Wise GeekGame Walkthroughs → Mushroom Age - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step

Mushroom Age - Full Walkthrough with Tips and Puzzles

Mushroom Era. The article describes a complete and detailed walkthrough of the game with pictures. An overview of all the secrets, tips, tactics and features of game mechanics from start to finish is given.


  1. Walkthrough Chapter 1 "Laboratory"
  2. Walkthrough Chapter 2 "Year 3008"
  3. Walkthrough Chapter 3 "Elixir of Understanding"
  4. Walkthrough Chapter 4 "Jurassic"
  5. Walkthrough Chapter 5 "Caveman"
  6. Walkthrough Chapter 6 "The Naked Thinker"
  7. Walkthrough Chapter 7 "Professor’s Soul"
  8. Walkthrough Chapter 8 "Mushroom Era"
  9. Walkthrough Chapter 9 "Timequake"
  10. Mushroom Age Walkthrough Chapter 10 "Jurassic Zodiac"
  11. Mushroom Age Walkthrough Chapter 11 "Leonardo’s Time Machine"
  12. Walkthrough Chapter 12 "The Smartest"
  13. Walkthrough Chapter 13 "Volume"
  14. Walkthrough Chapter 14 "Cave Philosophy"
  15. Walkthrough Chapter 15 "Battle for Democracy"
  16. Walkthrough Chapter 16 "Toadstool"
  17. Walkthrough Chapter 17 "The End of the World"
  18. Walkthrough Chapter 18 "The Happiest"
  19. Walkthrough Chapter 19 "The End of the World-2"
  20. Walkthrough Chapter 20 "Computer Games"
  21. Walkthrough Chapter 21 "In the Room of Nostradamus"
  22. Walkthrough Chapter 22 "Mushroom Soup"
  23. Walkthrough Chapter 23 "Wedding"

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 1 "Laboratory"

Background of the game. You arrive in a crossover to the "laboratory of time", that’s what it says on the road sign. Enter the room with a bunch of clocks and a computer. There is no one in the room, after the words "there is someone here" a scientist comes out, strongly reminiscent of Einstein. But, according to him, the professor’s name is Einbock and he works as the head of this laboratory.

From the subsequent dialogue it turns out that your name is Vera and you are the fiancee of Tom Scout, who works here as an assistant. Tom went to the laboratory 3 days ago and disappeared, the mobile phone is not answering. Einbock claims that Tom is busy right now. After that, Einbock faints because of your lily-of-the-valley perfume.

Task 1.1. How to get Professor Einbock out of a swoon?We take a bottle of ammonia near the flower on the table on the left. We move the stack of papers on the bottom shelf of the cabinet and take the handkerchief. We connect the handkerchief and ammonia in the inventory and apply it to Einbock’s face.

The awakened professor says that he lost a photo of his beloved wife, which stood on the table for 20 years. Einbock’s wife was in the photo with a bouquet of lilies of the valley, which is probably why he felt dizzy. Vera reminds him that she is looking for Tom. The professor uncertainly explains that his assistant went to a conference in Tokyo or Amsterdam, he does not remember exactly. Promises that Tom will be in a week, approximately. The bride is in shock, because they have a wedding in two days. The professor calmly replies that the wedding will have to be postponed.

Faith in anger demands to let her go to her fiance’s workplace. Einbock forbids her to pass, because. she is an outsider. Vera rightly notices that the professor is hiding something. The professor reassures Vera, saying that he himself lives without his wife, who will never return, and Tom must return!

Task 1.2. Where can I find a photo of Einbock’s wife? In order for the professor to let us go to Tom’s workplace, we need to find a photo of his wife. Move the flower on the table to the left and take the screwdriver. We unscrew her left clock with a white frame on the wall and find behind them a photograph of his wife.

The professor is glad that you found a photograph of his wife. But Vera agrees to give it away only when she sees her fiance’s workplace. Einbock gives the key to the lab and leaves after receiving a photograph of his wife.

Task 1.3. Enter the laboratory and find items by silhouettes. We apply the key card to the reader to the left of the door and go into the laboratory. You need to find items whose white silhouettes appear from above:

If you can find me any item, then use the hint in the form of a question mark in the upper right corner of the screen. But you won’t be able to use this hint all the time, because. after use, it recharges for some time.

