Wise GeekGame Walkthroughs → The Tiny Bang Story - Walkthrough of the game in pictures step by step

The Tiny Bang Story - Full Walkthrough with Tips and Puzzles

The tiny bang theory. One day, a tiny planet collided with an asteroid. As a result, an explosion occurred, scattering particles of the planet across different fabulous locations. Now you have to visit these magical places, repair the destroyed mechanisms, find lost items and collect puzzles. Only in this way will you be able to restore the tiny planet and return it to its former appearance. This article describes a complete and detailed walkthrough of the game with pictures. An overview of all the secrets, tips, tactics and features of game mechanics from start to finish is given.


  1. General Tips
  2. Chapter 1
  3. Chapter 2
  4. Chapter 3
  5. Chapter 4
  6. Chapter 5

Tiny Bang Theory: General Tips

What is this game? The game includes 5 chapters. In each chapter, you need to collect 25 puzzles scattered in different parts of the locations. In addition, you will look for other related items and complete mini-games. When you start playing, you only see the basic task of finding puzzles.

The rest of the Hidden Object Quests must be activated by clicking on the object that requires the use of the missing elements. As a result of the completed chapter, you go to the screen of a destroyed tiny planet and make a mosaic from the received puzzles. Gradually, from chapter to chapter, you collect the entire planet.

Management in the game. You move around the locations and collect items by clicking the left mouse button. If you wish, you can pause the game (the button with two lines in the upper left corner). The game does not require mandatory saving - you start playing from the place where you left off the previous time. It is also possible to create multiple profiles.

Hints. In the upper right corner is a button with a question mark. By clicking it, you can get a hint on the gameplay. By default, this button is grayed out and disabled. In order to "charge" the hint button, you need to collect 30 blue flies flying around the game locations. Once collected, the hint button will turn blue and be ready to use.

How do hints work? If you can’t find one of the items, click on the active hint button. A fly will fly out of it, which will fly to the location of the object hidden in the location. If there are no objects on the location, the fly will not fly out of the button. You can also use hints when passing mini-games - in this case, you will receive instructions for passing.

Search for items. The list of items that you need to collect at the current stage of the game is always indicated on the right side of the screen. The number next to the item is the number of its uncollected copies. When you collect all instances of an item, its icon becomes colored and the number disappears. This means that you can now apply the item where it is needed. Inventory is not provided in the game.

Mini games. Most mini-games become available after collecting the necessary items. You can not replay completed mini-games. You can’t miss them either. At the end of the game, you can click the "Play" button and go to the menu with all the mini-games to play them again.

Tiny Bang Theory: Chapter 1

  1. Take the puzzles: behind the rails, behind the shoe, between the shoe and the house, behind the gate, at the top of the house (next to the elevator).
  2. Click on the red elevator button (A).
  3. Enter the elevator.

  1. Take the puzzles: at the bottom of the closed window, in the open casement of the upper window, to the left of the open window, to the right of the broken stairs.
  2. Click on the broken ladder at the top. Now you have received the task of collecting steps.
  3. Take the step: on the frame of the open window.
  4. Get back into the elevator.

  1. Take the steps: on the boot, on the house (above the patch).
  2. Click on the bent part of the patch. Now you have received the task of finding the wrench.
  3. Click on the oven twice (B).

  1. Take the puzzles from the oven: in the upper right corner, next to the pot, between the jug and the frying pan.
  2. Take the step: on the lid of the pan.
  3. Close the image (green checkmark button).
  4. Get back into the elevator.

Click on the ladder (C). Activate the mini-game.

  1. You need to match the numbers in the picture (see screenshot).
  2. When you find all the matches, only three numbers "without a pair" will remain in the picture - these are 7, 1 and 3. Remember this combination.
  3. Return to the first floor.

  1. Click on the semaphore (D).
  2. Enter the code 713 and click on the button.

  1. Take the step: behind the opened semaphore door.
  2. Click on the open semaphore. Now you have received the task of finding light bulbs.
  3. Take the light bulb: above the elevator door.
  4. Rise to the second floor.

