears.
  4. Order 5 lozenges and 5 bowls of cream.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears.

Level 15

  1. Buy 1 pig.
  2. Buy 1 cow.
  3. Order 4 eggs.

Level 16

  1. Build a separator and cottage cheese, buy 1 cow.
  2. Sell ​​2 packages of cottage cheese and 2 bottles of milk.
  3. Buy 1 cow.

Level 17

  1. Buy 5 ducks.
  2. Sell ​​5 ducks when there are 10 eggs in stock.
  3. Upgrade the bakery to level 2 and the bakery to level 2.
  4. Sell ​​5 packages of cottage cheese.
  5. Buy a cow.

Level 18

Up to the level, buy the Level 2 Well upgrade.
  1. Sell ​​10 ducks, when there are 8 eggs, upgrade the well to level 2.
  2. Sell ​​4 pigs when there are 8 slices of bacon.
  3. Build a cottage cheese when there are 4 pots of sour cream.

Level 19

Up to the level, buy the Level 2 Helicopter and Level 2 Kitchen upgrades.
  1. Sell ​​1 cow.
  2. Buy 4 ducks, upgrade the helicopter to level 2.
  3. Order 1 roll, 1 tomato, 1 cutlet.
  4. Upgrade the kitchen to level 2.
  5. Build a burger.

Level 20

Up to the level, buy the Level 5 Bakery upgrade.
  1. Order 14 eggs.
  2. When there are 4 slices of bacon in the warehouse, sell 4 pigs.
  3. Build a level 2 kitchen, upgrade the helicopter to level 2.
  4. Order 2 rolls, 2 tomatoes, 2 cutlets.

Farm Frenzy 5 Return: Walkthrough levels 21-30

Level 21

  1. Buy 6 eggs and 1 tomato.
  2. When there are 6 slices of bacon, sell 6 pigs.
  3. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2.
  4. Sell ​​2 bears.
  5. Buy a cow.
  6. Order 1 cutlet and 1 bun.
  7. Sell ​​1 bear and 1 cow.
  8. Produce 1 pot of sour cream.
  9. Build a cottage cheese and burger shop.

Level 22

  1. Sell ​​3 packages of cottage cheese.
  2. Order 2 cups of sourdough.
  3. Build a cheese factory.

Level 23

  1. Order 10 eggs and 1 glass of sourdough.
  2. Sell ​​2 cows.
  3. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2 and sell 2 bears.
  4. Order 1 pot of sour cream and 10 bowls of cream, sell all ducks.
  5. Upgrade the bakery and confectionery to level 2.
  6. Build a cheese factory and cottage cheese.

Level 24

  1. Sell ​​2 cows.
  2. Build a cottage cheese.
  3. Order 3 pots of sour cream and 2 cups of sourdough.

Level 25

  1. Once there is 1 bottle of milk and 1 slice of bacon, sell all the animals.
  2. Order 1 tomato.
  3. Build a pizzeria.
  4. Order 1 cup of sourdough and 1 pack of pizza dough.

Level 26

Up to the level, buy the improvements "Separator 2 level" and "Curd 2 level".
  1. Buy 2 cows, 4 pigs and 4 ducks.
  2. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2.
  3. Order 4 cups of sourdough, 2 tomatoes.
  4. Sell ​​2 cows and 4 ducks.
  5. Order 2 packs of pizza dough.
  6. Build a pizzeria.

Level 27

  1. Buy 10 ducks and 4 pigs.
  2. Sell ​​4 pigs and 5 ducks.
  3. Upgrade the aircraft to level 2.
  4. Order 5 rolls, 8 tomatoes and 5 cutlets.
  5. Sell ​​5 ducks.
  6. Order 3 cups of sourdough and 3 packs of cottage cheese.
  7. Sell ​​20 tortillas.
  8. Sell ​​5 burgers.
  9. Build a cheese factory and a pizzeria.
  10. Order 1 pack of pizza dough.
  11. Sell ​​1 pizza.
  12. Order 2 packs of pizza dough.

Level 28

  1. Order 4 bowls of cream, buy 1 duck.
  2. Sell ​​2 pies.
  3. Upgrade the bakery to level 2.

Level 29

  1. Sell ​​2 ducks and one horse.
  2. Order 5 scrambled eggs with bacon and 10 tomatoes.
  3. Order 5 cutlets and 5 rolls.
  4. Sell ​​3 foals.
  5. Buy 5 pigs.
  6. Order 5 packs of cheese, 5 packs of pizza dough.
  7. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2.

Level 30

  1. Sell ​​2 ducks.
  2. Upgrade the car, sell 3 bears.
  3. Upgrade the well.
  4. Sell ​​3 bears.
  5. When there are 9 horses and 11 foals, sell 10 foals.

Farm Frenzy 5 Return: Walkthrough levels 31-40

Level 31

Up to the level, buy the upgrade "Confectionery Level 4".
  1. Order 8 bowls of cream.
  2. Catch 2 bears and sell them.
  3. Catch 2 bears and sell them.
  4. Buy 2 ducks.

Level 32

Up to the level, buy the "Burger Level 2" upgrade.
  1. Sell ​​4 pigs and 4 slices of bacon.
  2. Order 4 buns and 4 tomatoes.
  3. Order 4 scrambled eggs and bacon and 4 cutlets.
  4. Sell ​​4 burgers.
  5. Order 2 bowls of cream.
  6. Build a candy store and buy 10 ducks.

Level 33

Up to the level, buy the upgrades "Separator 3 levels" and ’’ Curd 3 levels’.
  1. Buy 1 cow, collect 15 eggs and sell 10 ducks.
  2. Sell ​​5 ducks and a bear.
  3. Sell ​​2 packages of cottage cheese and a bear.
  4. Order 9 glasses of sourdough.
  5. Sell ​​the bear and a package of cheese.
  6. Sell ​​the bear and a package of cheese.
  7. Upgrade the car and warehouse to level 2.
  8. Sell ​​2 bears and a package of cheese.
  9. Sell ​​the bear and a package of cheese.
  10. Buy a cow.
  11. Sell ​​the bear and a package of cheese.
  12. Sell ​​a bear, 2 cows and 2 boxes of cheese.
  13. Order 15 bowls of cream.
  14. Build and upgrade the bakery and confectionery to the maximum.

