Wise GeekGame Walkthroughs → Secret City 6: Sacred Fire - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step

Secret City 6: Sacred Fire - Full Walkthrough with Tips and Puzzles

Secret City 6: Holy Fire. The Jotuns have kidnapped the fire dragon of the Lacrians, and fires are blazing one after another in the Hidden City. Conduct an investigation, find a way out of deadlocks and prevent the death of the inhabitants of the Secret City. Write down all valuable information in a diary and do not forget to look at the map so as not to go astray. This article describes a complete and detailed walkthrough of the game with pictures. An overview of all the secrets, tips, tactics and features of game mechanics from start to finish is given.


  1. General Tips
  2. Chapter 1 Before the Circus
  3. Chapter 2 Shaman’s Hut
  4. Chapter 3 On the roof of the archive
  5. Chapter 4 The Island
  6. Bonus Chapter
  7. Collectibles

Secret City 6: General Tips

The secret city is engulfed in sudden fires, the cause of which no one can identify. But there is an assumption that the fiery dragon, which the Jotuns stole from the Lacrians, is to blame. If the dragon is not returned to the Lacrians, they will die, and the former harmony with nature will be broken.

Conduct an investigation and help the inhabitants of the city. Collect useful inventory, solve tricky puzzles and complete a lot of tasks that at first glance seem unrealistically difficult. You have to prepare an antidote, fix the carousel control panel and even lull the griffin to sleep.

In order not to miss a single detail, enter all important information in a diary. Don’t forget to look at the map. It will help you navigate your current location and tell you which locations you should not waste time on. Be careful and attentive, and then the cunning Jotuns will not be able to cheat you around your finger.

This walkthrough will not tell you each time you need to zoom in on a location. Screenshots show each close-up scene. Hidden object puzzles are referred to as HOPs. The walkthrough does not show the HOP decisions, it will only show the location of the HOP and the item received. Instead of HOP, you can play "3-in-a-row". For success in passing the game you will receive rewards.

Here will be described step-by-step solutions for those mini-games whose solutions are not randomly generated. Read the instructions for each puzzle. Sometimes you will have to press to trigger dialogue, cutscenes, or quests before you can continue the game.

Secret City 6: Chapter 1 Before the Circus

Read the newspaper; take the bottle, MIRROR, and DULL SCISSORS (A). Talk to the character; take the BUSINESS CARD (B). Read the note; take OPENER and GLOVE; use BUSINESS CARD; take the SANDING (C). Use the SANDING BAND on the DULL SCISSORS; pull it left and right; receive SHARP SCISSORS.

Take the Tasks; read the document; use SHARP SCISSORS. Open the suitcase; take the INFLATABLE PILLOW and COINS (D). Read note; use COINS (E). Complete the HOP; receive TICKET (F). Give the TICKET (G) to the character. Walk forward.

Read the note; take map and BRACELET; use INFLATABLE PILLOW; take WHEEL and SHARD (H). Take 1/2 SHERIN’S STATUETTE; read the note; use STREAMER; take the ELECTRICAL WIRE and COMPASS PART (I). Use the SHARD on the COMPASSION PIECE; receive the GLASS CUTTER. Use GLASS CUTTER (J). Walk forward.

Easy solution (A); go right. Use (BC); go ahead. Walk right (D). Press (EF); come back. Use (GH); go ahead. Use (IJ).

Hard level solution (K); go right. Use (LM); go forward. Walk right (N). Press (OP); come back. Use (QR); go forward. Use (ST); go forward.

Hard level solution: press (U); go forward. Press (V); come back. Use (WX); go forward. Use (YZ).

Take the PEG; use GLOVE; receive KNITTING HOOK (A). Take the VASE; use MIRROR (B). Use KNITTING HOOK (C); take the MANICURE CUTTERS and BUTTON (D). Go back 2 times.

