Wise GeekGame reviews → Kiss of War: Review of Guides and game Secrets

Kiss of War WiKi: game Walkthrough Tips and Tricks

KISS OF WAR is an Android game with a release date of 09/27/2019 from tap4fun. Game genre: Strategy. In the article, we have summarized tips for leveling from TOP players, developers answers to gamers questions, guides for beginners from the official website and our secrets of passing the game. Attention, the Wise Geek website is constantly updated, visit us more often.


  1. Officers
  2. A Beginner’s Guide
  3. Guild Features
  4. TOP player questions
  5. Walkthrough Challenge God of War
  6. Shopping & Subscriptions
  7. Account and Settings

Kiss of War: Officers

What is the maximum number of talent points an officer can have? Officers can have a maximum of 82 talent points. With each level up, the officer receives 1 talent point. At ur. 1 officers have no talent points. When upgraded to 4-star level, the officer will receive an additional 8 talent points. When upgraded to 5-star level, the officer will receive an additional 15 talent points. At level 60, the officer has 59 talent points, so at maximum level the officer will have a total of 82 talent points.

What is the maximum level of an officer? The maximum officer level is 60.

Can I reset the level / skills of my officers? Currently, levels and skills of officers cannot be reset.

Are the talents of senior and junior officers of the same type summarized? When a 5-star officer is assigned as a junior officer, talents take effect. This does not affect senior officers. The talents of senior and junior officers of the same type are added together.

How do I get more officers? Recruit in the recruiting center, and you will have the opportunity to get a medal for an officer or a whole officer. Attend special events and you will have a chance to get a legendary officer. Some gift bags also contain fragments of officers.

Can an officer’s extra medals be converted to other medals or items? At this time, an officer’s extra medals cannot be converted into other medals or items.

When garrisoning cities or towers, are the officer’s talents and skills at work? No. The officer’s talents and skills are valid only for the initiator of the group attack.

Why is the "Wardrobe" portal missing for Monica, Ophelia, Abigail and other officers? Some of the new officers do not have new equipment yet. After the release of new equipment, the "Wardrobe" portal will open.

Can the officer’s extra medals be converted into other items? Extra officer medals cannot be converted into other items.

Why don’t the officer’s experience books drop after defeating the Red Wolf Legion? Medals will be dropped randomly after defeating the Red Wolf Legions. The officer’s experience has already been added to the officer (s) deployed on the battlefield. You can see this in the battle report next to the officer’s avatar.

When promoting officers, why can’t I convert Legendary Officer’s Medals to Ophelia’s Medals? Ophelia’s medals are similar to Katherine’s. VIP packages 10-14 contain officers’ medals. They cannot be obtained by converting Legendary Officers’ Medals.

Assigning an officer to the position of a senior or junior officer, will it improve her training? No. Training buffs will remain in place.

Kiss of War: A Beginner’s Guide

How do I complete campaign exercises? Tap the "Campaign" button in the lower left corner of the main interface. After going to the campaign interface, select the exercise you want to participate in.

To participate in later exercises, you must complete earlier exercises. With an exercise selected, tap Challenge, then place your troops.

Why are some players transferred to incompletely open areas? Transitions from one zone to earlier zones are not affected by the restriction "You can only move to completely open zones or zones that opened earlier than yours." However, this restriction affects the transitions from one zone to the subsequently open zone, and this type of transition can only be carried out into completely open zones. Example: I am in zone 48. The warning will not appear if I try to teleport to zone 47, and will appear if I try to teleport to zone 49.

What is the difference between different zone statuses?

After using the Country Change item, will my troop models switch to my new country? Yes, after using the "Change Country" item, the troop models will also switch. Note, however, that if your current country is the UK and you switch to the US (or vice versa), the troop models will not change. This is because the troop models for the UK and the US are the same.

My country is Great Britain, then why are my troops like the American ones? Currently, the same models are used for the British and US forces.

How do I get the Novice Teleport? Tap the avatar frame in the upper left corner of the main interface, then tap Settings - Character - Character creation. After creating a new character, you will receive 2 free rookie teleports. Novice teleport is valid for 10 days. The countdown starts after creating a new character. Upon completion of the countdown, the beginner’s teleports are removed by the system.

How do I use Novice Teleport, Random Teleport, Territory Teleport and Target Teleport? Different types of teleports can be used in different situations:

Why did my rookie teleport disappear? Novice teleport is valid for 10 days. A countdown is displayed below the item. After the end of the 10-day countdown, the item disappears automatically.