Level 34

  1. Buy a horse.
  2. Sell ​​bears and buy ducks.
  3. If necessary, improve the well, warehouse and car.
  4. Sell ​​horses and foals when they reach 500k.

Level 35

  1. Order 20 eggs.
  2. Buy a pig.
  3. Upgrade the bakery to level 3.
  4. Sell ​​10 tortillas and 2 bacon and eggs.
  5. Order 4 eggs.
  6. Sell ​​9 tortillas and 2 bacon and eggs.
  7. Buy a cow.

Level 36

  1. Sell ​​1 Slice of Bacon and Bear.
  2. Buy 1 pig and sell 2 bears.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears.
  4. Sell ​​5 slices of bacon and bear.
  5. Buy 1 pig.
  6. Sell ​​the bear and 10 eggs.
  7. Sell ​​2 bears.

Level 37

  1. Order 10 bowls of cream and buy 1 duck.
  2. Sell ​​6 pies.
  3. Order 10 bowls of cream and buy 7 ducks.
  4. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2 and sell 9 pies.
  5. Sell ​​20 tortillas.
  6. Sell ​​5 pies and 10 tortillas.
  7. Buy 5 pigs.

Level 38

  1. Upgrade the well, warehouse and car to level 2.
  2. Order 20 eggs.
  3. Buy 8 pigs.
  4. Order 20 eggs.
  5. Sell ​​19 Bacon and Eggs.
  6. Order 20 eggs.
  7. Sell ​​19 Bacon and Eggs.
  8. Upgrade the bakery to level 4.
  9. Sell ​​10 slices of bacon.

Level 39

  1. Buy 2 cows.
  2. Build a separator and curd.
  3. Sell ​​2 packages of cottage cheese and 2 bottles of milk.
  4. Buy 1 cow.
  5. Sell ​​2 packages of cottage cheese.
  6. Upgrade the separator room to level 2.
  7. Sell ​​4 pots of sour cream and 2 packages of cottage cheese.
  8. Buy 1 cow.

Level 40

  1. Order 10 bowls of cream.
  2. Buy 3 ducks.
  3. Build a level 3 bakery and pastry shop.
  4. Sell ​​2 bears.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears.
  6. Sell ​​2 bears and upgrade the warehouse to level 2.
  7. Upgrade your car to level 2 and sell 2 bears and 9 pies.
  8. Order 10 bowls of cream.
  9. Sell ​​2 bears.
  10. Buy 7 ducks.

Farm Frenzy 5 Return: Walkthrough levels 41-50

Level 41

  1. Sell ​​a cow.
  2. Buy 3 pigs, 2 ducks, build a level 2 kitchen.
  3. Upgrade the plane to level 3, order 5 buns, 5 tomatoes, 5 cutlets.

Level 42

  1. Sell ​​4 packages of cottage cheese.
  2. Order 4 cups of sourdough.

Level 43

  1. Sell ​​1 foal.
  2. Upgrade the warehouse, well, car to level 2 and sell 3 bears.
  3. Buy 4 pigs and 4 ducks.
  4. Sell ​​all pigs and ducks.
  5. Order 10 scrambled eggs with bacon.
  6. Sell ​​all ducks and bear.
  7. Sell ​​3 horses and 3 foals.

Level 44

Up to the level, buy the upgrades "Level 3 Cheese Factory" and "Level 2 Pizzeria".
  1. Sell ​​2 packages of cottage cheese.
  2. Order 10 glasses of sourdough.
  3. Once there are 5 slices of bacon, sell the pig and 5 packs of cheese.
  4. Order 5 tomatoes and 5 packs of dough.
  5. Sell ​​2 cows.
  6. Upgrade your pizzeria to level 2.

Level 45

  1. Sell ​​3 foals and 2 ducks.
  2. Buy 2 pigs.
  3. Order 3 cheeses, 3 tomatoes and 3 packs of pizza dough.
  4. Sell ​​3 pizzas.
  5. Order 2 packs of cheese, 10 tomatoes and 2 packs of pizza dough.
  6. Upgrade the car to level 2, sell 2 pizzas, 2 pigs and 5 foals.
  7. Order 5 packs of cheese, 5 packs of pizza dough and 10 tomatoes.
  8. Sell ​​10 foals.
  9. Order 10 buns, 10 cutlets and 10 bacon and eggs.
  10. Sell ​​all foals.

Level 46

Up to the level, buy the "Separator Level 4" upgrade.
  1. Buy 2 cows.
  2. Sell ​​2 pots of sour cream and 1 bear.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears.
  4. Sell ​​2 bears.
  5. Sell ​​the bear and 6 pots of sour cream.
  6. Buy 1 cow.
  7. Sell ​​2 bears.
  8. Sell ​​2 bears.
  9. Sell ​​8 pots of sour cream.
  10. Sell ​​9 pots of sour cream and 3 cows.

Level 47

  1. Buy 10 ducks, order 20 bowls of cream.
  2. Upgrade the warehouse, car and well to level 2.
  3. Sell ​​3 bears.
  4. Sell ​​2 bears.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears and 8 pies.
  6. Order 10 bowls of cream.
  7. Sell ​​2 bears and 9 pies.
  8. Sell ​​the bear and 11 pies.
  9. Buy 10 ducks.

Level 48

  1. Order 10 bowls of cream.
  2. Sell ​​2 bears.
  3. Sell ​​the bear and 2 cows.
  4. Order 5 cups of sourdough.
  5. Sell ​​the bear and 4 ducks.
  6. Build a separator and curd room level 1.

Level 49

  1. Upgrade the aircraft and warehouse to level 2.
  2. Order 20 eggs and 10 tomatoes.
  3. Buy 2 pigs.
  4. Order 10 cutlets, 10 buns and 10 tomatoes.
  5. When there are 10 cakes, build a level 2 kitchen.
  6. Sell ​​6 burgers.
  7. Order 10 cutlets, 10 buns and 10 eggs.
  8. Sell ​​10 burgers.
  9. Sell ​​2 pigs and 4 burgers.