Use ELECTRICAL WIRE and BUTTON, press (E). Easy level solution: (HLF)-(GLI)-(JLK)-(JL). Complex Level Solution: (MQ)-(QN)-(NSN)-(PR)-(RO)-(OSO)-(MQ)-(RP)-(RO)-(ON)-(NQ)-(QSQ )-(ON)-(RO)-(RS). Open the bag; take CHAIN ??and HAMMER (T). Use WHEEL, PEG, and HAMMER; take the CARBINE and 2/2 SHERIN’S STATUETTES (U). Go forward.

Place SHERIN’S STATUETTES; click on the switch; take the BROOCH (A). Use BROOCH; read the note: take the CORK (B). Go forward.

Use CORK and BRACELET (C). Complete the HOP; receive LEVER (D). Use LEVER (E). Go forward.

Take the DART; read the note (F). Take ANTIDOTE RECIPE; use CHAIN ??and CARBINE. Click on the handle; take the MAGNET and LENS (G). Take the MORTAR AND PESTLE (H).

Take SCOOP and DOOR RING; use MANICURE CUTTERS; take note and TERIAC (I). Use the VASE, DART, TERIAC, and MORTAR AND PESTLE on the ANTIDOTE RECIPE; receive the ANTIDOTE. Use ANTIDOTE (J); receive CARD AND PEN. Replace lens; use CARD AND PEN (K).

Solution (L). Get ROUTE. Go back.

Use MAGNET; take the LIGHTER and BOAT KEY (O). Use BOAT KEY and ROUTE (P).

Select 3 times (A); apply to (B). Take the NAIL (C). Click; use NAIL (D). Solution (E).

Read the note; take BRUSH. Use SCOOP; take the WEATHER VAN (F). Take UMBRELLA; use DOOR RING (G). Place and zoom in on the WEATHER VAN (H). Press (I).

Click on the twin items (JKL). Take the FLUTE (M).

Use the FLUTE (N). Walk forward (O).

Vertical panorama; take UNLIT LANTERN; use BRUSH; take 1/2 BIRDS and EMPTY BOTTLE (A). Take the HAMMER (B). Move (CD)-(ED); place EMPTY BOTTLE; take OIL (F). Use UMBRELLA; take the CHISEL and read the note; take the TARSEL and WICK (G). Use the OIL, WICK, and LIGHTER on the UNLIGHTED LANTERN; receive BURNING LANTERN. Place BURNING LANTERN (H).

Simple level solution (J). Go forward.

Complex level solution (KL).

Secret City 6: Chapter 2 Shaman’s Hut

Take TWEEZERS; read the note. Use HAMMER and CHISEL; take 1/3 TOTEM STONES and COMB (M). Take 2/3 TOTEM STONES; read the note (N). Use the COMB; take the FOX; read the note (O). Go back.

Give the FOX; take the STICK and 2/2 BIRDS (P). Place BIRDS; read the note; take the GRIFFIN AMULET (Q). Go back.

Place GRIFFIN AMULET; take the FAN (A). Use FAN; take PAINTS (B). Walk forward 2 times.

Use BRUSH and PAINTS (C). Complete the HOP; receive SHUNDRED CLOUD (D). Use SHUNDRED CLOUD; use (FG); take STAFF TOP and CHAINSAW. Go back 2 times.

Use CHAINSAW; take BEAR FIGURINE and STAFF END. Use STICK; take the CORKSCREW (I). Use CORKSCREW; take the STAFF POLE and RAKE; use TWEEZERS; receive 3/3 TOTEM STONES (J). Go forward.

Place TOTEM STONES; take the TWO-PRONGED FORK and MILL HANDLE (K). Use MILL HANDLE; take the DAGGER (L). Go forward.


Lightweight OPQ solution.

Complex RST level solution.

Take the FORKED BRANCH and SCREWDRIVER. Use DOUBLE-PROG FORK; receive NAILS (A). Take the BROKEN LADDER (B). Use the NAILS and BEAR FIGURINE on the BROKEN LADDER; receive the LADDER. Place LADDER (C). Take the TONGS (D). Use TONGS (E). Go forward.