We look at the found mobile phone of Tom. It displays the last call, from 3008 AD! Professor Einbock asks you not to touch this phone. Vera asks him what this strange contact is. Einbock asks not to call him, explaining that the phone is a time machine and if you call the contact "AD 3008", you will be taken to the year 3008. Vera says that the professor is clearly out of his mind and calls this contact, despite Einbock’s warnings. After going through the time tunnel, chapter 1 ends.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 2 "Year 3008"

When we appear, we see a strange talking robot with gardening tools instead of hands. The robot reports that his name is UM-21. To the question "what year is it now" the robot says that it is now 3008. To Vera’s words that it is now 2008, the robot laughs strangely. Laughter causes the robot to jam and requires a reboot to continue working.

Task 2.1. How to reboot the robot by picking up a password?Answer options appear on the screen, one of them is correct. In this case, the answer is PROCESSOR. But other options are also possible. UM-21 thanks you for the reboot and complains that he has been getting stuck lately. It turns out that the professor is telling the truth and the phone is a real time machine. The robot says the Tom Scout we’re looking for is behind the fence. He only lost the key to the gate and has not been able to get there for the second day.

Task 2.2. How to find the key and open the gate?We take the light bulb in the cabinet with the green panel and screw the light bulb into the spotlight on the corner of the building. Open the bottom door of the cabinet hanging on the wall and take out the key. Using the key, open the top door of the same cabinet and take out the axe. We break with an ax the cabinet doors with large green windows, standing to the right of the building. We take the canister from the open cabinet and refuel the red lawn mower. Lubricate this lawn mower with an oil can, now it works. We mow the grass near the fence and find the key in it. We open the gate with the key and enter the cemetery.

At the cemetery. UM-21 reports that he is a cemetery robot, cleans up trash and keeps order. And Tom Scout’s grave is around here somewhere. Vera realizes with horror that her fiance has died and asks the robot to show his grave. The tablets were torn down and Tom’s grave is now nowhere to be found. The robot refuses to collect the tablets, because his working hours are over.

Task 2.3. How to collect all the tablets from the graves . In total, you need to collect 25 tablets. They are on the fence, under gravestones, on the ground and even on wires. One of the tablets is buried in the ground in the center of the location. To dig it out, you need to go back and take a shovel. You also need to use the sign on the right to go to the other side of the cemetery and collect the remaining 14 tablets.

If it’s difficult, use the hints by clicking on the question mark in the upper right corner of the screen. It will show you where the next sign is.

Robot UM-21 thanks for the help and shows Tom’s sign. According to which Tom died in 2508. UM-21 warns that there may be several Tom Scouts and offers to watch his posthumous hologram. A hologram is a parting word of the deceased to descendants, which he did during his lifetime. But it turns out that the hologram is broken and you need to fix it.

Task 2.4. How to turn on the hologram ? You need to connect the left contact (source) with the two right ones in the hologram using wires. The wires can be rotated and if the wire is connected to the source correctly it will turn purple. You need to turn the wires as shown in the picture above.

Tom’s hologram addresses Vera and informs her that his cell phone is indeed a time machine. Tom knew that Vera would get here and listen to this recording. That needs help. Someone stole dinosaur eggs from the Jurassic period and moved them to another time. And if you do not return the eggs back, then Tom will not come back. But first, Tom orders to go to Nostradamus in the 16th century by calling the appropriate contact on the phone.

But Vera doesn’t trust the hologram and tries to get back to 2008. After an unsuccessful attempt, she nevertheless goes to Nostradamus, dialing his contact on the phone. Chapter 2 is complete.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 3 "Elixir of Understanding"

The man is asked whether he is Nostradamus or not, to which he asks to call him Michel. The girl shares her problem with Michel - the loss of her fiance. Vera is sure that Michelle will be able to help her. At the request of the girl, the man replies that he was waiting for her and even made a horoscope. The secret remained who asked to make a horoscope. Michel said that now they would tell fortunes, however, there was a slight embarrassment due to the fact that he was engaged in spiritualism on Fridays. Yesterday, for example, he summoned the spirit of Dante, who mixed up all the playing cards. Vera offers to bring them together.

Task 3.1. Find 24 zodiac signs. The screenshot below shows the locations of the zodiac signs, however, some things need to be moved to pick up the sign.

Michelle thanks for the help and offers to make a horoscope to find out the future. But for this you need to solve the puzzle with the signs of the zodiac.

Task 3.2. How to solve puzzles with zodiac signs? It is necessary to arrange the signs of the zodiac so that their connections do not intersect. There may be several solutions, for example, try to do it, as shown in the screenshot below.