Level 50

  1. Buy 2 cows, 3 pigs and 3 ducks.
  2. Order 10 cutlets and 10 buns.
  3. Order 10 tomatoes.
  4. Sell ​​10 burgers.
  5. Sell ​​7 Bacon and Eggs.
  6. Build a separator.
  7. Sell ​​10 bottles of milk and 2 cows.
  8. Sell ​​3 ducks and 3 pigs.
  9. Order 5 glasses of sourdough and 5 tomatoes, build curd.
  10. Sell ​​10 slices of bacon.
  11. Order 5 packs of pizza dough, build a pizzeria.

Farm Frenzy 5 Return: Walkthrough levels 51-60

Level 51

  1. Sell ​​a foal.
  2. Buy 1 cow.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears.
  4. Sell ​​2 bears.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears.
  6. Upgrade the warehouse and car to level 2, sell 3 bears.
  7. Sell ​​5 foals.
  8. Buy 5 cows.
  9. Sell ​​3 bears.
  10. Sell ​​6 foals.
  11. Buy 6 cows.
  12. Sell ​​3 horses and 3 foals.

Level 52

  1. Sell ​​the bear and 2 slices of bacon.
  2. Sell ​​the bear and 2 pots of sour cream.
  3. Sell ​​a pot of sour cream and 4 slices of bacon.
  4. Buy 4 pigs.

Level 53

  1. Sell ​​2 slices of bacon and 6 eggs.
  2. Buy 1 pig and upgrade the warehouse to level 2.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears.
  4. Sell ​​2 bears.
  5. Sell ​​1 bear and 6 slices of bacon.
  6. Buy 1 pig, sell 1 bear and 3 slices of bacon.
  7. Sell ​​2 bears and buy 1 pig.

Level 54

  1. Buy 3 cows.
  2. Sell ​​3 packages of cottage cheese.
  3. Upgrade the well to level 2.
  4. Sell ​​3 packages of cottage cheese.
  5. Buy 1 cow.
  6. Sell ​​3 packages of cottage cheese.
  7. Sell ​​3 packages of cottage cheese.
  8. Buy a cow.
  9. Sell ​​5 packages of cottage cheese.
  10. Buy a cow.
  11. Sell ​​8 packages of cottage cheese and 2 bottles of milk.
  12. Buy 2 cows.
  13. Sell ​​9 packages of cottage cheese and 5 bottles of milk.
  14. Buy 2 cows, order 20 cakes.

Level 55

Up to the level, buy the improvement "Cottage Cheese Level 4".
  1. Sell ​​4 packages of cottage cheese.
  2. Order 10 cups of sourdough.
  3. Upgrade the well.
  4. Sell ​​5 packages of cheese.
  5. Buy 5 packs of pizza dough and 5 tomatoes.
  6. Build a pizzeria.
  7. Sell ​​all animals.
  8. Upgrade your pizzeria to level 2.

Level 56

  1. Sell ​​1 cow.
  2. Upgrade the well to level 2.
  3. When there are 10 pots of sour cream, sell 5 cows and 10 pots of sour cream.
  4. Buy 40 pigs.

Level 57

  1. Buy 2 cows, sell 2 ducks.
  2. Sell ​​2 bears.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears.
  4. Sell ​​1 bear and 6 pots of sour cream.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears.
  6. Upgrade the car to level 2, sell 2 bears and 2 pots of sour cream.
  7. Order 6 lozenges and 6 bowls of cream.
  8. Buy 1 cow.
  9. Sell ​​6 pies and 5 pots of sour cream.
  10. Buy a cow.
  11. Sell ​​7 pots of sour cream.
  12. Buy 1 cow.

Level 58

  1. Buy 2 cows, 3 pigs, upgrade the warehouse and well to level 2, order 20 eggs.
  2. Sell ​​6 Pots of Sour Cream and 9 Bacon and Eggs.
  3. Order 9 eggs.
  4. Buy 1 cow.
  5. Sell ​​8 Pots of Sour Cream and 10 Bacon and Eggs.
  6. Buy 1 cow.

Level 59

  1. Buy 2 cows.
  2. Sell ​​3 packages of cottage cheese.
  3. Upgrade the well to level 2.
  4. Sell ​​6 packs of cottage cheese.
  5. Buy 1 cow.
  6. Sell ​​3 packages of cottage cheese.
  7. Buy 1 cow.
  8. Sell ​​3 packages of cottage cheese.
  9. Sell ​​6 packs of cottage cheese.
  10. Buy 2 cows.

Level 60

Up to the level, buy the upgrade "Confectionery Level 5".
  1. Upgrade the well and warehouse to level 2, order 20 bowls of cream, buy 2 ducks.
  2. Order 10 bowls of cream.
  3. Sell ​​10 pies and 10 packages of cottage cheese.
  4. Sell ​​10 pies and 5 ducks, buy 2 cows.
  5. Sell ​​10 packages of cottage cheese and 10 pies.
  6. Buy 2 cows.
  7. Sell ​​15 packages of cottage cheese.
  8. Buy 3 cows.
  9. Upgrade the car to level 2, sell 20 packages of cottage cheese and 10 pots of sour cream.
  10. Sell ​​10 packages of cottage cheese and 20 bottles of milk.
  11. Buy 10 cows.

Farm Frenzy 5 Return: Walkthrough levels 61-70

Level 61

Up to the level, buy the upgrade "Kitchen Level 5".
  1. Upgrade the well and warehouse to level 2.
  2. Sell ​​all ducks when there are 30 eggs.
  3. Sell ​​20 Bacon and Eggs.
  4. Sell ​​5 pots of sour cream.
  5. Buy 1 cow.
  6. Sell ​​10 Bacon and Eggs and 4 Pigs.
  7. Sell ​​1 pot of sour cream.
  8. Buy 1 cow.
  9. Sell ​​20 pots of sour cream.
  10. Sell ​​3 cows and 7 pots of sour cream.
  11. Build a curd and buy 1 horse.