Take VALVE; use RAKE; take the AX HANDLE and note (F). Read the note; use AX HANDLE; receive the AX (G). Take 1/2 LIGHT BULBS; use AX; take the BREAD (H). Go back.

Read the note; click on network. Use the RIBBON (I). Use BREAD (J); use (IJ); receive a FISH. Give the FISH (L). Complete the HOP; receive the DRAMA (M). Use the DRAMA (N). Go left.

Take the HONEY SPOON; use FORKED BRANCH; take the BELLOWS (A). Take TORN GLOVES; use SCREWDRIVER; open the closet; take the CLAY (B). Place CLAY (C); use BELLOWS (D); use VALVE (E). Use (FGF); receive a BOWL. Go back.

Use BOWL; receive CORN (H). Use CORN; take GLUE and LOCK PICK (I). Go forward.

Use LOCK PICK; take 2/2 BULBS (J). Remove the broken light bulb; place BULBS (K).

Easy level solution (L). Go forward.

Hard level solution (M). Receive an EMERALD.


Use MATCHES and HONEY SPOON; open the drawer; take the BANDAGE and EXTENDER HANDLE (C). Use the EXTENDER HANDLE on the BROKEN EXTENDER; receive an EXPANDER. Use EXPANDER; take SCOOP, LEAF, and STEEL WIRE (D). Go back to the left.

Use STEEL WIRE and PLIERS; press (E). Complete the HOP; receive a MEDAL (F). Place MEDAL; take the BLUE GRYFFIN and NEEDLE AND THREAD (G). Return to the top of the mountain.

Use CLOTH and NEEDLE AND THREAD; open the basket; take BROKEN FAN and HERBICIDE (H). Use HERBICIDE; take the RED GRIFFIN (I). Return to the Forester’s Hut. Click on the drawer; place BLUE GRYFFIN and RED GRYFFIN (J).

Easy solution Bx2-AB-Ax2-BA-Bx10-AB-Ax4-Bx4-AB-Ax3-Bx2.

Hard level solution Cx3-Dx5-Cx2-Dx6-CD-Cx4-Dx4-Cx3-Dx2. Take BENT AMULET.

Place BENT AMULET; receive GOLDEN AMULET (E). Return to the top of the mountain. Place GOLDEN AMULET; take OINTMENT and CHISEL (F). Use BANDAGE and OINTMENT (G).

Click on the arrows (H) to avoid obstacles (I).

Secret City 6: Chapter 3 On the roof of the archive

Use SCOOP; take the TWIG (L). Take BELT and 1/3 LEAVES (M). Use LEAFET and TWIG; use the key on the lock (N). Go left.

Take the FAN STICKS and IRIS NECKLACE (A). Use the FAN STICKS on the BROKEN FAN; receive a FAN. Use the FAN and IRIS NECKLACE; take AMMONIA and POWDER (B). Use AMMONIA (C); receive a PASS. Take BROKEN SOLDERING IRON; use the PASS (D). Go forward.

Use BELT; take 2/3 LEAVES and SEAL (E). Take CABLE; use CHISEL and SEAL; take 3/3 LEAVES and DISCHARGED BATTERY (F). Go back 2 times.

Place LEAVES (G). Complete the HOP; receive SAND (H). Place SAND; take the SAPPHIRE (I); click on the SAND. Go left and forward.

Place SAPPHIRE; take the BRUSH (J). Use POWDER and BRUSH; press 3-4-9-0-right arrow (K). Take STAR and SOLDERING IRON NOZZLE; read the note (L). Place STAR; take the OIL CAN, COMPASS, and CORK (M). Go back 2 times.



Easy solution: A-Cx3-ACAC-Gx2-KP-Ox5-Nx3.

Complex Level Solution: Ax2-EB-Ax2-CM-Ix2-Fx2-I-Mx2-Ix2-JI-Mx2-Ix3-OLNK-Dx3-G-Kx2-Gx2-Px2. Go right.