What is Isolation Wall # 1, and why can’t I teleport? At the beginning of the game, isolation walls between countries are available, and commanders are unable to teleport between countries. Stay tuned for Counterattack Day in the theater news. After completing the quest, insulating wall 1 will be removed.

Why can’t I complete the level? Please note that you can place your troops in the lower right corner of the map in order to defeat the enemy.

How do I activate the shield? Touch the existing item (shield) in the backpack. The status bar is used for purchase and use (under the value of strength in battle in the main interface).

Shield defense time will not be added. Instead, the defense time of the new shield will replace the defense time of the old one.

I activated the shield and did not carry out attacks of other players, why then my shield was suddenly disabled? Your shield will be disabled if you conduct a reconnaissance, attack or participate in a group attack against another player.

Do worker recruitment tickets accumulate? Yes, the validity of worker recruitment tickets (2nd construction phase) is cumulative.

Why is there a difference in the number of transfer orders required when changing zones? When changing zones, the higher your strength, the more transfer orders you will need.

Why was the group attack canceled? In addition to the initiator, each group attack requires the participation of at least one commander. If any other commander does not join the group attack, it will be canceled after the countdown ends.

If there is a counter-attacking interaction between the two types of units, how much does the damage increase? Other factors aside, the type of unit counter-attacking deals 5% more damage, while the type of unit counter-attacking deals 5% less damage. For example: Tank destroyers counterattack tanks, therefore tank destroyers deal 5% more damage to tanks, and tanks deal 5% less damage to tank destroyers.

Why was I not given a reward for the occupation of the city? When each city is occupied for the first time, the system will send rewards to the guild members who occupied the city. If the city was occupied, you will not receive a reward.

What is the prerequisite for unlocking the archive? The archive can be unlocked after reaching ur headquarters. eleven.

Why don’t the casualties in the battle report match? When your troops are fighting several units at the same time, a separate report is generated for each battle. In case of a mismatch in the data on losses in battle, check out the combination of several battle reports.

Why did my soldiers disappear after being reinforced in an alliance battle? If the battle takes place in an allied city to which you sent reinforcements, lightly wounded soldiers will not be displayed in the total number of troops (tap the army avatar to view). With the return of your troops to the city, the soldiers are restored automatically.

Kiss of War: Guild Features

How do I use personal merit points? Tap the "Guild" button at the bottom of the main interface to go to the guild interface, then tap "Shop" in the lower right corner to use your personal merit to purchase items.

How to build guild towers? With a sufficient amount of merit and guild funds, members of the P4 and P5 level with the appropriate rights can build guild towers in the territory associated with the actual guild territory.

Why am I not getting Personal Merit after helping build a guild tower? Players receive 1 personal merit point for each second they participate in the construction of the Guild Tower. After 4,000 Personal Merit Points have been earned in one day, you cannot earn more points.

How do I remove the guild tower? Only the guild leader can demolish guild buildings.

Why did my guild’s supply station suddenly disappear? It should be noted that guild supply stations disappear under the following conditions:

  1. If the amount of resources at the guild supply station reaches zero, it disappears.
  2. If the construction of a guild supply station is not completed within the specified time, it disappears.
  3. After the completion of the construction of the guild supply station, a countdown begins, after which the guild supply station disappears.

How do I get transfer orders? You can purchase transport order packs in the store, or use personal merit to buy them in the guild store.

Can I purchase Action Points from the Guild Shop? Currently, you cannot purchase action points in the guild shop.

Can I teleport to the guild territory before removing the separation walls # 1? Territory teleporters can be used to teleport to the guild territory before removing the separation walls # 1.

How do I leave my guild and join another? Tap Guild - Settings - Leave Guild. After leaving the guild, tap the "Guild" button on the main interface, enter the guild interface, tap "Search" or join a guild.

Will my personal merit be reset after leaving the guild? After leaving the guild, your personal merit is not reset.

Can a guild be rebuilt after disbanding? No, you cannot restore a guild after a dissolution. Think carefully before dissolving.

My guild leader has been offline for more than 5 days, so why hasn’t the guild leader role been transferred to another? If the guild leader has not logged into the game for more than 5 days, the system will automatically make the leader the commander with the highest level of strength in battle who logged in over the last 5 days.