  1. Take the light bulb: above the shield.
  2. Click on the icon with the assembled stairs, then click on the broken stairs.
  3. Climb up the stairs to the third floor.

  1. Take puzzles: in the right window, in the left window, at the bottom of the room, under the carpet, on the sofa, at the table.
  2. Take the light bulbs: from the lamp next to the sofa, from the lamp on the right side of the location.
  3. Click on the chest (E). Now you have received the task of finding the key.
  4. Click on the grandmother. She will inform you that you need to collect the picture.
  5. Click on the empty frame (F). Now you have received the task of collecting glass flasks for the painting.
  6. Climb up the stairs to the roof.

  1. Take puzzles: on the antenna, on the rope, on the supports of the building.
  2. Take the light bulbs: in the lantern on the left and on top of the turntable.
  3. Click on the telescope (G). Activate the mini-game.

  1. Collect 25 glass flasks with white leaves inside. To do this, click on the balloons to which such flasks are tied.
  2. When you complete the task, click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.
  3. Go down the stairs.

  1. Click on the icon with glass flasks and place them on the empty picture frame.
  2. Assemble a picture from the proposed fragments. When a fragment is placed in the right place, it is fixed and becomes inactive.

  1. Take the key (H).
  2. Click on the key icon and open the chest.
  3. Click on the chest.

  1. Take the puzzles: next to the teddy bear, next to the book.
  2. Take the light bulb: on the toy.
  3. Take WRENCH (I).

  1. Open the cabinet (J). Take a puzzle from the closet.
  2. Click on the hatch on the floor and go down to the second floor. Then go down to the first floor.

  1. Click on the wrench icon and use it on the screws holding the metal patch to the house.
  2. Click on the mechanism that opens under the patch. Now you have received the task of collecting gears and pipes.

  1. Take the gears: to the left of the stairs, to the left of the elevator door.
  2. Take the pipe: on the semaphore.
  3. Click on the furnace two times.
  4. Take the gear: behind the pot.
  5. Take the pipe: on the left, next to the jugs.
  6. Rise to the second floor.

  1. Click on the shield on the left and take the gear from it.
  2. Take the pipe: above the elevator door.
  3. Climb the stairs to the third floor.

  1. Take the gear: from the manhole cover.
  2. Take the pipe: on the edge of the railing.
  3. Open the cabinet, take another pipe from it.
  4. Click on the chest.
  5. Take the gear: next to the cube.
  6. Take the pipe: in the upper right corner.
  7. Climb up to the roof.

  1. Take the pipes: on the roof of the building, on the telescope stand.
  2. Take the gear: on the base of the telescope.
  3. Get down to the first floor.

  1. Click on the icons with gears and pipes, and then on the broken mechanism.
  2. Next, click on the icon with light bulbs and apply them to the semaphore. Activate the mini-game.
  3. You need to arrange the lights in the semaphore correctly: top row - red lights, middle row - purple lights, bottom row - green lights.
  4. In order to change the light bulbs, click on the arrow buttons. The solution to the mini-game is random.

  1. Click on the lever (K).
  2. Then click on the button (L).
  3. The gate on the house will rise, go inside.

  1. You need to collect 16 locomotive parts, according to the blueprint in the upper right corner.
  2. To attach parts, drag them to the desired places on the locomotive. All parts must be placed in sequence. The connection order is shown in the screenshot.
  3. When you complete the task, click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.

Collect the puzzles you got in the first chapter.

Tiny Bang Theory: Chapter 2

  1. Take puzzles: to the left of the lamp, on the ceiling of the lamp, next to the locomotive, on the floor in the middle of the location, to the left of the radio, to the right on the tree (2 pcs).
  2. Click on the radio on the right (A). Now you have received the task of finding the battery.
  3. Click on the panel in the center of the location (B).