The horoscope is collected and a strange vision comes to Michel - Vera will become Michel’s wife in a year. But this is out of the question, Vera is indignant, because. she already has a fiance. Nostradamus says that it was a false vision and for the second attempt, you need to solve the puzzle again.

Task 3.3. How to solve the second puzzle with zodiac signs? It is necessary to arrange the signs of the zodiac again so that their connections do not intersect. However, the signs became 2 times more. See the screenshot below for the solution:

In the vision of Nostradamus, Vera needs to go to the primeval forest, where giant lizards run. There lies the mystery of the disappearance of the groom. But you need to take the elixir of "Understanding" with you to communicate with ancient creatures. Michel needs help finding the ingredients for the elixir.

Task 3.4. Gather the ingredients for the Elixir of Understanding. Gather the ingredients in various places. If necessary, use a hint.

Nostradamus gives the Elixir and warns that it must be given to the one whose language we want to understand. You do not need to drink the elixir yourself. At this, the fortuneteller says goodbye and goes to meet the King. Vera dials the contact "Jurassic" on the phone and goes further in search of Tom.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 4 "Jurassic"

Vera finds herself in a prehistoric forest and realizes that she has already begun to get used to time travel.

Task 4.1. Think for yourself what to do. We take in turn the cockroaches that are scattered around and feed them to the lizard, which sits at the bottom center of the screen. The last cockroach lies under the leaf in the lower right corner of the screen. The lizard gradually moves towards the pterodactyl, which grabs it and flies away with it in its beak. A Tyrannosaurus appears on the screen and begins to growl. Vera understands that she needs to give the dinosaur an elixir of understanding, but does not know how.

Task 4.2. Make the dinosaur speak. We collect 18 fruits in the places indicated in the screenshots. Then we combine them with the elixir and feed them to the dinosaur.

Tyrannosaurus thanks Vera, but complains about bad teeth. Vera asks the dinosaur to open its mouth to fix its teeth. Finding out that he has caries, Vera insists on treatment.

Task 4.3. Cure Dino’s caries. To do this, drive away the pterodactyl with a lizard in its beak. Take the bone on the bottom and the bunch of twigs on the left and place them together on the tongue. Click on the arrow on the bottom right and go to the previous location. We take 2 ropes in two locations where we recently looked for fruits and return to the mouth. With the help of one rope, we finish the brush from the bone and a bunch of branches. We break off the black tooth on the right. We brush out all the bacteria in the mouth. One of the bacteria is hiding behind Dino’s bottom left fang. We take the rope and use it to pull the yellow tooth on the left. We also sweep out the bacteria under it.

The dinosaur’s toothache is gone. To Dino’s question "how did she do it", she says that she had to remove 2 teeth. Tyrannosaurus complains that everyone is afraid of him, this makes him angry and he eats them. Vera says that’s why he has no friends and his teeth hurt. Vera tries to explain to him what to eat and what not.

Task 4.4. Divide the items into 2 groups.

  1. The ones that Dino has to eat.
  2. Items Dino should not eat.

Dino’s smile side (left) should be something Dino can eat. The evil face side (on the right) should be what Dino should no longer eat. Choose the bad item from the smiling Dino with the good item from the evil Dino.

These items should be on the smiling side: Bamboo, Fern, Banana, Eggplant, Cake (why?), Apple, Mushroom, and Lettuce.

These items must be on the evil side: dinosaur, UFO, mosquito, mouse, woman, pterodactyl, frog and fish.

Task 4.5. Find Dino eggs (there are 21 of them). See screenshots below or use the reusable hint button. Use the arrows at the bottom of the scene to move to the next or previous scene.

Task 4.6. Put the photo together. When 2 or more adjacent pieces of a photo are placed next to each other, they will stay together.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 5 "Caveman"

Task 5.1. Start a conversation with the caveman. Collect the 9 ladder pieces from the scene. Drag the ladder to the apple tree. Collect the apple as it falls from the tree and place it in inventory.

Enter the cave. Select the fur curtain above the cave door. Pour the elixir over the apple. Give the red apple to the picture of the caveman.

Task 5.2. Collect 25 pieces of firewood outside and inside the cave. Click on the hands above the cave door, then select the cave idol on the side of the cave to select a hidden piece of wood. Click on the fallen curtain in the cave to find a hidden piece of wood.

Task 5.3. Light the fire. Collect 5 more pieces of firewood scattered around the scene. Enter the cave and select the sledgehammer behind the bush by the chair. Use the sledgehammer on the stalagmite in the lower left side of the screen. The flint section will fall. Put the flint into your inventory.