Level 62

  1. Sell ​​2 bottles of milk.
  2. Upgrade the well to level 2.
  3. Buy 4 ducks, order 6 tomatoes and 6 buns.
  4. Order 6 cutlets.
  5. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2.
  6. Sell ​​5 bottles of milk and 10 bacon and eggs.
  7. Sell ​​5 bottles of milk and 6 burgers.
  8. Buy 1 cow.
  9. Sell ​​2 bottles of milk and 10 bacon and eggs.
  10. Buy 1 cow.

Level 63

Up to the level, buy the "Burger Level 3" upgrade.
  1. Buy 10 eggs and 9 buns.
  2. Sell ​​10 slices of bacon.
  3. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2, order 10 eggs and 9 tomatoes.
  4. Sell ​​5 pigs, order 9 cutlets and 10 eggs.
  5. When there are 20 cakes, build a level 3 kitchen.

Level 64

  1. Buy 4 ducks.
  2. Sell ​​4 pigs.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears, upgrade the well and warehouse to level 2.
  4. Sell ​​2 bears.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears.
  6. Sell ​​2 bears.
  7. Sell ​​the Bear and 10 Bacon and Eggs.
  8. Sell ​​4 Pigs and 10 Bacon and Eggs.
  9. Buy 1 cow.
  10. Sell ​​4 Ducks and 9 Bacon and Eggs.
  11. Order 5 buns and 5 tomatoes.
  12. Order 5 cutlets.
  13. Sell ​​a cow.
  14. Build a burger.
  15. Build a cottage cheese.

Level 65

  1. Buy 4 cows and 1 cat.
  2. Sell ​​4 packs of cottage cheese.
  3. Upgrade the well to level 2.
  4. Order 6 cups of sourdough.
  5. Buy 1 cow.

Level 66

  1. Order 20 bowls of cream, buy 1 duck.
  2. Upgrade the well to level 2.
  3. Sell ​​1 bear.
  4. Sell ​​1 bear.
  5. Sell ​​9 pies.
  6. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2, sell 2 bears.
  7. Upgrade the car to level 2, sell 2 bears and 10 pies.
  8. Sell ​​2 cows, 1 bear and 5 ducks.
  9. Sell ​​1 bear and remaining pies, order 10 cups of sourdough.
  10. Build a separator and curd room, improve as needed.

Level 67

  1. Sell ​​1 horse.
  2. Order 10 pots of sour cream and 10 cups of sourdough.
  3. Sell ​​9 packages of cheese.
  4. Order 10 pots of sour cream and 5 cups of sourdough.

Level 68

  1. Buy 2 cows and 1 pig, order 4 cups of sourdough.
  2. Sell ​​2 packages of cheese.
  3. Upgrade the well to level 2, order 5 tomatoes and 10 cups of sourdough.
  4. Order 1 pack of pizza dough.
  5. Sell ​​1 pizza and 1 pig.
  6. Order 3 packs of pizza dough and 5 cups of sourdough starter.
  7. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2, sell 3 pizzas and 4 packages of cheese.
  8. Order 1 pack of pizza dough.
  9. Sell ​​8 Cheese and 1 Pizza.
  10. Buy 1 horse.

Level 69

Up to the level, buy the upgrade "Cheese Factory Level 4".
  1. Buy 3 cows.
  2. Sell ​​3 packages of cottage cheese and 1 bear.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears, order 10 cups of sourdough and 10 tomatoes.
  4. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2, sell 2 bears.
  5. Upgrade the well to level 2, sell 2 bears.
  6. Sell ​​2 bears.
  7. Buy 1 pig.
  8. Sell ​​10 Cheese and 1 Bear.
  9. Order 10 glasses of sourdough.
  10. Order 10 packs of pizza dough and 9 bacon eggs, sell 3 cows, build a pizzeria.
  11. Buy 1 pig, upgrade the pizzeria to level 2.
  12. Sell ​​5 pizzas, order 11 bacon and eggs.
  13. Buy 1 pig, order 15 eggs and bacon.

Level 70

  1. Buy 10 ducks, 5 pigs, upgrade the well to level 2.
  2. Sell ​​20 tortillas, order 10 tomatoes and 10 cutlets.
  3. Sell ​​10 ducks, order 10 buns.
  4. Sell ​​9 burgers, order 10 tomatoes and 10 cups of sourdough.
  5. Sell ​​5 pigs and 1 burger, build a cheese factory, order 2 packs of cottage cheese and 2 packs of pizza dough.
  6. Sell ​​2 pizzas and 10 bacon and eggs.
  7. Order 2 packs of cottage cheese and 2 packs of pizza dough.
  8. Sell ​​2 pizzas and 9 slices of bacon.
  9. Order 2 packs of cottage cheese and 2 packs of pizza dough.
  10. Sell ​​2 pizzas.
  11. Order 2 packs of cottage cheese and 2 packs of pizza dough.
  12. Sell ​​2 pizzas.
  13. Order 2 packs of cottage cheese and 2 packs of pizza dough.

Farm Frenzy 5 Return: Walkthrough levels 71-80

Level 71

Up to the level, buy the Level 3 Warehouse upgrade.
  1. Sell ​​1 foal, upgrade the well to level 2.
  2. Buy 18 ducks and 3 cats, upgrade the warehouse to level 3, order 20 bowls of cream.
  3. Order 20 bowls of cream, sell 20 pies.
  4. Sell ​​20 pies.

Level 72

  1. Sell ​​10 cows, buy 1 pig.
  2. Order 10 cutlets and 10 buns, upgrade the well to level 2.
  3. Buy 1 horse, order 10 tomatoes and 10 bacon and eggs.
  4. Sell ​​10 burgers, order 10 tomatoes.
  5. Sell ​​4 foals.
  6. Order 5 packs of pizza dough and 5 packs of cheese.
  7. Sell ​​5 pizzas and 1 foal.
  8. Order 5 packs of pizza dough and 5 packs of cheese.

Level 73

  1. Sell ​​5 foals.
  2. Buy 4 cows and 3 cats, upgrade the well and the car to level 2, the warehouse to level 3.
  3. Sell ​​3 bears.
  4. Sell ​​3 bears.
  5. Sell ​​3 bears.
  6. Sell ​​10 foals.
  7. Buy 10 cows, sell 10 foals and 1 bear.
  8. Sell ​​5 foals and 2 bears.
  9. Sell ​​14 horses.