  1. You need to assemble the image by clicking on the buttons below. You should get an airplane. Press buttons: 1, 2 and 4.
  2. When you complete the task, click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.
  3. Click on the blue arrow on the left to move to another screen.

  1. Take the puzzles: from the bottle on the left, below near the rails, on the car, in the window, on the wall of the house.
  2. Open the largest window (C) and click on the dish behind it. Now you have received the task of finding flasks.
  3. Click on the blue arrow on the left to go to the next screen.

  1. Take puzzles: next to the rails, on the wall of the house, in a bottle, under the TV, in the water (at the bottom of the screen).
  2. Click on the manhole door twice (D). Now you have received the task of finding the valves.
  3. Take the valve: on the left on the pipe.
  4. Click on the blue arrow to the right to go to the previous location.

  1. Take the valve: on the pipe next to the house.
  2. Go right.

  1. Take the faucet: on the faucet in the lower right corner.
  2. Click on the mechanism (E). Now you have received the task of finding the wheels.
  3. Go left.

Click on the hatch (F) twice and go down.

  1. Take visible puzzles: on the pillow next to the grandfather, on the back of the chair, on the table, on the drawer (2 pcs.).
  2. Click on the grandfather for details on the mechanism upstairs.

  1. Open the bottom sideboard door and take the wheel.
  2. Open the upper sideboard door and take the puzzle.
  3. Open the chest (G).

Take from the chest: puzzle, valve, wheel and flask.

  1. Click on the painting on the wall and assemble the mosaic by rearranging the tiles.
  2. When the mosaic is completed, click on the painting and take the wheel from the boy’s hand.
  3. Click on the cellar cover two times (H).

  1. Take puzzle and flask.
  2. Climb up the stairs and then go left.

Click on the valves icon and place them on the pipes in the jar. Activate the mini-game.

Turn the pipes to connect them together in one chain. The solution is shown in the screenshot.

  1. Click on the glass (I). Now you will receive a task to search for levers.
  2. Take the lever: at the bottom of the left half of the sliding bridge.
  3. Go right.

  1. Take the lever: on the switch on the left.
  2. Go right.

  1. Take the lever: next to the steam locomotive.
  2. Click on the wheels icon to insert them into the mechanism at the top.
  3. Go left once and go down to the location with the grandfather.

  1. Take the lever: in the flower pot.
  2. Climb up and go left.

  1. Click on the icon with levers to apply them to the cabin behind the glass. You will activate a mini-game.
  2. You need to reproduce the sequence of colors that the lamp flashes. To do this, use the levers at the bottom of the screen. Each time the sequence becomes more complicated, reaching five colors.
  3. When you’re done, click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.
  4. Zoom into the TV in the lower right (J). Activate the mini-game.

  1. You need to control the boat using the up and down keys on the TV panel. The ship should not collide with obstacles (walls, whales, squares). To destroy the squares, use the "+" button when they appear on the TV screen.
  2. When the boat arrives at its destination, click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.
  3. Go right.

  1. Open a large window.
  2. Click on the flask icon to use it on the dish of red liquid (K). You will activate a mini-game.

  1. You need to build a mechanism for making batteries using 13 parts on the location. Parts are applied according to the diagram on the right side of the screen and dragged to the right places. The connection order is shown in the screenshot.
  2. When you complete the task, click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.

  1. Take battery (L).
  2. Go right.

  1. Click on the battery icon and place it on the radio (M).
  2. Press the button on the radio to raise the aircraft panel up.

  1. Click on the door. Now you have received the task of finding large and small balls.
  2. Take small balls: on the left side of the location, below in front of the arrow, on the ceiling of the lamp, to the left of the panel with the image, on the visor of the radio booth, to the right of the radio booth, on the antenna of the radio booth.
  3. Walk left.