Use CORK; take REAGENT and 1/3 DECORATION (R). Use SCRAPER; take the GEAR (S). Take the CUTTER KNIFE, 2/3 JEWELRY, and MAP: use the GEAR and OIL CAN (T). Use GLASS CUTTER; take the EMPTY FLASK (U). Go back, go forward.

Use OFFICE KNIFE; receive DISC (A). Use DISC (B). Complete the HOP; receive STONE EMBLEM (C). Place STONE EMBLEM; take 3/3 JEWELRY and MANICURE SCISSORS (D). Go back, go right.

Place DECORATIONS; take GUNPOWDER and IRON PEG (E). Go back. Use IRON PEG; take the PIPETTE and FLAG (F). Open the drawer; place REAGENT, EMPTY FLASK and PIPETTE; receive ACID (G). Go right.

Use ACID; read the note; take COUPON and ROPE (H). Use COUPON (I).

Solution (J).

Take BROKEN JACK; use CARD; take BRUSH and PIPE (K). Use ROPE and PIPE on POROSE; receive an EXPLOSIVE. Take HEXAGON; use EXPLOSIVE (L).

Light level solution POHLQGASC. Complex level solution OPHRDHRNBLQGC. Go right.

Take BROKEN CROSSBOW; use MANICURE SCISSORS; take CLEAR WATER (R). Use CLEAR WATER and BRUSH; take the BRUSH, SPRING, and DESIGN PARTS (S). Use the FLAG and SPRING on the BROKEN JACK; receive JACK. Go back. Use JACK (T). Press (U).

Select paired items (V). Take the BANNER (W).

Place BANNER; take the SHIELD (A). Place SHIELD (B). Go left.

Take PADLOCK; use Broom; take ARMATURE and SIGHT (C). Use HEXAGON; take the ARROW and 1/3 GEM EMBLEMS (D). Use the SIGHT and ARROW on the BROKEN CROSSBOW; receive the CROSSBOW. Use CROSSBOW; open the pouch; take TASSEL and 2/3 GEM EMBLEMS (E). Go back, go right.


Light level solution IHI-Hx2-Ix2-Hx3-I. Hard level solution Ix3-H-Ix3-HI-Hx2-I-Hx2-Ix2. Take COMPASS; receive the SEAL RING.

Use the SEAL RING; take the SCARF (J). Go back. Use SCARF and ARMATURE; take SCREW HANDLE and ACCELERATOR (K). Use PADLOCK and SCREW HANDLE; take the NUT and HELMET (L). Go right.

Place HELMET; take the CORKSCREW and 3/3 GEM EMBLEMS (M). Place GEM EMBLEMS; take the BURNER; read the note (N). Go back, go left.

Use the BURNER (O). Complete the HOP; receive REMOTE (P). Place REMOTE and COMPASS (Q).

Secret City 6: Chapter 4 The Island

Take POKER and BROWN GLOVE. Use CORKSCREW; receive the ISLAND MAP (A). Use BROWN GLOVE; take Chopsticks and 1/4 JADE JEWELRY (B). Use ISLAND MAP (C).

Take WHEEL and RUSTY SAW (D). Take the JAR; use ACCELERATOR, NUT and WHEEL; take the SHOCKER (E). Use POKER; take SPOON. Use JAR; receive RUST-EATER BEETLE (F). Use the RUST-EATER BUGS on the RUSTY SAW; receive a SAW. Go back 2 times.

Use SHOCKER; take 2/4 JADE JEWELRY and CLIP (G). Use the CLIP; take the PLATE (H). Go forward. Place PLATE (I).

Solution Jx2-KL-Mx3-N. Take the AZURE AMULET.

Use the SAW; take 3/4 JADE JEWELRY (O). Place AZUR AMULET; take the FRESCO FRAGMENT (P). Go forward.

Place FRESCO FRAGMENT; read the note; take the FANG and 4/4 JADE JEWELRY (Q). Place JADE JEWELRY; take CANDLES (R). Place CANDLES (S). Complete the HOP; receive ARTIFACT (T).

Take the BUCKET (A). Take the BLUE RIBBON; use BUCKET; take the DRINKING WATER (B). Use DRINKING WATER; take the CHEESE (C).