Level 74

  1. Upgrade the well to level 2, sell 8 cakes.
  2. Sell ​​2 bears, order 15 bowls of cream.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears, order 5 bowls of cream, upgrade warehouse to level 2.
  4. Sell ​​2 bears.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears.
  6. Buy 6 bowls of cream.

Level 75

Up to the level, buy the upgrade "Burger Level 5".
  1. Buy 2 pigs and 4 ducks, build a level 1 kitchen.
  2. Order 6 buns and 6 tomatoes.
  3. Order 6 cutlets and 6 bowls of cream.
  4. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2.
  5. Sell ​​6 burgers, build a level 2 bakery.

Level 76

  1. Buy 1 cow, upgrade the warehouse and well to level 2.
  2. Sell ​​1 bear and 5 ducks.
  3. Order 3 cups of sourdough.
  4. Sell ​​1 bear and 5 ducks.
  5. Sell ​​1 bear and 5 ducks, order 2 cups of sourdough.
  6. Sell ​​4 packages of cheese and 1 bear.
  7. Upgrade the warehouse to level 3, buy 1 cow, order 10 glasses of sourdough, sell 2 bears.
  8. Upgrade the car to level 2, sell 2 bears and 4 packages of cheese.
  9. Buy 1 cow.
  10. Sell ​​1 Bear, 3 Cows, 3 Cheese Packs.
  11. Order 20 bowls of cream, build a level 5 bakery and pastry shop.
  12. Order 10 bowls of cream.

Level 77

  1. Upgrade the well to level 2, sell 2 bears.
  2. Sell ​​2 bears.
  3. Sell ​​1 bear and 8 pots of sour cream.
  4. Buy 1 horse, sell 2 bears.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears.
  6. Sell ​​1 bear and 1 foal.
  7. Buy 1 cow, upgrade the car to level 2.
  8. As soon as 25 pots of sour cream accumulate, sell 4 cows.
  9. Sell ​​10 foals.
  10. Sell ​​5 horses and 5 foals.
  11. Sell ​​7 horses and 5 foals.

Level 78

Up to the level, buy the upgrade "Separator Level 5".
  1. Order 20 eggs, buy 2 pigs.
  2. Order 20 eggs.
  3. Sell ​​20 tortillas.
  4. Sell ​​5 tortillas and 8 bacon and eggs.
  5. Buy 1 cow.
  6. Sell ​​7 Bacon and Eggs and 2 Pigs.

Level 79

  1. Upgrade the warehouse, car and well to level 2, sell 5 slices of bacon and 2 bears.
  2. Buy 1 pig.
  3. Sell ​​2 Bears and 5 Bacon Slices.
  4. Buy a pig and 5 ducks.
  5. Sell ​​1 Bear, 7 Bacon Slices and 10 Eggs.
  6. Sell ​​1 Bear, 10 Bacon Slices, 10 Eggs.
  7. Buy 1 pig, upgrade warehouse to level 3.
  8. Sell ​​2 bears and 10 slices of bacon, buy 2 pigs.
  9. Sell ​​2 Bears and 10 Bacon Slices.
  10. Sell ​​3 bears.

Level 80

  1. Buy 1 cow, upgrade the car and well to level 2, sell 15 pigs.
  2. Buy 1 cow.
  3. Sell ​​5 packages of cottage cheese.
  4. Buy 1 cow.
  5. Sell ​​5 packages of cottage cheese.
  6. Buy 1 cow.
  7. Sell ​​5 packages of cottage cheese.
  8. Buy 1 cow.
  9. Sell ​​5 packages of cottage cheese.
  10. Buy 1 cow.
  11. Sell ​​3 packages of cottage cheese and 7 bottles of milk.
  12. Buy a cow.

Farm Frenzy 5 Return: Walkthrough levels 81-90

Level 81

  1. Buy 3 ducks, build a bakery and pastry shop level 1, order 5 bowls of cream.
  2. Sell ​​2 bears, upgrade warehouse to level 2.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears.
  4. Sell ​​2 bears, upgrade the bakery to level 2.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears, upgrade the well to level 2.
  6. Sell ​​1 bear and 4 pies, order 15 bowls of cream.
  7. Buy 2 ducks.
  8. Upgrade the bakery to level 3, the bakery to level 2.
  9. Order 10 bowls of cream, sell 1 bear and 8 pies.
  10. Upgrade the bakery to level 3, buy 10 ducks.

Level 82

Up to the level, buy the "Level 2 Aircraft" upgrade.
  1. Upgrade the plane, well and warehouse to level 2, order 10 buns, 10 tomatoes, 10 cutlets.
  2. Sell ​​2 bears.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears.
  4. Sell ​​the bear and 5 burgers.
  5. Upgrade the warehouse to level 3 and the car to level 2, sell 3 bears.
  6. Sell ​​2 bears and 5 burgers.
  7. Order 10 buns, 10 tomatoes, 10 cutlets.
  8. Sell ​​2 bears and 10 burgers.
  9. Buy 1 horse, sell 2 pigs, 2 ducks and 6 eggs and bacon.
  10. Sell ​​5 horses and 5 foals.
  11. Order 10 pots of sour cream.

Level 83

  1. Sell ​​2 packages of cottage cheese.
  2. Upgrade the well to level 2, order 10 cups of sourdough and 5 tomatoes.
  3. Sell ​​5 packages of cheese and 1 pig, upgrade the warehouse to level 2.
  4. Order 10 eggs and 10 bowls of cream.
  5. Order 5 packs of pizza dough.
  6. Sell ​​3 pizzas.
  7. Upgrade the warehouse to level 3, order 10 bowls of cream and 10 eggs.
  8. Sell ​​2 cows and 2 pizzas, build a bakery and a level 5 patisserie.

Level 84

  1. Buy 4 cows.
  2. Sell ​​2 bears, upgrade the well to level 2.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears.
  4. Sell ​​1 bear and 3 pots of sour cream.
  5. Sell ​​2 cows.
  6. Sell ​​1 bear.
  7. Sell ​​1 bear and 4 cows, build a level 2 curd shop.
  8. Sell ​​1 bear and 8 packages of cottage cheese, upgrade the cottage cheese to level 3.
  9. Sell ​​9 packages of cottage cheese.
  10. Buy a horse.
  11. Upgrade the car, sell 8 packages of cottage cheese.
  12. Sell ​​2 horses and 4 foals.