  1. Take visible small balls: on the lanterns on the right (2 pcs.), near the rails on the left.
  2. Click on the lever (1). Grab the small orb in the open lamppost compartment.
  3. Click on the compartment (2) and the window (3). Take 2 more small balls.
  4. Walk left.

  1. Take small balls: on the lantern on the left (2 pcs.), on the small vessel on the left (2 pcs.), in the gramophone on the wall of the jug.
  2. Take the big ball: on the boat in the center of the location.
  3. Go right and down to the location with the grandfather.

  1. Take visible small balls: in a dish on a sideboard, on an armchair.
  2. Open the upper sideboard doors and take a small ball from there.
  3. Open the drawer on the right and take a small ball from there.
  4. Look into the chest and into the underground: take the last two small balls from there.
  5. Climb up and go right.

  1. Click on the balloon icons to apply them to the door.
  2. Click on the door to activate a puzzle.

  1. You need to arrange the balls around the circles so that the outer disk (1) contains only green balls, the middle disk (2) contains only blue balls, and the inner disk (3) contains only orange balls.
  2. Each ball is signed with a letter. The number is the serial number of the desired disk. Click on the required balls according to the solution below. A number without a letter means that you only need to click on the appropriate drive.
  3. Solution: A3, 3, B2, 3, B3, 3, 3, D2, 3, D3, 3, 3, F2, 3, F3, 3, 3, H2, H1, 2, 2, H2, 2, G1, 2, 2, G2, 2, F1, 2, 2, F2, F3, 3, 3, H2, 2, 2, 2, 2, D1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, D2, 2, 2, B1, 2, B2, 3, B3, 3, C2, 3, 3, C3, 3, 3, 3, 3, G2, 3, G3, center slot, A3, A2, A1, 2, A2, 2 , 2, 2, 2, E1, 2, E2, 2, 2, C1, 2, 2, 2, 2, C2, 3, 3, 3, 3, C3, 3, D2, 2, 2, B1, 2 , 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, B2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, D3, center slot.
  4. When you complete the task, click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.

Enter the opened elevator and go upstairs.

Collect the puzzles that you got in the second chapter.

Tiny Bang Theory: Chapter 3

  1. Take the puzzles: on the apple on the left, on the couch, behind the TV on the wall, in the picture with the helicopter, on the wall of the elevator.
  2. Click on the camera (A).

  1. Take 2 puzzles.
  2. Close the image.
  3. Click on the door on the left and go to the store.

  1. Click on the small display case on the left (B). Now you have received the task of finding apples.
  2. Take the puzzles: on the side of the slot machine, on the floor in front of the first showcase, on the wall of the second showcase, on the wall behind the showcases, next to the counter, on the counter, in the picture with the apple on the right.
  3. Click on the empty frame (C). Now you have received the task of finding the cloth.
  4. Click on the slot machine in the lower left to activate a puzzle.

  1. You need to arrange the squares on the playing field in accordance with the stripes at the top of the screen: red squares under the red stripe, orange squares under the orange stripe, etc. In this case, all squares should be arranged in order of decreasing brightness, and the brightest square should be at the top.
  2. When you’re done, click on the green checkmark button and exit the puzzle.

  1. Take the cloth (D).
  2. Click on the cloth icon and place it in the empty frame on the wall.
  3. Go right.

  1. Take the apple: on the cabinet shelf.
  2. Click on the door on the right and go to the station.

  1. Take the puzzles: on the tree in the lower left corner, on the device, on the floor near the stairs, on the roof of the house, on the tree in the upper left corner, on the tree in the lower right corner.
  2. Take the apple: in the nest at the top of the tree.
  3. Click on the map (E).

  1. You need to rotate the circles shown so that their colors are correctly aligned: the left hemisphere of the left circle should be yellow, the right hemisphere of the right circle should be pink, and the common parts of the two circles should be turquoise.
  2. The left circle (A) is rotated 180 degrees, the right circle (B) is rotated 90 degrees. To rotate, simply click on the desired circle.
  3. To solve, click on the circles in the following order: A, B, A, B, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, B, B.
  4. When you complete the task, click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.