Give CHEESE; take the FILE (D). Use FILE; click on the bread 2 times; take SLEEPING POTION; read the note (E). Use SLEEPING POTION (F). Take BAG; use the keys on the lock (G).

Easy level solution: (TS)-(I)-(SO)-(H)-(ON)-(J)-(NM)-(H)-(ML)-(J)-(LK).

Complex Level Solution: (TS)-(I)-(SO)-(H)-(ON)-(J)-(NM)-(H)-(ML)-(J)-(LK)-(KL ). (H)-(LM)-(J)-(MN)-(H)-(NO)-(I)-(OS)-(J)-(SR)-(H)-(RQ)-(I )-(QP). Go forward.

Open the BAG; take the TUSK, Chopsticks, and SPOON. Take VALVE; use Chopsticks; receive FRAME FRAGMENT (U). Take BOLT; place FRAME FRAGMENT; take the CLUE (V). Press (W). Place CLUE.

Easy level solution: pull to the left; rotate clockwise by 1 interval; slide right (A). Rotate counterclockwise by 1 interval; slide left (B). Turn until the green stone is on (C); move 1 interval to the right. Turn until the blue stone is on (D); move 1 interval to the right. Turn until the red stone is on (E); move 1 interval to the right. Last decision (F). Go left.

Hard Level Solution: Move left 1 space, rotate until blue stone is on (G); shift to the left by 1 interval. Rotate until the green stone is on (H); shift to the right by 2 intervals. Rotate clockwise by 7 intervals; slide left 4 spaces (I). Rotate 1 interval clockwise; move right 1 space (J). Rotate 1 interval clockwise; move left 1 space (K). Rotate 1 interval counterclockwise; move right 2 spaces (L).

Hard level solution: turn 1 interval clockwise; move left 1 space (M). Rotate counterclockwise by 1 interval; move right 2 spaces (N). Rotate counterclockwise by 1 interval; move left 1 space (O). Rotate counterclockwise by 1 interval; move right 2 spaces (P). Last solution (Q).

Use BLUE RIBBON; take the MERMAID (A). Take MAGNET; use FANG and MERMAID; take the CONNECTOR and LEVER (B). Take BROKEN PUMP; use LEVER; take the LOCK PICK (C). Go back.

Use the LOCK PICK (D). Complete the HOP; receive SHEETS (E). Use SHEETS (F). Go forward.

Take the ROPE; use SPOON; take the CUTTERS and GAUGE (G). Use VALVE and BOLT; take the NET and HOSE (H). Take BROKEN L use MAGNET; receive NOZZLE (I). Use the CONNECTOR, SENSOR, HOSE, and NOZZLE on the BROKEN PUMP; receive a PUMP. Go back.

Use PUMP; take the WRENCH (J). Use WRENCH; take the GARNET AMULET (K). Go left.

Place GARNET AMULET; take the IRON WHEEL (L). Place the IRON WHEEL and ROPE (M).

Solution: P-(NP)-PQ-(PQ)-QT-(QX), T-(ST)-T-(TQ)-T-(QP)-P-(PR)-RU-(RY). P-(OP)-PR-(PR)-R-(RY), V-(WV)-V-(VR)-R-(RP)-P-(PQ)-QU-(QX). Go forward.

Take KEROSENE. Use CUTTERS; take the RIPPER (A). Read the note; use NET; receive POISON (B). Take SHEARS; use POISON and RIPPER; take the BROKEN and KNIFE (C). Go back.

Use KNIFE; take the UNUSUAL BUTTON (D). Place UNUSUAL BUTTON; take the LIGHTER and ENVELOPE (E). Use the KEROSENE and LIGHTER on the BROKEN L receive KEROSENE LAMP. Go back, go forward.

Place KEROSENE LAMP (F). Complete the HOP; receive the CREST (G). Place COAT OF ARMS; take the CORAL WREATH (H). Return to Ark.