Exit from the cave. Put the firewood on the fire. Place the dry wood from inventory in the fire pit. Select a flint from your inventory and drag it to the flint next to the fire pit. The fire must be kindled.

Task 5.4. Arrange the pictures of everything in evolutionary order, and then align the food needed by each organism. Select 2 images at the bottom of the screen and they will swap places. See the screenshot below for the correct order.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 6 "The Naked Thinker"

Task 6.1. Find the tunic of Socrates. And while you’re at it, clean up the place a bit. Find 23 items in the top right taskbar. The sheep is found in the painting of the death of Socrates to the right of the red curtains on the wall.

After the top of the basket (the last element) is found in the list, a key will appear. Select key and place in inventory. Return to the temple and open the chest with your inventory key. The tunic will be in the chest.

Task 6.2. Give Socrates a massage. Remember and repeat the sequences 10 times. A white X will appear with a number. Repeat the sequence in the correct number order. The blue bar at the bottom of the screen will move to the right when the sequence is selected in the correct order. Don’t worry, you get as many tries as you need; you only need to restart the current sequence. The sequence remains the same each time.

Task 6.3. Find a dinosaur egg. Find the letters 8 letters inside and outside the temple and put 4 in your inventory at the same time. Select the word "Socrates" on the back wall and then insert the letters. When all the letters return to the wall, a hidden door will open. Click on the lever, the pool will empty and take the egg out of the pool.

Task 6.4. Decipher the message written on the back of the picture. Pick 2 letters in the same row and they will swap places. Put the letters in the correct order. Should be read as follows.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 7 "Professor’s Soul"

Task 7.1. Find all 20 mice in the Lab Room and Lab.

Task 7.2. Find 20 Einbock Pills in the Lab Lab Lab. Select the green bottle on the top shelf in the lab, the bottle will fall and break, then select the pill from the floor. See the screenshots below for the location of the pills.

Task 7.3. Help remove things from Einbock’s mind that are causing his autophobia. Find the 21 silhouette items in the taskbar. Use the key that is in the top right shelf of the cabinet behind the door to the right of the screen to unlock it. the middle shelf of the 2nd row of the same cabinet. Use the crowbar to the left of the screen next to the cabinet to open the cabinet. Select a canoe and it will continuously paddle across the screen.

Task 7.4. Find differences between pictures on split screen.

Mushroom Era: Walkthrough Chapter 8 "Mushroom Era"

Task 8.1. Find 34 Tom’s footprints between the two scenes. 2 tracks are hidden in the first scene. See screenshot below.

There are several hidden tracks in this scene, see the screenshot below.

Task 8.2: Find 38 characters between 2 scenes.

Task 8.3. Unscramble the following text. Swap 2 letters in one line like in the previous game. The text should be as follows.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 9 "Timequake"

Task 9.1. Find 3 access cards and enter the lab . The lab will be dark and the screenshots will not be very good blacks. Put the access cards in inventory.

One card is behind the first clock in the second row. One card is under the box at the bottom right of the screen by the water cooler. Select the cup on the table, the key should fall out, then select the key that you need to use in the lower left cabinet door to get the third access card. First use the red access card on the lock, then the yellow and green ones.

Task 9.2. Restore power (find 4 fuses in the dark). Remove the gloves from the lower left cabinet door, put in inventory. See screenshots below for fuses.

Put gloves on the fuse box first, then install 4 fuses on the fuse box. Flip light switch.

Task 9.3. Find 11 Time Machine Parts in the Lab and Lab Room from the silhouette clues on the taskbar.

Task 9.4. Assemble a time machine; place the pieces from the floor on the time machine in the correct places like a puzzle.

Task 9.5. Repair and activate the holographic device.

Mushroom Age Walkthrough Chapter 10 "Jurassic Zodiac"

Task 10.1. Help Nostradamus restore his senses by placing historical events in order. Past events at the bottom and future events at the top, swapping 2 lines of text. Solution order:

Task 10.2. Find 18 symbols of the zodiac of Nostradamus.

Task 10.3. Align the zodiac symbols so that none of the lines connecting them intersect. Solve the puzzle as in the previous constellation. Screenshot is a puzzle solved one step before the solution. Follow the instructions in the screenshot to solve.

Task 10.4. Align the zodiac symbols, solve the puzzles just like the previous puzzles. Screenshot is a puzzle solved one step before the solution. Follow the instructions in the screenshot to solve.