  1. Click on the window (F). Now you have received the task to find a coin.
  2. Open the door and go left. Next, enter the elevator in the center of the room and go up.

  1. Take puzzles: on the floor (2 pieces), on the wall, on the monitor, on the suitcase.
  2. Click on the hemisphere (G). Now you have received the task to find the compass.
  3. Click on the machine handles (H). Now you have received the task of finding the tumblers.
  4. Take the toggle switch: on the table in the lower right corner.
  5. Get down on the elevator.

  1. Click on the camera. Take the compass (I) on the screen that appears.
  2. Take the toggle switch: on the shelf to the right of the elevator.
  3. Rise up on the elevator.

Click on the compass icon and place it on the hemisphere. Activate the mini-game.

  1. You need to make sure that the shape is crossed by a vertical red line.
  2. Move the big compass counter-clockwise until you get the arrangement of lines shown in the screenshot.
  3. When you complete the task, click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.

  1. Click on the stack of papers on the right side of the screen (J).
  2. Then take the stencil from the opened compass (K).
  3. Click on the stencil icon and apply it to the stack of papers. Activate the puzzle.

  1. Here you need to place the stencil so that each digit of the code is the difference between the numbers in the stencil column.
  2. The correct answer is shown in the screenshot. Since we initially had the first two numbers, we ourselves determine the third and fourth numbers of the code. These are 3 and 2. In total, we received the code 3132.
  3. Click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.
  4. Get down downward, open the door and iditol to the right.

  1. Take the toggle switch: under the map.
  2. Open the door and go left two times.

  1. Take the toggle switch: on the sales counter.
  2. Open the door and go right. Next, go up the elevator.

  1. Click on the icon with toggle switches and place them on the handles of the device.
  2. Enter code: 3132.

  1. Take the apple from the opened machine.
  2. Get down downward and iditol to the left, into the shop.

  1. Click on the apple icon and put them on the small display case.
  2. After that, take a coin from the opened cash register next to the saleswoman.
  3. Walk right two times.

  1. Click on the coin icon and give it to the cashier.
  2. Next, return to the location to the left and go up the elevator.

Click on the TV (L) to activate a mini-game.

  1. Complete the airplane mini-game. Press the "Right" and "Left" buttons to avoid collisions with trees and other aircraft.
  2. When the plane arrives at its destination, click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.
  3. Take the elevator down and go right.

  1. Click on the red button (M).
  2. Click on the opened trunk in the plane. Now you have received a task to search for parcels.
  3. Take the parcels: near the flower pot on the left, on the threshold in front of the cash register.
  4. Click on the shield under the red button and take another package.
  5. Open the door and go left.

  1. Take the parcels: on the couch, on the lower shelf to the right of the elevator.
  2. Click on the camera. On the screen that appears, take another parcel.
  3. Rise up on the elevator.

  1. Open the cabinet door on the left. Take the parcel.
  2. Take another package on the red table on the right.
  3. Take the elevator down and go left.

  1. Take the parcels: on the floor in the center of the room, behind a small display case, on the counter.
  2. Open the bottom drawer by the large display case and take another package.
  3. Go right two times.

Click on the parcels icon and load them into the luggage compartment of the aircraft.

Collect the puzzles that you received in the third chapter.

Tiny Bang Theory: Chapter 4

  1. Take the puzzles: in bottles on the left and right, at the foot of the stairs, in the window of the booth, to the left of the arrow pointer.
  2. Click on the baggage claim belt (A). Now you have received the task of finding bags.

  1. Take the bags: by the plane, on the lantern, next to the baggage claim belt, at the foot of the lantern, on the left side of the stairs, on the pipe by the last bottle.
  2. Open the oven at the bottom of the stairs. Take another bag in it.
  3. Click on the gate (B) twice.