Level 85

  1. Order 10 cakes and 10 bowls of cream.
  2. Order 10 cakes and 10 bowls of cream.
  3. Upgrade the warehouse and car to level 2, sell 3 bears.
  4. Sell ​​2 bears.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears and 10 pies.
  6. Upgrade the plane to level 2, order 10 cakes and 10 bowls of cream and 10 eggs.
  7. Sell ​​2 bears and 8 pies.
  8. Order 20 eggs.

Level 86

  1. Buy 2 cows.
  2. Sell ​​2 pots of sour cream.
  3. Upgrade the well to level 2, order 10 eggs.
  4. Sell ​​1 pot of sour cream.
  5. Build a cottage cheese, order 5 glasses of sourdough.
  6. Sell ​​2 cows, 5 packs of cheese.

Level 87

  1. Upgrade the well, car and warehouse to level 2, sell 2 bears and 2 scrambled eggs and bacon.
  2. Buy 1 pig, sell 2 bears and 2 bacon and eggs.
  3. Sell ​​2 Bears and 5 Bacon and Eggs.
  4. Buy 2 pigs.
  5. Sell ​​2 Bears and 4 Bacon and Eggs.

Level 88

  1. Sell ​​1 foal.
  2. Buy 4 pigs, order 10 eggs and 6 tomatoes.
  3. Order 6 buns and 6 cutlets.
  4. Order 6 eggs.
  5. Sell ​​4 pigs and 6 burgers.
  6. Upgrade the car to level 2, sell 10 eggs and bacon.
  7. Buy a cow.
  8. Sell ​​10 foals.
  9. Buy 10 cows.

Level 89

  1. Sell ​​1 bear and 5 eggs.
  2. Build a level 1 bakery, sell 2 tortillas and 1 bear.
  3. Sell ​​1 bear and 3 tortillas, build a level 1 candy store, order 3 bowls of cream.
  4. Sell ​​3 pies, order 7 bowls of cream.
  5. Upgrade the bakery and pastry shop to level 2, sell 7 pies, order 10 bowls of cream.
  6. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2, buy 1 pig, sell 10 pies and 5 ducks.
  7. Order 5 tomatoes and 5 buns, build a level 1 kitchen.
  8. Build a level 1 burger shop, upgrade the kitchen to level 2, order 5 patties.
  9. Buy 1 pig.
  10. Sell ​​3 burgers.
  11. Upgrade the burger shop to level 2.

Level 90

  1. Sell ​​1 bear and 2 bottles of milk.
  2. Build a level 1 separator, sell 1 bear and 2 pots of sour cream.
  3. Buy 2 pigs and 2 ducks, upgrade the warehouse, car and well to level 2.
  4. Build a level 2 kitchen, order 10 tomatoes and 10 buns.
  5. Sell ​​4 pots of sour cream, order 10 cutlets and 10 tomatoes.
  6. Upgrade the warehouse to level 3, order 10 buns and 10 cutlets.
  7. Sell ​​2 burgers and 4 pots of sour cream.
  8. Order 5 tomatoes and 5 cutlets, upgrade the burger to level 3.
  9. Buy 3 pigs and 3 ducks, upgrade the kitchen to level 5, order 5 buns.

Farm Frenzy 5 Comeback: Completing bonus levels 91-100

Bonus Level 91

  1. Sell ​​2 ducks, buy 2 cows.
  2. Sell ​​2 bears.
  3. Upgrade the well to level 2, sell 2 bears.
  4. Upgrade the warehouse and car to level 2, sell 3 bears.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears and 9 pots of sour cream.
  6. Buy 1 cow, order 10 bowls of cream and 10 tortillas.
  7. Order 10 bowls of cream and 10 tortillas, sell 10 pies and 7 pots of sour cream.
  8. Order 10 cakes and 10 bowls of cream, buy 1 cow.

Bonus Level 92

  1. Buy 2 cows, 2 ducks, 2 pigs.
  2. Upgrade the warehouse, well and machine to level 2, build a separator room and kitchen to level 2.
  3. Sell ​​2 scrambled eggs and bacon and 2 pots of sour cream.
  4. Sell ​​4 Bacon and Eggs and 4 Pots of Sour Cream.
  5. Buy 1 cow, 1 duck, 1 pig.
  6. Sell ​​8 Bacon and Eggs and 4 Pots of Sour Cream.
  7. Build a level 1 cottage cheese shop, upgrade the kitchen to level 3.
  8. Sell ​​everything except sour cream, improve curd whenever possible.

Bonus Level 93

  1. Order 5 eggs, sell 5 slices of bacon.
  2. Sell ​​5 slices of bacon, order 20 eggs.
  3. Build a level 3 kitchen, order 7 eggs and 6 tomatoes.
  4. Upgrade the warehouse to level 3, order 6 buns and 3 cutlets, sell all the pigs.
  5. Order 3 cutlets, upgrade the kitchen to level 4.

Bonus Level 94

Up to the level, buy the "Level 5 Cottage Cheese" upgrade.
  1. Sell ​​5 cows.
  2. Buy 10 pots of sour cream and 10 cups of sourdough.
  3. Sell ​​3 packages of cheese.
  4. Upgrade the cheese factory to level 2, order 3 pots of sour cream, 3 cups of sourdough, sell 6 packages of cheese.
  5. Order 8 pots of sour cream and 8 glasses of sourdough, sell 4 packages of cheese.
  6. Sell ​​6 packages of cheese, order 4 cups of sourdough and 6 pots of sour cream.
  7. Order 3 packs of cottage cheese.

Bonus Level 95

  1. Buy 2 pigs, 3 ducks, build a level 3 kitchen, a level 2 burger shop.
  2. Upgrade the warehouse, well and car to level 2.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears, order 10 tomatoes and 10 buns.
  4. Sell ​​1 bear.
  5. Sell ​​1 bear.
  6. Sell ​​1 bear and 6 burgers.
  7. Sell ​​1 Bear, 4 Burgers, and 4 Bacon and Eggs.
  8. Sell ​​2 bears.
  9. Sell ​​11 Bacon and Eggs and 1 Bear.
  10. Buy 1 cow.
  11. Sell ​​1 Bear and 3 Bacon and Eggs.
  12. Sell ​​3 pigs and 3 ducks.
  13. Build a level 1 separator.