Place CORAL WREATH; take the TRIDENT (I). Use TRIDENT and SHEARS; receive CRYSTAL (J). Use the CRYSTAL on the BROKEN LASER; receive a LASER. Return to the Roof.

Use LASER; take the BRUSH (K). Use BRUSH; receive MAGIC POLLEN (L). Return to Ark.


Light ABC solution.

Complex level solution DEFG.

Secret City 6: Bonus Chapter

Click; take the HANDKERCHIEF and 1/2 FEATHER (A). Take the CROWBAR, BROKEN STAFF, and CHISEL (B). Use the HANDKERCHIEF on the BROKEN STAFF; receive the STAFF. Use STAFF; receive the DEER (C).

Place the DEER (D). Complete the HOP; receive the AX (E). Use the AX (F). Go forward.

Read the note; take CRACKED POT; use CROWBAR; take COMEO and 1/2 BIRD FIGURES (G). Read the note; take the SHARP SHELL and 2/2 BIRD FIGURES (H). Place BIRD FIGURES (I). Go forward.

Use SHARP SHELL; take HAMMER and NUT (J). Use CHISEL and HAMMER; take 2/2 FLINT and SCRAPER (K). Take the BROKEN WHEEL (L). Go back 2 times.

Use the FLINT; take the RESIN (M). Use the RESIN on the CRACKED POT; receive EMPTY POT. Use EMPTY POT; receive COLD WATER (N). Use SCRAPER; remove the stone; take BELT and Snapdragon (O). Go forward.

Place COSMA, COLD WATER, and Snapdragon (A). Easy solution (B). Hard level solution (C). Take the SEDATION (D).

Use SEDATION; receive the COMB (E). Use the COMB; take HELMET MANUAL, LENS, and WHEEL HALF (F). Use the BELT and WHEEL HALF on the BROKEN WHEEL; receive a WHEEL. Go forward.

Use WHEEL and NUT; take the WOODEN FLOWER and BLANKET (G). Go back 2 times. Place WOODEN FLOWER (H). Solution (I).

Take 1/3 BUTTERFLIES, BOOTS, and REINS (J). Use BOOTS (K). Take 2/3 BUTTERFLIES, PLIERS, and WRENCH (L). Go forward.

Read the note; use PLIERS; receive FLAT COIN (M). Use FLAT COIN; take 3/3 BUTTERFLIES and NEEDLE (N). Place BUTTERFLIES; take the HOOK WITH CHAIN ??and BARN KEY (O). Go forward.

Use the BARN KEY (P). Press (Q). Find the paired items (R). Take the DIRK (S). Use the NEEDLE and DIRT on the BLANKET; receive DIRK, NEEDLE AND THREAD.


Take the CLEANING WATER (C). Use WRENCH; take RAG and CORKSCREW (D). Use CLEANING WATER and RAG (E). Go forward.

Take PIN and GLUE; use LEATHER GLOVE; receive DOOR RING (F). Use DOOR RING (G). Go left.

Use HOOK WITH CHAIN; take BROKEN NOTE; read the note (H). Use DIRK; take the TOWER FIGURINE (I). Go back 2 times. Place TOWER FIGURINE (J).

Light level solution (FA)-(GB)-(IC)-(HED). Take ACID.

Complex level solution (SR)-(TL)-(PJ)-(RK)-(VM)-(UV)-(QO)-(VN).

Use ACID; take the BOTTLE and BOLT CUTTER (A). Use the CORKSCREW on the BOTTLE; receive WINE and CORK. Go forward. Use the WINE; take HALF NOTE. Use PIN; take the ARROW (B). Use the GLUE and HALF NOTE on the BROKEN NOTE; receive the TRUE CLEF. Place the TRUE CLEF; take PLIERS and SLINGSHOT PIECE (C). Go back.

Use PLIERS; take the GREEN ROPE (D). Place ARROW and GREEN ROPE; open the drawer; take the GRIFFIN HEAD (E). Walk forward and to the left.

Place the GRIFFIN HEAD (F). Complete the HOP; receive the FEATHER KEY (G). Use the FEATHER KEY (H). Go right.