Mushroom Age Walkthrough Chapter 11 "Leonardo’s Time Machine"

Task 11.1. View the house of Nostradamus. Find 14 items that match the silhouette on the toolbar. This task is more difficult, as there are many hidden objects, as well as the interaction of several objects.

Pick up the mirror next to the window and find the key. Use the key to open the lower doors on the cabinet next to the chest. Remove the items from the bottom shelves of the cabinet and get another key.

Open the chest and select the items on the taskbar along with the crowbar. Click on the dining room on the right above the door and take another key. Open the right cabinet door next to the door.

Remove the pillows and get another key. Use the key found behind the pillows to open the closet door on the left. Select the wooden panel above the apple image to move the pedestal and restore the mask.

Use the crowbar to enter the boarded up storage room. Open the red curtains on the back wall of the closet. Select the cross on the top middle shelf and place in inventory.

Select the mirror next to the chest in the lower right corner of the screen and place it in front of the bookshelves where there is a dark circle. The mosaic circle will be exposed on the carpet in the lower middle of the scene. Place the cross in the center of the circle. Retrieve the box with the hologram from the hidden door when it appears in the taskbar (this will be your last item).

Task 11.2. Repair and activate the holographic device. Solve this puzzle like the previous puzzles of this kind. Some pieces of the puzzle do not move and not all pieces will be used to solve the puzzle. Rotate the wires to connect the puzzle pieces. See screenshot for solution.

Task 11.3. Help Nostradamus think.

This is the right game. Select the forehead of Nostradamus and the photos will be shown. Select 2 identical images consecutively to make matches. When a match is made, the boxes will fill up and end up with an image of Leonardo di Vinci. There are duplicates of the same picture on the forehead.

Task 11.4. Call upon the spirit of da Vinci by matching pairs and removing them from the deck of cards. This game is similar to mahjong. Jokers are wild and can be matched with any card. There will be 2 cards that you have to match with the pranksters. You can only remove luminous cards from the top.

Task 11.5. Decode plans. The selected square will be highlighted with a yellow outline around it; neighboring squares will be outlined in green. You can switch cards that have a green outline around them with the selected card. See screenshot for solution.

Task 11.6. Assemble the DaVinici time machine. Solve this problem like a puzzle. Place the time machine parts in the correct positions on the dark time machine. Who knew a toilet could have such a use. Makes you think next time you have to go.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 12 "The Smartest"

Task 12.1. Hit the yellow balls. Place the red ball as a bumper. Move the red ball to the middle of the screen. Press start and pray for the red ball to be in the right position as another yellow ball falls from the top of the screen hitting the yellow balls. You get as many tries as it takes to win the game. There are 2 rounds to be won.

Task 12.2. Hit the yellow balls. Place the red balls as bumpers. Play the game just like the previous one with more red and yellow balls.

Task 12.3. Hit the yellow balls. Place the red balls as bumpers.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 13 "Volume"

Task 13.1. Find the key and enter the graveyard. Select 3 gears; one by the closet, one by the gate and one under the drawers. Place the gears on the top right side of the garage door. Select the switch in the lower right corner of the garage.

Select the fabric on the cabinet on the left and get the key. Use the key on the top door of the wall cabinet on the right side of the garage. Select the key on the shelf and use the key to open the gate.

Task 13.2. Clear all unnecessary things from Tom’s subconscious. Find 25 differences between split screen pictures.

Task 13.3. Engage in a conversation with Tom. Collect 7 drums all over the room. Pick up the pillow on the bed, get the screwdriver and put it in inventory. Select the speaker under the window, it will move away and open the air vent.

Select the vent, get the key and open the door on the right side of the red cabinet. Select the books on the bottom right shelf of the red cabinet and find the drum part. Choose a saxophone that will move towards the bed; return the drum for the saxophone.

Select the crowbar behind the bed and use it on the stuck third drawer; select green bottle. The bottle will break. Remove the key and use the door on the left side of the red cabinet, take the bat (why would you do that? I don’t know... just because you can).

When all 7 parts of the drum kit have been assembled; put the drums on a stand in front of the window. Place the drumsticks on the drums.

Task 13.4. Find things that Tom had as a child. Find 24 items in the taskbar. Select a drum kit and it will pull back to reveal some hidden objects.

Task 13.5. Collect 25 Sacred Fangs. Go to the cemetery gate (scene on the left), take the shovel and put it in inventory.

Collect the fang next to the shovel. In scene 2, pull the wooden lever to release the gravestone to get the fangs back.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 14 "Cave Philosophy"

Task 14.1. Find 40 imaginary shadows on the cave walls. Look for faces with different expressions.