Bonus Level 96

  1. Buy 1 horse.
  2. Sell ​​1 foal when there are 2 horses.
  3. Upgrade the plane, well and warehouse to level 2, buy 5 pigs and 5 ducks, build a level 5 kitchen.
  4. Sell ​​4 horses and 4 foals.
  5. Buy 5 cows and 1 cat, order 10 tomatoes, 10 packs of pizza dough and 10 cups of sourdough, upgrade the warehouse to level 3.
  6. Build a level 4 separator, cottage cheese and cheese factory.
  7. Sell ​​all ducks and pigs when there are 30 Bacon and Eggs and 10 Bacon Slices.
  8. Sell ​​5 cows when there are 20 packages of cheese.
  9. Build a level 2 pizzeria.

Bonus Level 97

  1. Sell ​​2 bears.
  2. Upgrade the well to level 2.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears.
  4. Upgrade your car to level 2.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears.
  6. Sell ​​3 bears.
  7. Sell ​​15 foals when there are 20 horses.

Bonus Level 98

  1. Upgrade the car to level 2, sell 3 bears.
  2. Sell ​​3 bears.
  3. Sell ​​3 bears, upgrade the well to level 2.
  4. Sell ​​3 bears.
  5. Sell ​​4 foals when there are 4 horses.
  6. Order 20 pots of sour cream.
  7. Sell ​​4 horses and all foals.
  8. Order 20 cups of sourdough.
  9. Sell ​​3 bears, upgrade warehouse to level 3.
  10. Sell ​​3 bears.
  11. Build a level 4 cheese factory.

Bonus level 99

Up to the level, buy the upgrades "Level 5 Cheese Factory" and "Level 3 Pizzeria".
  1. Upgrade the well to level 2.
  2. Sell ​​1 foal when there are 2 horses.
  3. Upgrade the plane and the car to level 2, the warehouse to level 3, buy 3 pigs and 3 ducks, order 9 tomatoes, 9 buns, 9 cutlets.
  4. Upgrade the burger and kitchen to level 3.
  5. Sell ​​6 foals and 6 burgers.
  6. Sell ​​3 burgers and 4 foals.
  7. Order 9 cups of sourdough, 9 tomatoes and 9 packs of pizza dough.
  8. Buy 3 cows, 1 cat.
  9. Sell ​​3 pigs when there are 9 slices of bacon, 5 foals.
  10. Build a separator and cottage cheese 3 levels.
  11. Sell ​​all horses, foals and cows.
  12. Upgrade the pizzeria and cheese factory to level 3.
  13. Order 9 bowls of cream.
  14. Build a level 5 bakery and pastry shop.

Bonus Level 100

  1. Sell ​​1 bear and 3 bottles of milk.
  2. Upgrade the well to level 3.
  3. Upgrade the car and warehouse to level 2, sell 2 bears and 3 pots of sour cream.
  4. Upgrade the separator room to level 2, sell 2 bears and 8 pots of sour cream.
  5. Build a level 2 cottage cheese shop, sell 2 bears and 2 packages of cottage cheese.
  6. Order 20 glasses of sourdough, upgrade the warehouse to level 3.
  7. Build a Level 2 Cheese Factory, sell 2 Bears and 4 Cheese Packs.
  8. Order 6 tomatoes and 6 packs of pizza dough, buy 2 pigs.
  9. Sell ​​1 bear and 6 packages of cheese.
  10. Sell ​​6 pizzas and 2 pigs.
  11. Order 4 tomatoes and 4 packs of pizza dough.
  12. Sell ​​4 pizzas, 10 packs of cottage cheese and 5 bottles of milk.
  13. Buy 7 cows.

Farm Frenzy 5 Comeback: Bonus Levels 101-110 Walkthrough

Bonus Level 101

  1. Buy 3 cows, build a level 3 separator, upgrade the car, warehouse and well to level 2.
  2. Sell ​​3 pots of sour cream, order 20 eggs.
  3. Buy 3 pigs, build a level 3 kitchen.
  4. Sell ​​6 scrambled eggs with bacon, 6 pots of sour cream, order 10 eggs.
  5. Sell ​​9 Pots of Sour Cream and 6 Bacon and Eggs.
  6. Sell ​​10 Bacon and Eggs and 10 Pots of Sour Cream.
  7. Sell ​​3 pigs and 3 cows.

Bonus Level 102

  1. Buy 3 ducks, upgrade bakery and pastry shop to level 3, warehouse and well to level 2, order 10 bowls of cream.
  2. Sell ​​1 package of cottage cheese.
  3. Order 20 bowls of cream, upgrade warehouse to level 3.
  4. Sell ​​10 pies and 5 packages of cottage cheese.
  5. Upgrade the machine, separator and cottage cheese to level 2, sell 10 packages of cottage cheese and 20 pies.
  6. Sell ​​10 packages of cottage cheese and 20 bottles of milk.
  7. Buy 6 cows.

Bonus Level 103

  1. Buy 1 cow, 2 pigs and 2 ducks, upgrade the kitchen and the well to level 2.
  2. Sell ​​2 Bacon and Eggs and 1 Bear.
  3. Sell ​​2 bears.
  4. Upgrade the warehouse to level 3, sell 2 bears.
  5. Sell ​​2 bears.
  6. Upgrade the car to level 2, sell 2 bears and 2 slices of bacon.
  7. Sell ​​2 ducks and 2 pigs, order 10 tomatoes and 10 buns.
  8. Build a level 1 cottage cheese shop, order 10 cutlets.
  9. Sell ​​1 cow, build a level 1 burger joint.
  10. Sell ​​3 burgers, upgrade the burger shop to level 2.
  11. Upgrade curd to level 2.