Kiss of War: TOP player questions

Why can’t I see the bonus for Jessica’s "Fleet Captain" equipment in the bonus interface? "Fleet Captain" is considered a global bonus. It takes effect as soon as you start owning equipment, and is not displayed in the bonus interface.

Why can’t legendary medals be exchanged for Catherine / Ophelia medals? Currently, the Katherine and Ophelia medals can only be obtained through purchase. After awakening two officers, you can use legendary medals to exchange.

Why wasn’t I given the award for the highest level in the Rhineland exercise? The highest level awards will be presented after the completion of the Rhineland exercise.

Why do I have to spend 150 Action Points every time I participate in a Rhineland exercise? In Rhineland Teachings, the cost of each challenge is 100 Action Points. The cost of attacking monsters is 50 action points, so the total cost of each call is 150 action points.

What information is collected during reconnaissance at the opponent’s base? Depending on the level of your intelligence technology, your scouts may collect the following information:

Why can some players attack Pandora’s Divisions alone? Why can’t I attack them myself? I can only attack them as part of a group attack. It depends on the age of the server. After the server has been open for 60 days, players can attack Pandora’s Divisions alone.

If the item was used or acquired by accident, can I request a return? Once an item has been used or purchased, it cannot be returned. Please confirm before using or purchasing.

When changing a server, what does it mean "The number of your resources does not exceed the amount of resources under protection in your warehouse"? When changing a server, your resources cannot exceed the amount of protected resources in the warehouse. Tap Warehouse - i - More to view the amount of protected resources in your base warehouse.

If your headquarters has ur. 25, to change the server, the amount of each type of resource cannot exceed 2.5 million.

What does the "Other" buffs in the battle report include? Why are all "Other" boosts shown with downward red arrows and others with upward green arrows? "Other" includes rank boosts, VIP boosts, etc. Tap Battle Report - Troop Boosts, then tap "!" in the upper left corner for more information. A green arrow pointing upwards means that the level of this gain is higher than that of the opponent.

A downward-pointing red arrow means that the level of this gain is lower than that of the opponent. The value of the individual gain is also displayed. For example: if the opponent’s infantry attack bonus is 60%, and yours is 59%, a red arrow pointing down will be displayed next to your boost in the battle report. This does not mean that your bonus is 59% less than that of your opponent, but only that it is 1% less.

How do I use or trade Elite / Epic / Legendary Medals? On the appropriate officer’s interface, tap "Rank and Skills" and then tap the conversion button next to the "+" button. Exchange Elite / Epic / Legendary Medals for the appropriate Officer’s Medals.

Ophelia and Catherine’s Medals cannot be obtained through conversion.

Why were my points in Frontline in Hell suddenly dropped? In the Hell Frontline event, Event Points are reset daily at 00:00 UTC.

Will my raid sera be removed after the Strongest Warzone event ends? Yes, raid sera are removed after the end of the Strongest Warzone event.

When I try to find level 3 resource points, why am I hitting a level 4 resource point? If the system cannot find resource points at the specified level, it automatically searches for higher resource points. If there are no resource points of a higher level, the following message will appear: "Failed to find resource points near your base."

Why didn’t I get the Strategic Reserve Chest after defeating the invaders in the Strategic Reserves event? After defeating the invaders in the "Strategic Reserves" event, there is an opportunity to receive a Strategic Reserves Chest. This opportunity is random.

In Treasure Hunters, can my base outside the battlefield be attacked? You cannot attack bases (outside the battlefield) of players currently participating in the Treasure Hunters event.

Will the tokens used on the Biozone Black Market be removed after the event ends? No, these tokens will not be removed.

Is the 3.600 sec production time reduction suitable? (1 hour) for the first artillery unit produced every day to upgrade artillery units? This bonus is also suitable for increasing artillery units.

Why can’t I attack the Gorgon cannon again in the Strongest Warzone event? On the last day of the Strongest Warzone event, the game cannot be played again. Only moving and receiving rewards are possible.

How do I open the Secret War base design? It is unlocked when you reach Lv. 25 confidentiality in the archive.

Why is the number of heals from Officer Dorothea’s 4th skill, Troop Reorganization, shown in the battle report? Dorothea’s 4th skill "Reorganize Troops" heals lightly wounded troops immediately after leaving the battle. This skill performs healing after the end of the battle. Not displayed in the battle report due to the fact that healing is not performed during the battle.