Use BOLT CUTTER; open armor; take the RUBBER and RUSTY KEY (I). Use the CORK and RUBBER on the SLINGSHOT PIECE; receive the SLINGSHOT. Use SLINGSHOT; receive KEYS (J). Take VINEGAR and ELECTRIC TAPE (K). Go back 2 times.

Place KEYS; take the TUNING FORK (L). Use TUNING FORK (M).

Easy solution: (AJ)-(KD)-(BL)-(GI)-(M)-(FO)-(CN)-(HE).

Hard level solution: (AJ)-(KD)-(BL)-(GI)-(AN)-(M)-(AC)-(FO)-(M)-(AH)-(M)-(AE )-(M)-(AN)-(HN). Take the GOLDEN EMBLEM. Go left, then right.

Place GOLD EMBLEM; take BROKEN SHEARS and TAPESTINE (P). Use TASPESTINE; take the RECORD (Q). Go back. Place PLATE; take LONG WIRE and DOwel (R). Use ELECTRIC TAPE and LONG WIRE (S).

Easy solution: (AF)-(BG)-(DH)-(EF). Hard level solution: (GO)-(KN)-(JP)-(LQ)-(HM).

Take BOWL, HANDLE, and SHEAR HALF (F). Use the VINEGAR and BOWL on the RUSTY KEY; receive the SILVER KEY. Go right. Use the SILVER KEY (G). Press (H).

Spot the differences (I). Read the note; take the MAGIC POLLEN (J).

Use MAGIC POLLEN (K). Go right. Read the note; take SPRING and BROKEN PICK (L). Use the SHEAR HALF and SPRING on the BROKEN SHEAR; receive SHEARS. Use SHEARS; take CHAIN ??and PICK HEAD (M). Place CHAIN ??(N). Go forward.

Take the FILE and 1/2 GOLD JEWELERY (O). Read the note; use FILE; take 1/2 LOCK FEATHERS, SCREWS, and STONE (P). Use the DOwel, STONE, and PICK HEAD on the BROKEN PICK; receive a PICKAXE. Use the PICKAXE (Q). Go left.

Use HANDLE; take the PIPE and CHISEL (A). Take the CAGED BIRD (B). Use PIPE; receive 2/2 GOLDEN JEWELERY (C). Go back 2 times.

Place GOLD JEWELRY (D). Easy level solution 1-15 (E). Take BIG KEY.

Hard level solution 1-22 (F).

Use BIG KEY; take the DRILL (G). Use SCREWS and DRILL; take the SCRAPER (H). Go forward.

Use SCRAPER; take the PLATE (I). Go left. Place PLATE; take the BROKEN NET and BUST (J). Use CHISEL and BUST; take CABLE TIES, COMBINATION, and 2/2 LOCKPICK FEATHERS (K). Use the LOCKPICK FEATHERS on the CAGED BIRD; receive a BIRD. Go back 2 times.

Place BIRD; take the SAFE HANDLE (L). Use SAFE HANDLE and COMBINATION (M). Turn the lock 1-3-7-2 (N). Take the BROKEN WAND and HELMET (O). Receive the SCROLL. Go forward.

Use HELMET (A). Complete the HOP; receive RUBY (B). Place the RUBY (C).

Easy solution (D). Hard level solution (E).

Take TWEEZERS and 1 SPHERE PIECE (F). Use TWEEZERS; receive NET (G). Use the CABLE TIES and NET on the BROKEN NET; receive a NET. Go left.

Use the NET; receive the DAGGER (H). Use DAGGER; take 2 SPHERE PIECE (I). Use the 2 SPHERE PARTS on the BROKEN WAND; receive the WAND. Use WAND and SCROLL (J).

Solution (K). Congratulations! You have completely completed the game Secret City 6. Sacred Fire Collector’s Edition.

Secret City 6: Collectibles

Figurines are marked in green, coins are marked in yellow, and props are marked in pink. Collectibles (AD).

Collectibles (E-H).

Collectibles (I).

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