Bonus Level 104

  1. Order 20 bowls of cream.
  2. Upgrade the warehouse and well to level 2, sell 1 bear, order 10 bowls of cream.
  3. Sell ​​1 bear.
  4. Sell ​​1 bear and 4 cows.
  5. Sell ​​1 bear and 10 pies.
  6. Sell ​​1 bear and 10 pies.
  7. Sell ​​1 bear and 10 pies.
  8. Order 10 glasses of sourdough, build a separator and curd 3 levels.

Bonus Level 105

  1. Buy 3 ducks, 3 cows, 3 pigs and 1 cat.
  2. Build a level 2 separator, level 1 cottage cheese, level 1 cheese factory, level 2 warehouse.
  3. Order 10 glasses of sourdough.
  4. Sell ​​2 packs of cheese, 5 bottles of milk.
  5. Upgrade the warehouse to level 3, the cottage cheese to level 2.
  6. Order 3 packs of dough and 10 tomatoes.
  7. Sell ​​4 packages of cottage cheese.
  8. Build a level 1 pizzeria.
  9. Sell ​​3 pizzas.
  10. Order 7 packs of dough, 7 cups of sourdough.
  11. Sell ​​20 Bacon Slices.
  12. Upgrade the warehouse to level 5.
  13. Sell ​​3 cows and 5 bottles of milk.
  14. Buy 10 packs of dough, 10 tomatoes.
  15. Sell ​​2 pizzas.
  16. Upgrade your pizzeria to level 2.
  17. Sell ​​3 ducks when there are 60 eggs.
  18. Order 6 glasses of sourdough.
  19. Sell ​​5 pizzas.
  20. Upgrade the cheese factory to level 2.
  21. Sell ​​6 pizzas.
  22. Upgrade the bakery to level 5.
  23. Sell ​​40 tortillas.
  24. Build a level 5 kitchen, a level 5 burger shop.
  25. Upgrade the aircraft to level 2.
  26. Order 20 buns, 20 tomatoes, 20 cutlets.

Bonus Level 106

Up to the level, buy the upgrade "Pizzeria Level 5".
  1. Sell ​​3 horses and 5 foals.
  2. Upgrade the plane to level 3, order 10 tomatoes, 10 buns, 10 cutlets.
  3. Buy 5 pigs, 1 cat.
  4. Order 10 tomatoes, 10 bacon and eggs, 10 packs of cheese.
  5. Order 10 packs of pizza dough.

Bonus Level 107

  1. Buy 2 cows, 2 pigs, 2 ducks, upgrade the well, warehouse and car to level 3, order 10 tomatoes and 10 glasses of sourdough.
  2. Sell ​​2 cows when there are 10 packages of cheese.
  3. Order 6 packs of pizza dough.
  4. Sell ​​6 pizzas.
  5. Order 4 packs of pizza dough, 10 tomatoes, buy 3 ducks.
  6. Order 10 buns, 10 cutlets, sell 2 pigs.
  7. Build a burger shop and a level 5 kitchen.
  8. Build a level 5 bakery.

Bonus Level 108

  1. Upgrade the warehouse to level 2, buy 1 duck, 1 pig, 1 cow.
  2. Order 3 bowls of cream and 3 cups of sourdough.
  3. Build a level 1 cheese factory, order 3 packs of pizza dough and 3 tomatoes.
  4. Build a level 1 pizzeria, sell 1 pig and 1 duck.
  5. Build a level 1 kitchen.
  6. Sell ​​1 cow.
  7. Build a burger place, order 3 tomatoes and 3 buns.
  8. Order 3 cutlets.

Bonus Level 109

  1. Order 5 pots of sour cream.
  2. Upgrade the car and warehouse to level 2.
  3. Sell ​​3 bears.
  4. Sell ​​3 bears.
  5. Sell ​​3 bears, buy 5 pots of sour cream.
  6. Sell ​​3 bears.
  7. Sell ​​3 bears.
  8. Sell ​​3 horses and 4 foals.
  9. Order 10 pots of sour cream and 10 cups of sourdough.
  10. Sell ​​3 bears.
  11. Build a level 2 cheese factory, order 10 cups of sourdough.
  12. Sell ​​4 Cheese Packs and 2 Bears.
  13. Upgrade the cheese factory to level 4.

Bonus Level 110

  1. Sell ​​1 bear.
  2. Build a level 1 bakery.
  3. Sell ​​1 bear and 2 tortillas.
  4. Order 5 bowls of cream, sell 1 bear and 1 tortilla.
  5. Build a level 1 candy store, sell 2 bears.
  6. Sell ​​4 pies, upgrade the well to level 2.
  7. Buy 1 pig, sell 1 pie.
  8. Buy 1 duck, order 5 bowls of cream.
  9. Sell ​​3 pies.
  10. Build a kitchen, sell 2 pies.
  11. Sell ​​4 Bacon and Eggs, build a level 1 burger joint.
  12. Order 10 buns and 10 tomatoes, sell 2 bacon and eggs.
  13. Order 10 cutlets, 10 tomatoes, upgrade the warehouse to level 2.
  14. Sell ​​2 ducks and 3 burgers.
  15. Buy 1 pig, sell 3 burgers.
  16. Sell ​​3 burgers.
  17. Sell ​​10 Bacon Slices and 1 Burger.
  18. Sell ​​10 slices of bacon.
  19. Sell ​​10 Bacon Slices and 1 Pig.
  20. Buy 1 cow.
  21. Sell ​​2 bottles of milk and 2 slices of bacon, build a level 1 separator.
  22. Sell ​​2 pots of sour cream and 4 slices of bacon.
  23. Build a level 1 cottage cheese shop, order 5 cups of sourdough.
  24. Sell ​​2 packages of cottage cheese.
  25. Build a level 1 cheese factory.
  26. Sell ​​4 packages of cheese.
  27. Build a level 1 pizzeria, order 9 cups of sourdough and 2 packs of pizza dough.
  28. Sell ​​2 pizzas.
  29. Order 5 packs of pizza dough.
  30. Sell ​​4 pizzas.
  31. Order 3 packs of pizza dough.
  32. Sell ​​4 pizzas and 10 slices of bacon, order 3 cups of sourdough.
  33. Sell ​​1 slice of bacon and 1 pig.
  34. Sell ​​3 packages of cheese and 1 cow.
  35. Buy 1 horse.

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