After entering the biozone, can I take part in regular events? Yes, you can.

How do I open Operation Overlord? Why is my Operation Overlord showing as not yet unlocked? To unlock Operation Overlord, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Level headquarters 23 or higher;
  2. Complete the Huge Territory news quest.

The new season starts every Monday at 00:00 (UTC). After unlocking Operation Overlord, you must wait until the next season starts on Monday at 00:00 (UTC) in order to participate.

How many troops can be deployed in Operation Overlord? Up to 5 units can be deployed in Operation Overlord.

Why can I attack invaders with level 26 or less in the biozone? At normal settings in biozones, only ur monsters can be attacked. 26 and up. You can see the following message: "Attack lvl 21 invaders first", which means that you have not attacked lvl invaders yet. 25 on a regular map. This means that you only attacked those whose level does not exceed 20, so you are invited to switch to a regular map and successfully attack the invaders up to ur. 25. Likewise, if you see "Attack invaders lvl 22 first", it means that you only attacked those whose level is less than 21, so you should go to the regular map and successfully attack invaders who are up to level 25.

Can I change the guild after entering the biozone? You have the opportunity to change guilds, but only within your zone.

In Treasure Hunters, after teleporting from the starting zone and near the field airfield, can I teleport back to the starting zone? No you can not. After teleporting near the field airfield, you can only teleport to the region where the field airfield is located.

Why does the collect bonus show up as a 50% increase in collecting speed, but my collect time is not reduced by 50%? Increasing the collection rate does not mean a 50% decrease in collection time. For example: the resource capacity is 300, and the collection rate is 100. It takes 3 units of time to complete the collection. If you increase the collection speed by 50%, which means an increase of the speed to 150, it takes 2 units of time to complete the collection. This means a decrease of 1 unit of time or, in other words, a decrease of 33%. Thus, increasing the collection speed by 50% will not reduce the collection time by 50%.

Why were the events related to new officers (Natalya / Lubna) started on other servers, but not yet on my server? Events are triggered depending on the development of the situation on each of the servers.

During the "Destroy the invaders" event, my troops did not return to base, but my points were still reset. Why? In the "Destroy Invaders" event, your points are reset if your troops perform other operations besides attacks against the invaders, including: garrisoning, gathering, reinforcements, returning to base, etc. Do not send troops to operations other than operations against invaders.

Why does the zone news reward show "Received" even though I haven’t received the reward? Why can’t I get my zone news reward? Each zone news reward can only be earned once. If you received the reward on a different server, you will not be able to receive the reward again after changing the server.

After starting construction of the guild supply station and being an E4 / E5 official, why can’t I cancel the construction? A guild can only have one guild supply station at a time. After the previous disappears, you can build a new one. After the start of construction, it will not be possible to cancel it.

Why can’t I challenge anyone 5 minutes before the end of the Arena Normandy season? In the Arena Normandy, the last 5 minutes before the end of the season are used to calculate the rating. During this time, players cannot challenge each other, and rewards are provided after the end of the season.

Can I use the Battle Pass after changing the server? It can be used if the server you switched to is a freshly opened server and the Battle Pass event has not yet completed. The personal progress of the Battle Pass will be saved on the new server, but the unlock progress and duration of the Battle Pass missions will follow the zone news on the new server.

The Battle Pass cannot be used if the Battle Pass event has ended on the server you switched to.

Why is my power in Treasure Hunters different from the power displayed on my details screen? The strength displayed in the Treasure Hunters event is the strength of the troops used to match opponents, not the overall strength of the player.

Why can’t I reset the difficulty level in Rhineland Exercise? Players select the difficulty level prior to the start of the Rhineland exercise. The higher the difficulty level, the richer the rewards will be. Only one difficulty level can be selected for each exercise. After choosing the difficulty level, you cannot change it.

After participating in three battles, why are some of my bonuses not showing up in the battle reports for the other two battles? For battles taking place at the same time, bonuses will be displayed in the same battle report.

Why wasn’t I given a War Horn reward? War Horn rewards include:

Why isn’t the fuel automatically regenerated in Operation Falcon? During the event, one unit of fuel is restored every 10 minutes, with a daily limit of 20 units. Once the limit is reached, the fuel is not restored.