Task 14.2. Find the absolute truth by combining the following basic concepts. Combine the items in the following order (when hovering over them, the item gives hints).

  1. Drag the fruits to the glass with the snake.
  2. Drag the swimmer onto the drinking glass (you have now made a healing glass).
  3. Drag the healing glass to the brain (the glass with the snake).
  4. After the brain has changed color, drag the brain into the double hearts.
  5. Drag the double hearts to the broken heart (loneliness cured).
  6. Drag your brain into your eyes (you experience compassion).
  7. Drag the eye to the hand (cruelty defeated).
  8. Drag your brain to the sun to experience the good.
  9. Drag the sun to the skull (defeated evil).
  10. Check the box to complete the task.

Task 14.3. Collect 31 representative fauna (small animals) for the alien outside and inside the cave. Click on the hands on the cave wall to lower the statue.

Task 14.4. Help the alien fix his radar. Click on the hands above the cave wall to lower the statue. Select the part of the antenna where the statue was. Click on the small triangle by the statue to reveal a hidden door.

Select the flint from the hidden door. Collect the stone ax and place it in inventory. Enter the cave to collect the last antenna piece under the fur rug.

Start a fire by choosing a flint from your inventory and place it on the stones on the fire. Select the antenna piece from inventory and place it over the fire.

Select the stone ax from inventory and knock out the dents. Yippie, it’s fixed! And magically, it became clean and shiny in the process. Oh, the miracle of computers.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 15 "Battle for Democracy"

Task 15.1. Explore the house of Socrates. Find 25 object silhouettes inside and outside the temple.

Task 15.2. Restore democracy in Athens. Select 6 tunics in the scene (3 red and 2 white). Select 5 reliable women around the edge of the scene and place them in inventory. Drag the tunics to the reliable women in inventory and on the wall, they are dressed. Women are now revolutionaries.

Drag the women (revolutionaries to the bank to take out a loan). A chest with money will appear. Let’s drink them? Drag the chest with the money to the wine warehouse, where you will get barrels of wine.

No, no, no... let the enemy get drunk! See the plot starting to thicken? Give one barrel of wine to a group of soldiers and another to the guards in front of the armory. Drag clothes to naked people.

Now arm your people by dragging them to the armory. Overthrow the government; get rid of the tyrant by dragging your new found army to the home of the tyrants. What a strange looking tyrant! Drag the revolutionaries (women) to the overthrown palace. Wow, money chest.

Select the money chest and repay the loan by dragging the money chest to the bank! What to disarm people, you say! Select sleeping soldiers and guards to wake them up. Drag soldiers into dressed and armed people to disarm them. Choose unarmed people. Holy batman, we did it, mission accomplished!

Task 15.3. Reboot the robot. Solve this game as in the previous game of this kind. The solution is random. Choose a letter. The green background color after selecting the letter will be in the solution. The red color of the background of the letter is not in the solution.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 16 "Toadstool"

Task 16.1. Play the robo-checker game. You can jump vertically, horizontally and diagonally.

You can undo the movement by pressing the arrow key in the lower right corner. You start with 36 marbles. You are allowed 16 moves, when the counter reaches 0 you win.

Destroy as many balls as you can. A good strategy is to eliminate a full side of the marble before moving on to the next side. A yellow highlighted outline indicates a legal move. Jump balls on the empty circle.

Task 16.2. Robo Checkers; solve the puzzle like in the previous game with 39 moves.

Task 16.3. Another robo check game!

Task 16.4. Find the differences between the left and right parts of the screen.

Task 16.5. Decipher the blocks to free yourself from hypnotic forces and restore your sight. Swap any two pieces to restore the painting. The lines will disappear around the parts that are in the correct position. When you swap sections, there is an image below the selected square that shows which element belongs to that area.

Task 16.6. Try to become human again (make a figurine out of pieces of mushrooms). Select a mushroom and continuously press 2 more times or until 2 more mushrooms appear. Select and click 2 small mushrooms 2 times each or until they grow.

Remove the top of the tall mushroom on the left and place it on top of the middle mushroom. Remove the top of the tall mushroom on the right and place it on the bottom of the stem of the medium mushroom. Select the stem on the left and attach it to the bottom of the mushroom, repeat this action for the right stem of the mushroom.