  1. Take the puzzles: on the ladder fixture on the left, on the ladder, on the wall on the right.
  2. Take the bags: on the left, by the stairs, in the lower right corner.

Click on the bags icon and place them on the baggage claim belt.

  1. You need to place the bags on the scales in such a way as to balance them. The solution to the mini-game is shown in the screenshot.
  2. Click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.
  3. Click on the blue arrow in the lower right corner of the location to move to the right.

  1. Take the visible puzzles: on top of the wall, on top of the right bottle, on the appliance.
  2. Open the heart door (1) and the window on the pot (2). Take 2 more puzzles from there.
  3. Click on the platform (C). Now you have received the task of finding dice.
  4. Go right.

  1. Take the puzzles: on the path to the left, on top of the statue, in a jug, on the pier near the boat, in the water.
  2. Take the dice: to the right of the pointer arrow.
  3. Click on the lock (D). Now you have received the task of finding the key.
  4. Click on the broken medallion (E). Now you have received the task of collecting parts of the disk.
  5. Take the disk piece: on top of the statue (on the left side).
  6. Walk left once.

  1. Take part of the disk: on the wall on the left side.
  2. Walk left once.

  1. Take part of the disc: on the wall of the pot.
  2. Open the window on the bottle (3) and take the dice.
  3. Click on the gate two times.
  4. Take indoors: dice (in the device on the wall) and part of the disk (on the right).
  5. Go right two times.

Click on the disk parts icon and place them in the broken locket. Activate the mini-game.

  1. You need to assemble the mosaic. To move pieces, click on them and drag. When a piece falls into the correct place, it is fixed.
  2. The final solution to the puzzle (inverted) is shown in the screenshot.

  1. Go to any opened door of the building.
  2. Take the dice: on the table.
  3. Take puzzles: on the table, on the wall.
  4. Walk left once.

  1. Click on the dice icon and place them on the platform. Activate the mini-game.
  2. You need to place the dice in the slots clockwise, from 1 to 4. To do this, click on the slots in the following order: B, E, D, A, B, C, D, E.
  3. Lower the lever (F).
  4. Climb up the ladder that appears.

  1. Take the visible puzzles: in the cabin at the top of the room, on the floor on the left, under the kettle spout on the right.
  2. Open the cabinet door on the left (4) and right (5). Take 2 more puzzles from there.
  3. Click on the painting (G). Now you have received the task of finding a fragment of the picture and boats.
  4. Click on the box (H). Now you have received the task of finding floats.
  5. Take the float: from the cabinet on the left (4).
  6. Go down the stairs.

  1. Open hatches (6 and 7). Take 2 floats from them.
  2. Lower the lever (8) and grab another float behind the raised blinds above.
  3. Take the boat on the left of the location.
  4. Open the hatch (9) and take another ship.
  5. Go right.

  1. Take the float: on the right in the water.
  2. Open the hatch (10) and take another float.
  3. Take the boats: at the top of the talisman, at the bottom of the location (to the left of the boat).
  4. Click on any building door.
  5. Take the floats: on the table, on the ship.
  6. Take the boats: in the photo on the table, in the portrait on the wall.
  7. Walk left twice.

  1. Take one float: on the lantern.
  2. Take one boat: on the bottle on the left.
  3. Click on the gate two times.
  4. Take the boat: on the TV screen.
  5. Take the float: on the papers.
  6. Go right and go up the stairs.

Click on the floats icon and place them in the box. Activate the mini-game.

You need to arrange all the floats in the box so that each of them will fit. The correct location of the floats in the mini-game is shown in the screenshot.

  1. Click on the man in the room.
  2. Take the painting fragment (I).
  3. Place the painting fragment and the boats on the painting behind the man. Activate the mini-game.

  1. You need to connect boats of the same color with dotted lines that should not intersect. To draw a line, hold down the left mouse button and draw the line in the desired direction.
  2. When the line is ready, press the right mouse button. The solution is shown in the screenshot.