Why isn’t the mission in the Kiss of Victory event being updated? This event will last 8 days. During the first 5 days of the event, 3 side effects will be unlocked. During the first 7 days, the commander will be able to receive rewards by completing tasks in side actions. On the 8th day of the event, commanders will no longer be able to complete tasks, but will be able to receive additional treasure chests as a reward.

Why can’t I choose a harder level? After completing the low difficulty levels, you can unlock and take part in the higher difficulty levels.

Kiss of War: Walkthrough Challenge God of War

Registration requirements. The top 20 guilds on the server (by overall strength rating) can be registered by the guild leader and officials. Players who joined the guild after registration will not be included in the membership and will not be able to receive rewards for playing in the "Call of the God of War".

The difference between main forces and reserves. The maximum number of participants is 20 people. If the main forces are insufficient, a reserve may appear on the battlefield. The main forces can enter the battlefield 3 minutes before the start of the battle, while the reserve must wait for the start of the battle. If at the beginning of the battle the main forces have less than 20 players, the reserve can enter the battlefield instead of the missing participants. (Everything is done in turn.)

If the main forces do not enter the battlefield in time, they can be replaced. The Battle Banners of the God of War cannot be escorted to your base or those of your guildmates. In this case, the number of points will be increased, and the battle banner of the God of War will be returned to the Hall of the God of War.

Rules for awards. There are 3 types of awards:

Kiss of War: Shopping & Subscriptions

I purchased a pop-up package, but my progress on the Path of Glory has not been updated. Why? In the event, additional rewards can be obtained after the amount of purchased gold reaches a certain value. However, you should note that packages are not counted in the progress of an event in the following situations:

If I purchase a package by accident, can I return it? Once purchased, the package cannot be returned. Confirm before buying.

How do I get the packages? Tap the Shop icon in the upper right corner to purchase the packages you need.

How do I get rewards after purchasing a weekly / monthly subscription? After purchasing a weekly / monthly subscription, you must switch and receive your rewards every day, otherwise the gold / items will not be sent automatically. Day 1 rewards will be mailed. The player does not need to navigate to receive them.

Kiss of War: Account and Settings

How do I set up game notifications? Tap the avatar frame in the upper left corner of the main interface, then tap Settings - General. Select the notifications you want to enable / disable from the dropdown menu.

How do I use a different image as my avatar? Link your account to your Facebook account. After successfully linking, you can use your Facebook avatar as your game avatar.

How do I change my country? Tap the avatar in the upper left corner of the game screen. On the Commander Information page, touch the Switch button next to the Country option to go to the Change Country page. Please note that this page is used every time you change country. You can buy it in the shop or in the guild shop.

How do I get a verification code? Follow the official Kiss of War Facebook account. The confirmation code will be published in subsequent events.

Can I link two accounts on the same device to two different Facebook / Google accounts? No. Currently, only one account can be linked to a playable character. After choosing an account for linking, all game characters on the device will be linked to this account.

How do I change my account? Click on the Commander’s avatar - Settings - Account - Change account, then select your Facebook account, then go to Facebook to change.

How do I unlink my account? Each account can be unlinked only 3 times and you can apply for unlinking only once every 180 days. If you are sure you want to unlink your account, tap Settings - Communication - Contact Support and provide the following information:

  1. Registered device model and account registration time.
  2. Guild name.
  3. If your account is a paid account, please provide at least 2 recent screenshots of payments for 2 different months (if there was only 1 purchase, please provide a screenshot for this payment). After the information has been verified, your account will be unlinked as soon as possible.

How do I link a guest account? Click on the Commander’s avatar - Settings - Account - Link and log in to your Facebook to complete the link. Currently, the game can only be linked to Facebook.

I get an error when entering the game, why? This usually happens due to network connection failures. Switch to a more stable and secure network (Wi-Fi / 3G / 4G).

How do I change my account password? The game currently only supports linking to Facebook and Google. The password can be changed through your Facebook and Google account.

How do I find my server ID? Tap the avatar in the upper left corner of the game screen and select the Settings - Character option, after which you can find out your server ID.

How do I find my commander’s ID? Tap the avatar in the upper left corner of the game screen. On the Commander Information page, you can see your Commander’s ID.

How do I change the server? How can I change the server to the one on which my friend is playing? Tap the avatar frame in the upper left corner of the main interface, then tap Settings - Character - Create a character, then select the zone you want to go to.

Why am I only seeing 20 entries in my private chat history? Currently, the private chat feature does not support displaying later messages. A maximum of 20 messages are stored and displayed.

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