Select the tops of other mushrooms to make shoes. Guess where the last stems go? You are right hands. Now, isn’t she beautiful. Select a cute mushroom lady and she will walk across the screen. Please be a little patient, she will leave the screen.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 17 "The End of the World"

Task 17.1. Disarm the annihilator. Use the arrows at the bottom left on the next 2 screens to get to the garage. Select the crate next to the gate, the crate will move and reveal a set of tools. Select the toolbox and it will slide to the left, select the toolbox again and the tools will fall out.

Select the tools and put them in your inventory. Go through the gate and return to the first scene of this quest by using the arrow key in the lower right corner of the scene. Select the annihilator (rubber duck, you’re the only one, you make my bath time) oops, sorry, lost focus. You must have several close ducks. The duck sounds and looks like a ticking time bomb.

Select the red handled screwdriver (Phillips) to remove the Phillips screws (first on the left and last on the right). Select a flat head screwdriver and unscrew the flat head screws on the duck. Click on the hammer to raise the lid.

Select the wire cutters and disarm the duck by cutting the wires. I’m not sure if there’s an order for this, however it’s the only order I’ve been able to disarm, and it took several persistent tries to pinpoint the exact location.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 18 "The Happiest"

Task 18.1. Move the Mirrors so that the beam of light touches all the red targets. This can be a little tricky, especially if you have a lot of freedom in your mouse. The slightest movement of the mirrors can result in a miss or a hit. The mirror is correctly positioned when the red ball turns yellow. When done, press the pink next level button in the lower right corner of the scene.

1A-Move mirrors.

1B-Move mirrors.

Task 18.2. Move the mirrors (same as above, with more mirrors and balls).

Game 2-A.

Game 2-B.

Task 18.3. Move Mirrors, same game, more difficult and one last time!

Game 3-A.

Game 3-B.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 19 "The End of the World-2"

Task 19.1. Disarm the Annihilator in a pool of water. This challenge will entail using a garage scene, a middle graveyard scene, and a last graveyard scene. Exit the graveyard, go left and go to the garage using the arrow key in the lower left corner of the scene. Take these items from the garage and place in your inventory:

  1. 2 pieces of fire hydrant hose - 1 on top of the tall cabinet and one on the gate.
  2. Tape shelf of a tall cabinet.
  3. Handle faucet, bottom shelf, tall cabinet.
  4. Shovel near the gate.
  5. Turn on the switch at the back of the garage.

Take the 2 pieces of hose in the middle of the graveyard area and put it into inventory. Get a piece of hose at the end of the graveyard. In total, you should have 5 pieces of hoses.

From inventory, drag the ribbon onto the pieces of fire hydrant hose. Move the gravestone to expose the fire hydrant in the middle graveyard. Connect the repaired hose to the fire hydrant.

Attach the faucet handle to the top of the fire hydrant. Dig a hole with the shovel from inventory in front of the fire hydrant. The hole must be filled with water. Return to the final graveyard and place the annihilator (yellow duck) in the pool of water.

Task 19.2. Restart robot . Solve this puzzle in the same way as the previous puzzles. Solutions are random; however, they are relevant to the game’s story.

Task 19.3. Robot repair (puzzle). Clear the path by placing pieces around the edges of the screen. The pieces don’t rotate, thank God!

Many of the pieces have straight edges, making it difficult to distinguish between an inside piece or an edge piece. The pieces will stick together when properly placed. The blue crystal goes to the center of the puzzle.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 20 "Computer Games"

Task 20.1. Find a laptop, a disc with games and start a computer game. Laboratory:

  1. Select the bottom left cabinet and place the power cord in your inventory.
  2. Select the golden drum, the laptop will appear behind the drum.

Laboratory office:

  1. Remove the key from the table and open the lower cabinet doors.
  2. Remove the battery from the bottom right shelf of the cabinet.
  3. Move the box near the table and select the disk under the box.
  4. Place your laptop on a table near a water cooler.
  5. Place the battery on the laptop.
  6. Connect the power supply to the laptop.
  7. Select the laptop to turn it on, it will ask for a CD, showing a CD image.

Task 20.2. Play a computer game with Tom (3 puzzles). The pieces don’t rotate. Place the pieces on the picture where they all fit on the puzzle like a tanagram.

Puzzle 1-Truck.

Puzzle 2-smiley.