  1. Take the key (J).
  2. Get down downward on the stairs and iditol to the right.

Click on the key icon and apply it to the ship’s lock.

Collect the puzzles that you received in the fourth chapter.

Tiny Bang Theory: Chapter 5

  1. Take the puzzles: on the pier, near the stairs to the left, to the right of the pipe at the bottom of the location, on the path next to the house, on the balcony.
  2. Click on the door (A). Now you have received the task of finding the valves.
  3. Take the valve on the far building of the location.
  4. Remove the boards (1) and take the second valve under them.
  5. Click on the glass doors and go into the house.

  1. Take the puzzles: on the wall to the right of the left stairs, on the floor in front of the fountain, at the foot of the fountain, on the shoulder by the right statue, on the right stairs.
  2. Take the valve: on the wall on the left.
  3. Click on the mosaic (B). Now you have received the task of finding tiles.
  4. Click on the door (C). Now you have received the task of finding the key.
  5. Take the tiles: on the walls (3 pieces) and on the floor on the left.
  6. Click on the fountain.

  1. Take the valve and the tile on the side of the fountain on the right.
  2. Exit the house through the door on the left.

  1. Take the tiles: on the pillars on the left, next to the pier, on the path near the house, on the balcony, on the balcony door.
  2. Come back to the house.

Click on the tiles icon and place them on the mosaic on the wall.

  1. You need to make a mosaic by successively clicking on the tiles in the right direction. Start with the visible tile in the middle, which shows the part of the collar and tie (marked in the screenshot).
  2. Then move along the route: down, left, up, up, up, right, down, right, down, right, down, left, down, left, down, left, up, left, up, left, up, right, up .
  3. Click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.

  1. Take the valve under the mosaic.
  2. Exit the house through the door on the left.

Click on the valve icon and click on the door on the right. Activate the mini-game.

  1. You need to correctly place all the valves at the bottom of the screen in order to block the flow of water into the pipes on the right (they supply water to the fountain, and you need to drain it). The solution to the puzzle is shown in the screenshot.
  2. Click on the green checkmark button and exit the mini-game.
  3. Next, enter the house.

  1. Click on the fountain.
  2. Take the two puzzle pieces and the key from the fountain (D).

  1. Click on the key icon and use it on the door at the top of the stairs.
  2. Come to the second floor.

  1. Take 4 puzzles: on the windows (2 pieces), on the floor in front of the table, on the shelf.
  2. Climb up the stairs to the third floor.

  1. Take the puzzles: on the mechanism on the left, on the window on the left, in the mirror, on the picture on the right, under the man’s foot.
  2. Click on the clock face (E). Now you have received the task of finding numbers and arrows.
  3. Click on the door (2) and take one number from the drawer.
  4. Click on the game board (F).

  1. Take three more puzzles.
  2. Pay attention to the places occupied by checkers. These are B1 and C3.
  3. Get down to the second floor.

  1. Take two numbers from the wall.
  2. Get down to the first floor.

  1. Take the numbers: to the left of the upper door, to the right in the picture, on the jug to the right.
  2. Click on the fountain. Take the clock hand and another number from it.
  3. Exit the house through the door on the left.

  1. Take the numbers: on the far building of the location, on the railing, on the roof.
  2. Go back into the house and go up to the second floor.

  1. Click on the safe (G).
  2. Turn the handles of the safe so that they show B1 and C3 (according to the position of the checkers on the game board). First rotate the inner disk and set the correct number (the red arrow should point to it), then also rotate the outer disk. The correct location of the disks is shown in the screenshot.
  3. After installing the discs, press the lever.
  4. Close the image and take the second arrow from the opened safe.
  5. Rise to the third floor.

  1. Click on the icon with numbers and arrows and place them on the watch face.
  2. Get down to the second floor.

Take the last puzzle that is behind the pendulum.

Collect the puzzles that you received in the fifth chapter. Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Tiny Bang Theory walkthrough.

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