Puzzle 3- House.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 21 "In the Room of Nostradamus"

Task 21.1. Historical Order of Nostradamus. Place people in historical order by exchanging pieces on Nostradamus’ forehead. Starting from top to bottom (last to last); order:

  1. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  2. Albert Einstein.
  3. Abraham Lincoln.
  4. Napoleon Bonaparte.
  5. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
  6. Michel de Nostradamus.
  7. Joan of Arc.
  8. Genghis Khan.
  9. Jesus Christ.
  10. Alexander the Great.
  11. Socrates.
  12. Moses.

Task 21.2. Match pairs of cards to summon the spirit of Joan of Arc. This is a mahjong style card game. Only top-lit decks can be removed from the deck. Jokers are wild and can be matched with any card, however, there is only 1 correct selection to win the game.

Task 21.3. Prepare the elixir of complete understanding. Find 20 item silhouettes (plants and herbs) in the taskbar in 2 rooms.

  1. Select the rug and get the key.
  2. Use the key on the bottom door of the wall cabinet.
  3. Select the lower left cabinet door behind the window to get the chest key.
  4. Select the panel to the right of the pantry door to move the plinth.

Mushroom Era: Walkthrough Chapter 22 "Mushroom Soup"

Task 22.1. Fight the hypnosis by swapping adjacent shapes until the background is restored. Select the square and swap with the green background until the background is restored. The image behind the selected parts is the correct background. Pieces will lose contour there when in the correct position.

Task 22.2. Help the big mushroom find out the truth. To do this, find 14 images in 2 scenes of everyone involved in recent events. Watch for all the "sparkling" mushrooms. After selecting an image, an enlarged image of the person will appear. Choose a large image to release from the screen.

Images to search for (not in any particular order):

  1. Einbock Professor.
  2. Uh-huh: stone age.
  3. Pan-Galatic: Guardian of the order of the galaxy.
  4. Leonardo: who did not have time to change clothes.
  5. A flower that can speak.
  6. Gretchen Einbock has been missing for 20 years.
  7. Jeanne d’Arc - knows the recipe for the elixir of complete understanding.
  8. Graveyard robot-year 3008.
  9. Socrates is an Athenian citizen.
  10. Young Tom.
  11. Volume.
  12. Leonardo da Vinci.
  13. Dinosaur.
  14. Nostradamus.

After finding all 14 featured images; images in your inventory and give to uber-mushroom.

Task 22.3. Collect edible mushrooms to talk to Tom. Select 7 edible mushrooms from the taskbar.

Mushroom Age: Walkthrough Chapter 23 "Wedding"

Task 23.1. Finding wedding rings (not as easy as it seems). Choose a crow, he will ask for kiwi, grapes, pear and watermelon. Find fruit and give it to the crow. Select the crow again, he will ask for an apple, give the crow an apple and he will fly away exposing the manhole cover. Select the crowbar in the grass (lower right corner of the screen) and open the manhole cover.

Click on the hatch and a shovel will pop out. Take a shovel and dig up the loose dirt in the lower left corner of the screen. Another manhole cover will open and a mouse will pop out. Give the mouse to the sleeping cat. The ring will be under the cut. Select the ring and put on the ring pad. Select the crowbar from inventory and open the manhole cover.

Select the banana under the table to the right of the monkey under the table to the left behind the front chairs. Keep feeding bananas to the monkey until they are gone. The monkey will give you another ring. Place the other ring on the pillow of the ring.

Task 23.2. Help Einbock recover (Again!). To do this, match the image of the lost Gretchen with the real one. Select the professor and you will be taken to Einbock’s head.

Select the last door in the top row of the Chinese cabinet in the upper right corner of the scene. Select the bottle and get the key. Use the key in the same closet, left door in the second row.

Open the tall cabinet to the left of the scene and it’s empty. Click on the crowbar and break the glass in the second row and the blue bottle in the bottom row in the Chinese cabinet.

Get the coin found after breaking the glass. Give to the monkey under the shawl at the top of the Chinese cabinet. Select the bullet in the second row of the Chinese cabinet and insert it into the rifle, which should be in the lower left corner of the scene.

Select the cannon from the bottom right shelf of the Chinese cabinet and put it in the gun. Select the gun and it will shoot the UFO. An alien will appear. The alien will ask for roses.

Choose 6 roses in this scene and 10 in the wedding scene. Double click on the photo of Einstein to the left of the scene to go to the wedding to collect 10 extra roses. Return to Aibok’s mind by selecting his eye.

Give roses to a stranger and he will fly away. Select the coin in your inventory and put it on Gretchen (the woman in the canoe). Select the Gretchen image that appears next to the white roses; put the image in inventory. Back to the wedding. Place the color image of Gretchen on her shadow.

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